1100+ List of Nouns in English
What is Noun?
The name of a person place or thing is known as noun. For example: New York, book, dog, Ali etc.
What is Proper Noun?
The name of a particular person, place or thing is known as the proper noun. The proper nouns start with capital letters. For example: “Japan”, “Amazon” and Ali are the proper nouns.
What is common noun?
The name of non-specific person, place or thing is known as the common noun. For example: cat, stick, glass and tree are the examples of common nouns.
List of Nouns in English A to Z
List of nouns with A
- Ability
- Accenture
- Access
- Accident
- Account
- Act
- Action
- Activity
- Actor
- Addition
- Address
- Adidas
- Administration
- Advantage
- Advertising
- Advice
- Affair
- Afghanistan
- Agatha Christie
- Age
- Agency
- Agreement
- Air
- Airport
- Albania
- Alcohol
- Aldan
- Alex
- Algeria
- Allianz
- Amazon
- Ambition
- American Express
- Amount
- Amu Darya
- Anadyr
- Analysis
- Analyst
- Andorra
- Angola
- Animal
- Answer
- Anxiety
- Apartment
- Appearance
- Apple
- Application
- Appointment
- April
- Araguaia
- Area
- Argentina
- Argument
- Arkansas
- Armenia
- Army
- Arrival
- Art
- Article
- Asia
- Aspect
- Assignment
- Assistance
- Assistant
- Association
- Assumption
- Athabasca
- Atlantic Ocean
- Atmosphere
- Attempt
- Attention
- Attitude
- Audi
- Audience
- Aunt
- Australia
- Austria
- Austrian Empire*
- Average
- Awareness
- Azerbaijan
List of nouns with B, C
- Back
- Bad
- Baden*
- Bahamas, The
- Bahrain
- Balance
- Ball
- Bangladesh
- Bank
- Barbados
- Baseball
- Basis
- Basket
- Bath
- Bathroom
- Bavaria*
- Bedroom
- Beer
- Beginning
- Belarus
- Belaya
- Belgium
- Belize
- Benefit
- Beni
- Benue
- Berlin Wall
- Bermejo
- Bird
- Birth
- Birthday
- Bit
- Blood
- Blue Nile
- Board
- Boat
- Body
- Bolivia
- Bonus
- Book
- Boss
- Botswana
- Bottom
- Box
- Boy
- Boyfriend
- Brahmaputra
- Brazil
- Brazos
- Bread
- Breath
- Brother
- Brunei
- Budweiser
- Building
- Bulgaria
- Burger King
- Burma
- Burundi
- Bus
- Business
- Buyer
- Cabinet
- Cabo Verde
- Cadillac
- Cambodia
- Camera
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Canadian
- Cancer
- Candidate
- Canon
- Capital
- Car
- Card
- Care
- Career
- Case
- Cash
- Cat
- Category
- Cause
- Celebration
- Cell
- Central Park Zoo
- Chad
- Championship
- Chance
- Chapter
- Charity
- Cheek
- Chemistry
- Chenab
- Chest
- Chicken
- Child
- Childhood
- Chile
- China
- Chindwin
- Chocolate
- Choice
- Church
- Churchill
- Cigarette
- Cimarron
- Cisco
- Citi
- City
- Class
- Classroom
- Client
- Climate
- Clothes
- Coast
- Coca-Cola
- Coffee
- Colgate
- Collection
- College
- Colombia
- Colorado
- Combination
- Committee
- Communication
- Community
- Company
- Comparison
- Competition
- Complaint
- Computer
- Concept
- Conclusion
- Condition
- Confusion
- Connection
- Consequence
- Construction
- Contact
- Context
- Contract
- Contribution
- Control
- Conversation
- Cookie
- Country
- County
- Courage
- Course
- Cousin
- Craft
- Credit
- Cristiano Ronaldo
- Criticism
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Culture
- Currency
- Customer
- Cyprus
- Czechia
- Czechoslovakia
List of nouns with D, E, F
- Dad
- Daily News
- Daniel
