Verb Collocations List (Download PDF)

Discover a comprehensive Verb Collocations List, available for download in PDF format. Unlock the power of precise language usage by exploring this invaluable resource. Enhance your communication skills and boost your writing proficiency with this essential tool at your fingertips. Download now and elevate your language mastery.

What is a Collocation?

collocation is made up of two or more words that are commonly used together in English. A collocation is a very useful term in English grammar.

List of Common collocations in English

A collocation is a linguistic phenomenon where certain words or phrases habitually occur together in a language due to established patterns and natural usage. These combinations often have a mutual, inherent sense of compatibility and are considered customary in speech and writing.

Collocations can involve verbs, nouns, adjectives, and other parts of speech, making language sound more natural and idiomatic when used appropriately.

For example, in English, we commonly say “strong coffee” instead of “powerful coffee” because “strong” naturally collocates with “coffee.”

Understanding and using collocations correctly is essential for fluent and accurate language usage, contributing to effective communication and native-like fluency.

Download this list at the end of this post in PDF format.

Verb Collocations

Collocation with Go

  • Go bankrupt
  • Go astray
  • Go bad
  • Go bald
  • Go mad/angry
  • Go finishing
  • Go insane (idiom)
  • Go crazy
  • Go blind
  • Go deaf
  • Go to the beach/to the movie
  • Go overseas
  • Go out of business
  • Go quiet
  • Go sailing
  • Go on a picnic
  • Go abroad
  • Go on a date
  • Go smoothly
  • Go missing
  • Go to war
  • Go online
  • Go on foot
  • Out of fashion

Also Check: List of 250+ Adverbs

Collocation with Get

  • Get a ticket
  • Get hot (ter)
  • Get nowhere
  • Get a/the right
  • Get into trouble
  • Get home (arrive)
  • Get lost
  • Get married
  • Get good/top/bad marks
  • Get getting dark
  • Get frightened
  • Get ready for
  • Get permission
  • Get pregnant
  • Get one’s hair cut
  • Get old
  • Get out of breath
  • Get fired
  • Get enthusiastic
  • Get dark
  • Get changed (change clothes)
  • Get cool
  • Get angry
  • Get a tan
  • Get a splitting headache
  • Get a shock
  • Get a letter (receive)
  • Get a job
  • Get a joke
  • Get upset
  • Get the ticket (buy)
  • Get the sack
  • Get tired
  • Get a chance
  • Get a degree/ a diploma
  • Get a cold
  • Get a clue
  • Get to sleep
  • Get a call
  • Get divorced
  • Get stuck in a traffic jam
  • Get hungry
  • Get started
  • Get together
  • Get sleep
  • Get dressed/ undressed
  • Get wet
  • Get the message
  • Get the impression
  • Get worried
  • Get drunk

Collocation with Keep

  • Keep someone’s place
  • Keep in touch
  • Keep control
  • Keep quiet
  • Keep records
  • Keep a secret
  • Keep a promise
  • Keep score
  • Keep a diary
  • Keep the change
  • Keep calm
  • Keep an appointment
  • Keep your balance

Collocation with Take

  • Take a look
  • Take advantage (of)
  • Take care
  • Take a message
  • Take ages
  • Take action
  • Take an exam/ a test/ a course
  • Take an opportunity
  • Take a while/ a minute/ five minutes
  • Take a test
  • Take a taxi/bus/train/plane
  • Take medicine
  • Take exercise
  • Take hostage
  • Take charge
  • Take care of
  • Take drugs
  • Take a step
  • Take a shower (have)
  • Take a picture
  • Take a number
  • Take a photo/ a photograph
  • Take a nap
  • Take a lesson
  • Take a holiday
  • Take a decision (make)
  • Take a class
  • Take a call
  • Take a chance
  • Take turns
  • Take sb’s place
  • Take prisoner
  • Take someone’s temperature
  • Take (sb’s) temperature
  • Take a break
  • Take a bow
  • Take a bite
  • Take time
  • Take (sb) to court
  • Take a rest
  • Take part
  • Take advice
  • Take notice
  • Take time of
  • Take notes
  • Take a risk
  • Take up space
  • Take pride in
  • Take place
  • Take your time
  • Take a seat

