Welcome to our fun learning space! Today, we’re going to explore 10 wonderful fruits and learn their names in English. This will help you grow your vocabulary and recognize these tasty treats. Whether you’re just starting to learn English or looking to polish your skills, this simple guide is for you.
List of Fruits Name
- Watermelon
- Cherry
- Strawberry
- Nectarine
- Blueberry
- Pomegranate
- Raspberry
- Mandarin
- Jackfruit
- Papaya
Fruits Name, Definition, and Examples
- Watermelon
Watermelon is full of water and is of a rounded shape.
Example: I can eat two watermelons alone.
- Cherry
It is a small-sized fruit and is very yummy to eat.
Example: I love to eat cherry in the morning.
- Strawberry
It is red colored heart shape fruit that is a bit sour and sweet. Its shake is very yummy.
Example: I bought two kg of strawberries to eat.
- Nectarine
It is a peach of variety with smooth, yellow, and red skin.
Example: The baby likes to eat nectarine.
- Blueberry
It is blue colored fruit which is very beneficial to maintain the health of bones. It contains magnesium, zinc Sulphur, etc.
Example: We ate blueberries and then played a lot.
- Pomegranate
The pomegranate is a tough spherical golden orange fruit that contains a lot of sweet and sour flesh grains that are very yummy to eat.
Example: She wanted to buy some pomegranates.
- Raspberry
The raspberry is a very soft fruit and its color is red when ripe and very sweet to eat. It has its taste.
Example: We enjoyed ourselves a lot and ate raspberries in the garden.
- Mandarin
It is orange and shines like the sun that’s why called Mandarin. It is very fleshy and full of watered
Example: In the street, we ate a lot of mandarins.
- Jackfruit
It is the species of tree in the fig, breadfruit, and mulberry family. It is also known as the jack tree.
Example: We distributed jackfruits among children.
- Papaya
The pawpaw, papaw, or papaya is the plant Carica papaya, one of the 22 accepted species in the genus Carica of the family Caricaceae. It can be used as a salad.
We planted papaya and some other fruits.
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