- Danone
- Danube
- Data
- Database
- Date
- Daugava
- Day
- Deadpool
- Dealer
- Death
- Debt
- December
- Decision
- Definition
- Delivery
- Demand
- Denmark
- Department
- Departure
- Depression
- Depth
- Description
- Design
- Desk
- Development
- Device
- Diamond
- Difference
- Difficulty
- Dinner
- Direction
- Director
- Dirt
- Disaster
- Discipline
- Discussion
- Disease
- Disk
- Disney
- Distribution
- Djibouti
- Dnieper
- Dniester
- Doctor Norris
- Dog
- Dolli Crown
- Dolphins
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- Don
- Donets
- Dr. Morgan
- Drama
- Drawer
- Drawing
- Driver
- Duchy of Parma,
- Ear
- Earl Grey
- Earth
- Ebay
- Economics
- Economy
- Ecuador
- Editor
- Education
- Effect
- Efficiency
- Effort
- Egg
- Egypt
- Eiffel Tower
- El Salvador
- Elbe
- Election
- Elevator
- Emotion
- Emphasis
- Empire State
- Employee
- Employer
- Employment
- End
- Energy
- Engine
- Entertainment
- Enthusiasm
- Entry
- Environment
- Equatorial Guinea
- Equipment
- Eritrea
- Error
- Essequibo
- Establishment
- Estate
- Estonia
- Eswatini
- Ethiopia
- Event
- Exam
- Examination
- Example
- Exchange
- Excitement
- Exercise
- Experience
- Explanation
- Expression
- Extent
- Eye
- Face
- Fact
- Failure
- Family
- Farmer
- Fat
- Feature
- Feedback
- Ferrari
- Field
- Figure
- Fiji
- Film
- Finding
- Finland
- Fire
- Fish
- Flight
- Florida
- Fly
- Focus
- Food
- Football
- Force
- Ford
- Form
- Fortune
- Foundation
- Frame
- Fran
- France
- Fraser
- Freedom
- Friendship
- Fun
- Funeral
- Future
List of nouns in English with G, H, I
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Game
- Ganges
- Garbage
- Garden
- Gate
- GE
- Gene
- George
- George Hagi
- Georgia
- Germany
- Ghana
- Gift
- Gila
- Gillette
- Girl
- Girlfriend
- Goal
- Godavari
- Goldman Sachs
- Government
- Grande
- Grandmother
- Greece
- Green
- Grenada
- Grocery
- Group
- Growth
- Guaporé
- Guatemala
- Guaviare
- Gucci
- Guest
- Guidance
- Guide
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guitar
- Guyana
- H&M
- Hair
- Haiti
- Half
- Hall
- Han
- Hand
- Hanover*
- Hat
- Hawaii*
- Head
- Health
- Hearing
- Heart
- Heat
- Heidi
- Height
- Helmand
- Herman Miller
- Hermès
- Hesse*
- Highway
- Himalayas
- Historian
- History
- Holy See
- Home
- Homework
- Honda
- Honduras
- Honey
- Hope
- Hospital
- Hotel
- House
- Housing
- HP
- Huallaga
- Hugh Jackman
- Hungary
- Hyundai
- Içá
- Ice
- Iceland
- Idea
- Iguaçu
- Ili
- Image
- Imagination
- Impact
- Importance
- Impression
- Improvement
- Income
- Independence
- India
- Indication
- Indigirka
- Indonesia
- Industry
- Inflation
- Information
- Initiative
- Injury
- Insect
- Inside
- Inspection
- Inspector
- Instance
- Instruction
- Insurance
- Intel
- Intention
- Interaction
- Interest
- Internet
- Introduction
- Investment
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Iriri
- Ishim
- Israel
- Issue
- Italy
- Item
Words List of Nouns J, K, L
- J.P. Morgan
- Jamaica
- James
- Janet
- Japan
- Japurá
- Jennifer Lopez
- Jim
- Job
- Jordan
- Jubba
- Judaism
- Judgment
- Jupiter
- Juruá
- Juruena
- Kama
- Kapuas
- Kazakhstan
- Kellogg’s
- Kenya
- Key
- Khatanga
- Khoper
- Kind
- King
- Kiribati
- Knowledge
- Kolyma
- Korea