Collocation with Do

  • Do a good/great/terrible job
  • Do nothing
  • Do sums
  • Do a report
  • Do someone a favour
  • Do laundry
  • Do something right
  • Do something wrong
  • Do homework
  • Do harm
  • Do gymnastics
  • Do the math
  • Do the housework
  • Do the ironing
  • Do the cooking
  • Do the cleaning
  • Do the dishes
  • Do good
  • Do experiments
  • Do business
  • Do badly
  • Do better
  • Do anything/something/everything
  • Do a favour
  • Do a deal
  • Do a course
  • Do your makeup
  • Do work
  • Do well
  • Do your best
  • Do your duty
  • Do crosswords
  • Do the right thing
  • Do research
  • Do the paperwork
  • Do Your hair
  • Do the minimum
  • Do damage
  • Do your nails
  • Do the washing up
  • Do the shopping
  • The maximum
  • Do exercise

Collocation with Give

  • Give a headache
  • Give an answer
  • Give a lecture or speech or performance
  • Give a hand
  • Give a ride
  • Give advice
  • Give a damn
  • Give a choice
  • Give a chance
  • Give evidence
  • Give birth
  • Give credit
  • Give an idea
  • Give an example
  • Give an opinion
  • Give a call (a ring, a buzz)
  • Give up
  • Give sb a lift
  • Give sb a chance
  • Give sth a go
  • Give the impression
  • Give priority
  • Give a hug or kiss
  • Give permission
  • Give thought (to)
  • Give notice
  • Give up hope
  • Give sb a call
  • Give rise to
  • Give way

Collocation with Catch

  • Catch a bus/ a train
  • Catch (on) fire
  • Catch a ball
  • Catch the flu
  • Catch sight of
  • Catch a whiff
  • Catch someone Red-Handed
  • Catch someone’s attention
  • Catch a cold
  • Catch a cold
  • Catch someone’s eye
  • Catch a chill
  • Catch you Later!
  • Catch a thief
  • Catch a glimpse
  • Catch your breath

Collocation with Come

  • Come first
  • Come close
  • Come complete with
  • Come early
  • Come right back
  • Come on time
  • Come prepared
  • Come last
  • Come into view
  • Come late
  • Come to terms with
  • Come to an agreement
  • Come to a stop
  • Come to an end
  • Come to life
  • Come to a decision
  • Come clean about
  • Come to a conclusion
  • Come to sb’s rescue
  • Come to a compromise
  • Come under attack
  • Come to a stand still (idiom)
  • Come to a realization
  • Come up with

Must Read: List of Adverbs that ends in -LY

Collocation with Have

  • Have a workout
  • Have an interview
  • Have a fight
  • Have food
  • Have a doubt
  • Have breakfast/lunch/dinner
  • Have an idea
  • Have difficulty
  • Have faith
  • Have an ice-cream
  • Have an experience
  • Have an excuse
  • Have room
  • Have patience
  • Have rest
  • Have no education
  • Have a depression/etc
  • Have a discussion
  • Have fun/a good time
  • Have no fear
  • Have a bath
  • Have an exam
  • Have a rest
  • Have a stretch
  • Have an event
  • Have a snooze
  • Have a snack
  • Have an appointment with
  • Have access (to)
  • Have an accident
  • Have a chance
  • Have a think
  • Have a word
  • Have a day off
  • Have a competition
  • Have a bite
  • Have a bad temper
  • Have a cup of tea/ coffee
  • Have a break
  • Have a dance
  • Have a wish
  • Have a wash
  • Have a cold
  • Have a game
  • Have a walk
  • Have a backache
  • Have a touch
  • Have a relationship
  • Have a try
  • Have trouble
  • Have success
  • Have soul
  • Have sympathy
  • Have a holiday
  • Have a problem
  • Have a swim
  • Have a temperature
  • Have a taste
  • Have a talk
  • Have the chance (to)
  • Have a confrontation
  • Have a stroke
  • Have a bad fall
  • Have a jacuzzi
  • Have a jog
  • Have an argument
  • Have a listen
  • Have a laugh
  • Have a lecture
  • Have skills
  • Have a night mare
  • Have a good time
  • Have a great weekend
  • Have a haircut
  • Have a good/nice/etc day!
  • Have a dispute
  • Have a nap
  • Have a moment
  • Have a meeting
  • Have an opportunity
  • Have a smell
  • Have a dream
  • Have sex
  • Have a meal
  • Have a massage
  • Have a look
  • Have a career/a goal
  • Have a busy day
  • Have a business trip
  • Have a go
  • Have a glass of wine
  • Have a hard time
  • Have time
  • Have a baby
  • Have a birthday
  • Have a party/concert
  • Have a goal
  • Have a passion for
  • Have a drill
  • Have a conversation/chat
  • Have self-esteem
  • Have an effect (on)
  • Have a headache
  • Have a quarrel
  • Have work
  • Have a safe journey
  • Have a chat
  • Have a sandwich
  • Have a shower
  • Have a fit
  • Have a salad
  • Have a shave
  • Have a scrub
  • Have a ride
  • Have a lesson
  • Have a lie down
  • Have a lisp
  • Have a limp
  • Have something to eat
  • Have some sugar/ milk
  • Have a right
  • Have a run
  • Have a plan
  • Have a feeling
  • Have a drink
  • Have an energy bar

