Birds that start with T! Birds name in English are very important for all levels of English Learners. In this lesson you will learn all the birds name starting with letter T.
The toucan is a tropical bird that is found in Central and South America. These birds are known for their large beaks, which can be up to half the size of their bodies. Toucans are fruit eaters and use their long beaks to reach the fruit in the trees.
The turkey is a large bird that is found in North America. Turkeys are best known for being eaten at Thanksgiving, but these birds can also be found in the wild. Turkeys are omnivores and eat both plants and animals.
The titi monkey is a small monkey that is found in South America. These monkeys live in groups of up to 20 individuals and are active during the day. Titi monkeys are mainly herbivores, but will also eat insects on occasion.
Birds That Start With T
- Trogon
- Thicket Antpitta
- Takahe
- Tawny-Shouldered Blackbird
- Tawny Eagle
- Tractrac Chat
- Toucans
- Tibetan Babax
- Tizzy
Read Also: Birds That Start with S
- Turca
- Tanager, Crimson-Backed
- Timberline Sparrow
- True Sparrow
- Timor White-Eye
- Treerunner
- Tawny Owl
- Two-Banded Plover
- Thamnomanes Saturninus
- Tomtit
- Tern, Inca
- Tufted Duck
- Terns
- Tawny-Crowned Pygmy-Tyrant
- Tomahawk
- Touracos
- Tiger Shrike
- Thick-Billed Cuckoo
- Tickell’s Leaf-Warbler
- Tweeter
- Turner’s Eremomela
- Tern, Common
- Tit-Tyrant, Tufted
- Tundra Swan
- Teal, Silver
- Toucan
- Tody-Motmot
- Tanager, Summer
- Tawny Pipit
- Tailorbird
- Tachira Antpitta
- Tiki
- Tawny Lark
- Trudeau’s Tern
- Tiny Sunbird
- Tawny Antpitta
- Tahnee
- Tahiti Rail
- Tern, South American
- Tristram’s Bunting
- Tambourine Dove
Birds Starting With T
- Taita Falcon
- Thrush Nightingale
- Tullberg’s Woodpecker
- Trogon, Collared
- Tyrus
- Thrush Babbler
- Tepui Wren
- Tootsie
- Tchahra
- Tesia
- Thrush, Great
- Tawny Piculet
- Tawny-Faced Quail
- Tibetan Serin
- Tiara
- Tahiti Flycatcher
- Tolima Dove
- Trogon, Masked
- Tricolored Blackbird
- Traill’s Flycatcher
- Tattler
- Timothy
- Tope
- Tanager, Plain-Coloured
- Trilling Cisticola
- Tit, Eurasian Blue
- Tawny-Collared Nightjar
- Tarah
- Trumpeter
- Tuamotu Reed Warbler
- Thekla Lark
- Tufted Coquette
- Tropicbird
- Tawny-Flanked Prinia
- Turkey
- Tree Pipit
- Torrent Duck
- Truk Monarch
- Tawny Fish-Owl
- Twite
- Tawny Straightbill
- Toto
- Tapaculo, White-Throated
- Topaz
- Taveta Golden Weaver
- Torrent-Lark
- Tyrant, Spectacled
- Tit, Long-Tailed
- Thrush, Austral
- Tarictic Hornbill
- Tacarcuna Wood-Quail
- Tyrian Metaltail
- Tengmalm’s Owl
- Turati’s Boubou
- Three-Banded Warbler
- Tobie
- Thick-Billed Raven
- Thick- Knee
- Townsend’s Warbler
- Tern, Arctic
- Tanager, Grass-Green
- Troupial
- Tit, Varied
- Tia
- Thornbill
- Treecreeper
- Thrushes
- Taita Apalis
Birds That Begin With T
- Twinspot Indigobird
- Tufted Puffin
- Turnstone, Ruddy
- Tree Swallow
- Thamnornis
- Trumpeter Swan
- Tui
- Tooth-Billed Wren
- Trista
- Tawny-Breasted Flycatcher
- Tragopan
- Terpsichore
- Towhee
- Troy
- Talaud Kingfisher
- Thrush, Song
- Tinamou
- Taita Fiscal
- Thumb_Myrsnipe
- Taliabu Owl
- Thundertoes
- Teal, Blue-Winged
- Thick-Billed Lark
- Tern, Royal
- Tityra
- Thick-Billed Miner
- Tawny-Tufted Toucanet
- Tepui Brush-Finch
- Thick-Billed Seedeater
- Trumpeters
- Trilling tapaculo
- Teita Apalis
- Tapaculo
- Torresian Crow
Birds Beginning With T
- Tepui Parrotlet
- Turaco
- Treeswift
- Tahlia
- Turtle Dove
- Tit-Hylia
- Turkestan Tit
- Timor Bush-Warbler
- Tweet
- Tahiti Petrel
- Tui Parakeet
- Tyrant
- Tori
- Taiwan Partridge
- Tepui Tinamou
- Tacazze Sunbird
- Tern, Angel
- Toast
- Tiera
- Tit
- Tricolored Heron
- Trinidad Thrasher
- Tepui Greenlet
- Tyler
- Tuffy
- Twig
- Trent
- Timor Leaf Warbler
- Thisbe
- Tit-Like Dacnis
- Tityra, Masked
- Turkey Vulture
- Toucanet, Emerald
- Tanager, Palm
- Tanager, Silver-Beaked
- Tropicbird, White-Tailed
- Tink
- Thrush
- Tinamou, Great
- Three-Toed Parrotbill
- Tufted Tit-Spinetail
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