- Kosovo
- Krishna
- Kura
- Kuskokwim
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Lab
- Ladder
- Lady
- Lady Gaga
- Lake
- Lake Tahoe
- Language
- Laos
- Latvia
- Law
- Leader
- Leadership
- Lebanon
- Length
- Lesotho
- Level
- Liao
- Liard
- Liberia
- Library
- Libya
- Liechtenstein
- Life
- Light
- Limpopo
- Line
- Link
- List
- Leather
- Litmus
- Literature
- Lithuania
- Location
- Loire
- Lomami
- London
- L’Oréal
- Loss
- Louis Vuitton
- Love
- Lower Tunguska
- Luxembourg
List of Nouns with M, N, O
- Machine
- Madagascar
- Madre de Dios
- Madrid
- Magazine
- Magdalena
- Maintenance
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Mall
- Malta
- Man
- Management
- Manager
- Manufacturer
- Map
- Marañón
- Maria
- Market
- Marketing
- Marriage
- Marshall Islands
- Material
- Math
- Matter
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Maya
- Mcdonald’s
- Mcdonald’s
- Meal
- Meaning
- Measurement
- Meat
- Media
- Medicine
- Medium
- Member
- Membership
- Memorial Day
- Memory
- Menu
- Mercedes
- Mercedes-Benz
- Message
- Metal
- Method
- Mexico
- Micronesia
- Microsoft
- Midnight
- Mike Bebee
- Milk
- Mind
- Mixture
- Mode
- Model
- Moldova
- Mom
- Moment
- Monaco
- Monday
- Money
- Mongolia
- Montenegro
- Month
- Mood
- Morning
- Morocco
- Mount Everest
- Mouse
- Movie
- Mozambique
- Mt. Everest
- Mud
- Music
- Name
- Namibia
- Narmada
- Nassau*
- Nation
- Nature
- Nauru
- Negotiation
- Nen
- Nepal
- Nescafe
- Nestlé
- Netherlands, The
- Network
- New York
- New Zealand
- News
- Newspaper
- Nicaragua
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Nigerians
- Night
- Nike
- North Macedonia
- Norway
- Note
- Nothing
- Noyan
- Number
- Nurse Freeman
- Object
- Obligation
- Office
- Oil
- Oka
- Okavango
- Oldenburg*
- Olenyok
- Olyokma
- Oman
- Operation
- Opinion
- Opportunity
- Oracle
- Orange
- Order
- Oreo
- Organization
- Ottawa
- Outcome
- Outside
- Oven
- Owner
List of Nouns with P, Q, R, S
- Page
- Paint
- Painting
- Pakistan
- Palau
- Pampers
- Panama
- Papal States*
- Paper
- Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay
- Paris
- Part
- Passenger
- Passion
- Patience
- Payment
- Pechora
- Pecos
- Penalty
- Pennsylvania
- People
- Pepsi
- Pepsi-Cola
- Percentage
- Perception
- Performance
- Period
- Permission
- Person
- Personality
- Perspective
- Peru
- Philippines
- Philips
- Philosophy
- Phone
- Photo
- Physics
- Piano
- Picture
- Pie
- Piece
- Piedmont-Sardinia*
- Pilcomayo
- Pizza
- Pizza Hut
- Place
- Plan
- Platform
- Platte
- Player
- Poem
- Poet
- Poetry
- Point
- Poland
- Police
- Policy
- Politics
- Pollution
- Poppy
- Population
- Porsche
- Portugal
- Position
- Possession
- Possibility
- Post
- Pot
- Potato
- Power
- Practice
- Preference
- Preparation
- Presence
- Presentation
- President
- Pressure
- Price
- Priority
- Problem
- Procedure
- Process
- Product
- Profession
- Professor
- Profit
- Program
- Promotion
- Property
- Proposal
- Protection
- Psychology
- Purpose
- Qatar
- Quaker Oats
- Quality
- Quantity
- Queen
- Question
- Radamel Falcao
- Radio
- Range
- Rate
- Ratio
- Reaction
- Reality
- Reason
- Reception
- Recipe
- Recognition
- Recommendation
- Record
- Recording
- Reflection
- Refrigerator