Collocation with Ask

  • Ask if/ whether
  • Ask after somebody
  • Ask about
  • Ask for advice
  • Ask for directions
  • Ask for something
  • Ask permission
  • Ask a question
  • Ask a favor
  • Ask sb out

Also Check: List of Adverbs that dont ends in _LY

Collocation with Make

  • Make an effort
  • Make food
  • Make money
  • Make an enquiry
  • Make fun of someone
  • Make ends meet
  • Make furniture
  • Make love
  • Make contact
  • Make coffee
  • Make changes
  • Make progress
  • Make peace
  • Make plans
  • Make one’s bow
  • Make noise
  • Make one’s own way back
  • Make breakfast/lunch/dinner
  • Make a profit
  • Make a suggestion
  • Make believe
  • Make a statement
  • Make a speech
  • Make an objection
  • Make an excuse
  • Make an impression
  • Make an exception
  • Make an effort
  • Make an attempt
  • Make an arrangement
  • Make a bed
  • Make an appointment
  • Make an allusion
  • Make a presentation
  • Make an appearance
  • Make up
  • Make the bed
  • Make sure
  • Make time
  • Make a cup of tea
  • Make a point
  • Make a tea
  • Make an agreement
  • Make amends
  • Make a threat
  • Make tracks
  • Make a takeover bid
  • Make a deal
  • Make a decision
  • Make an observation
  • Make a fuss
  • Make a difference
  • Make a discovery
  • Make sense
  • Make a move
  • Make a call
  • Make a comment
  • Make a complaint
  • Make a choice
  • Make a mistake
  • Make a mess
  • Make a living
  • Make friends
  • Make a sound
  • Make sb feel sth
  • Make a list
  • Make a joke
  • Make a habit
  • Make a bundle (idiom)
  • Make a break with somebody
  • Make a confession/an admission
  • Make trouble
  • Make a note (of)
  • Make a cake
  • Make a pass at
  • Make room
  • Make an offer
  • Make a contract
  • Make a prediction
  • Make up your mind
  • Make a reservation
  • Make a salad
  • Make a snack
  • Make a rude gesture
  • Make your bed
  • Make a sandwich
  • Make a sales call
  • Make a promise
  • Make a dress
  • Make a fire
  • Make a fortune
  • Make a fool of yourself
  • Make sth easy
  • Make someone angry/mad/happy/sad
  • Make a recovery
  • Make a remark
  • Make a phone call
  • Make war
  • Make arrangements

Collocation with Break

  • Break a leg
  • Break a code
  • Break a habit
  • Break a law
  • Break ground
  • Break even
  • Break free
  • Break a record
  • Break a promise
  • Break a window
  • Break the silence
  • Break the ice
  • Break the bank
  • Break the mold
  • Break the news to someone
  • Break news
  • Break a bone/ your arm
  • Break new ground
  • Break the rules
  • Break loose
  • Break the spell
  • Break someone’s heart
  • Break one’s fall
  • Break wind

Collocation with Save

  • Save space
  • Save one’s strength
  • Save money
  • Save someone a seat
  • Save someone’s life
  • Save electricity
  • Save something
  • Save time
  • Save lives
  • Save energy
  • Save yourself the trouble

Also check: List of Adverbs of Manner

Collocation with Pay

  • Pay one’s respects
  • Pay attention
  • Pay a visit
  • Pay by credit card
  • Pay cash
  • Pay interest
  • Pay someone a compliment
  • Pay a fine
  • Pay a bill
  • Pay someone a visit

Noun + Verb collocation

  • Bear a resemblance (to sb/sth)
  • Call in sick
  • Serve a purpose
  • Stand trial
  • Offer condolences
  • Cast a vote
  • Turn around
  • Beat a record
  • Serve interests
  • Call the police
  • Strike a balance
  • Call attention to
  • Stall for time
  • Know the score
  • Carry weight
  • Take time off
  • Cast a spell
  • Turn a corner
  • Call an election
  • Spend your life
  • Call a strike
  • Spend time
  • Call a name
  • Solve a problem
  • Claim responsibility
  • Eke out a living
  • Wage war
  • Hold a referendum
  • Change the subject
  • Hurt sb’s feelings
  • Vote against
  • Change your mind
  • Follow advice
  • Vote for
  • Cause trouble
  • Undergo treatment
  • Miss a flight
  • Miss a goal
  • Cast doubt
  • Undergo surgery
  • Change course
  • Use sb’s phone
  • Lose a game
  • Call a meeting
  • Solve a crime
  • Raise questions
  • Join the army
  • Follow directions
  • Admit defeat
  • Return a call
  • Bring to justice
  • Set menu
  • Achieve a goal
  • Retain control
  • Accept responsibility
  • Restore order
  • Boost morale
  • Set a standard
  • Blow your nose
  • Set a goal
  • Book a flight
  • Set a record
  • Lose weight
  • Beat to death
  • Set a date
  • Balance a budget
  • Fight a fire
  • See reason
  • Fill a gap
  • Kill time
  • Meet with approval
  • Love dearly
  • Lose control
  • Live at home
  • Meet a target
  • Lose faith
  • Lead the world
  • Meet opposition
  • Attract sb’s attention
  • Score a goal
  • Attract attention
  • Scare tactic
  • Lose your temper
  • Open an account
  • Apply for a job
  • Satisfy demand
  • Leave school
  • Answer the door
  • Hold an inquiry
  • Satisfy a need
  • Raise money
  • Answer the phone
  • Fill in a form
  • Satisfy a requirement
  • Lead the field
  • Lead the way
  • Lay the groundwork
  • Express concern
  • Leave a message
  • Fire a shot
  • Doesn’t matter
  • Hold office
  • Win an election
  • Cross sb’s mind
  • Wave goodbye
  • Cover costs
  • Watch your weight
  • Cut costs
  • Hold sb prisoner
  • Win a game
  • Fight corruption
  • Pass the time
  • Raise doubts
  • Hold talks
  • Answer a letter
  • Return home
  • Answer an advertisement
  • Safety net
  • Answer a question
  • Run the risk of
  • Answer a prayer
  • Run a business
  • Face the fact(s)
  • Declare war
  • Face a challenge
  • Win a war
  • Join a club
  • Issue a permit
  • Join forces
  • Meet a need
  • Against the law
  • Return fire
  • Light a fire
  • Pick your nose
  • Place an order
  • Bring about change
  • Set a table
  • Push a button
  • Play a part
  • Play music
  • Conduct research
  • Waste an opportunity
  • Quit a job
  • Owe an explanation
  • Part company
  • Pass (the) time
  • Pack a suitcase
  • Miss an opportunity
  • Enter politics
  • Put up your hand
  • Put up wages
  • Hold an election
  • Put up prices
  • Call sb names
  • Stay awake
  • Follow a pattern
  • Accept an invitation
  • Restore confidence
  • Express interest (in)
  • Obey an order
  • Commit suicide
  • Warm welcome
  • Put out a fire
  • Put out a cigarette
  • Put on weight
  • Kick a goal
  • Lose money
  • Lose interest
  • Lose hope
  • Open fire
  • Open an investigation
  • Jump to a conclusion
  • Pass a law
  • Lead to believe
  • Deliver a baby
  • Win an award
  • Leading role
  • Leave home
  • Lose a job
  • Fail miserably
  • Quit drinking
  • Owe an apology
  • Quit smoking
  • Offer a job
  • Meet a standard
  • Hold sb hostage
  • Exceed expectations
  • Close the gap
  • Wait your turn
  • Bring attention to
  • Set an alarm
  • Pass a test
  • Raise hopes
  • Drop the subject
  • Follow instructions
  • Worth a fortune
  • Find time
  • Reach a verdict
  • Lose your life
  • Abuse drugs
  • Read aloud
  • Accept an apology
  • Enter a plea
  • Resort to violence
  • Offer your services
  • Reach an agreement
  • Accept a challenge
  • Repair damage
  • Accept (a) defeat
  • Regain control
  • Raise taxes
  • Pose a risk
  • Pose a threat
  • Hold hands
  • Fall in love
  • Pull a muscle
  • Press a key
  • Cost a fortune
  • Waste time
  • Consider a possibility
  • Waste money
  • Gain access
  • Raise your voice
  • Rapid growth
  • Raise a family
  • Fight a war
  • Impose conditions
  • Impose restrictions
  • Impose sanctions
  • Offer an explanation
  • Earn a living
  • Extend a deadline
  • Yield results
  • Bring to an end
  • Set fire to | set on fire


Download List of Collocations in English PDF (Download Here)

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Verb Collocations, Go, Take, Get, Come

common collocation in english

common collocation in english

Common Collocations List in English

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