- Region
- Relation
- Relationship
- Replacement
- Republic
- Republic of Genoa*
- Reputation
- Requirement
- Research
- Resolution
- Resource
- Response
- Responsibility
- Restaurant
- Result
- Revenue
- Review
- Revolution
- Rhine
- Río Grande
- Risk
- River
- Road
- Rock
- Rockledge
- Role
- Roman Catholic
- Romania
- Room
- Rule
- Russia
- Russian
- Rwanda
- Safety
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Saint Lucia
- Salad
- Salt
- Samoa
- Sample
- Samsung
- San Francisco
- San Marino
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Satisfaction
- Saudi Arabia
- Scale
- Scene
- Schaumburg-Lippe*
- School
- Science
- Screen
- Secretary
- Section
- Sector
- Security
- Selection
- Senegal
- Sense
- Sepik
- September
- Serbia
- Series
- Service
- Session
- Setting
- Seychelles
- Shape
- Share
- Shire
- Shirt
- Side
- Siemens
- Sierra Leone
- Sign
- Signature
- Significance
- Simon
- Singapore
- Singer
- Sir
- Sister
- Site
- Situation
- Size
- Skill
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Snake
- Society
- Software
- Soil
- Solomon Islands
- Solution
- Somalia
- Son
- Song
- Songhua
- Sony
- Sound
- Soup
- Source
- South Africa
- South Korea
- South Sudan
- Space
- Spain
- Speaker
- Speech
- Sport
- Square
- Sri Lanka
- Standard
- Star
- State
- Statement
- Steak
- Step
- Stock
- Stony Tunguska
- Storage
- Store
- Story
- Stranger
- Strategy
- Stress
- Structure
- Student
- Studio
- Study
- Style
- Subject
- Success
- Sudan
- Suggestion
- Sun
- Sunday
- Supermarket
- Surgery
- Suriname
- Sutlej
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Sydney
- Sympathy
- Syria
- System
List of Nouns with T, U, V
- Table
- Taco Palace
- Tagus
- Tajikistan
- Tale
- Tanzania
- Tapajós
- Task
- Tax
- Tea
- Teacher
- Technology
- Television
- Temperature
- Tennessee
- Tennis
- Tension
- Term
- Test
- Texas*
- Thailand
- Thanks
- The Godfather
- The President
- Theory
- Thing
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thought
- Throat
- Tietê
- Tigris
- Time
- Timor-Leste
- Titanic
- Tobol
- Tocantins
- Togo
- Tom
- Tonga
- Tongue
- Tool
- Tooth
- Top
- Topic
- Town
- Toyota
- Trade
- Tradition
- Trainer
- Training
- Transportation
- Tropicana
- Truth
- Tuesday
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Tuvalu
- Two
- Two Sicilies*
- Type
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Uncle
- Understanding
- Union
- Unit
- United Kingdom, The
- United Nations
- University
- Upper Mississippi
- Upper Ob
- Upper Yenisei
- Ural
- Uruguay
- Usain Bolt
- User
- Uzbekistan
- Vaal
- Value
- Van Gogh
- Vanuatu
- Variation
- Variety
- Vehicle
- Venezuela
- Version
- Video
- Vietnam
- View
- Village
- Vilyuy
- Virus
- Vistula
- Vitim
- Voice
- Volkswagen
- Volta
- Volume
- Vyatka
- Vychegda
List of Nouns with W, X, Y, Z
- War
- War and Peace
- Warburton
- Warning
- Water
- Way
- Weakness
- Wealth
- Weather
- Web
- Wedding
- Week
- While
- White
- White House
- Wife
- Wimbledon
- Wind
- Winner
- Woman
- Wood
- Word
- Work
- Worker
- World
- Writer
- Writing
- Württemberg*
- Yalong
- Yamuna
- Year
- Yellowstone
- Yemen
- Youth
- Zambezi
- Zambia
- Zara
- Zeya
- Zimbabwe
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