1100+ List of Nouns in English

1100+ List of Nouns in English

common nouns in english

What is Noun?

The name of a person place or thing is known as noun. For example: New York, book, dog, Ali etc.

What is Proper Noun?

The name of a particular person, place or thing is known as the proper noun. The proper nouns start with capital letters. For example: “Japan”, “Amazon” and Ali are the proper nouns.

What is common noun?

The name of non-specific person, place or thing is known as the common noun. For example: cat, stick, glass and tree are the examples of common nouns.

List of Nouns in English A to Z

List of nouns with A

  1. Ability
  2. Accenture
  3. Access
  4. Accident
  5. Account
  6. Act
  7. Action
  8. Activity
  9. Actor
  10. Addition
  11. Address
  12. Adidas
  13. Administration
  14. Advantage
  15. Advertising
  16. Advice
  17. Affair
  18. Afghanistan
  19. Agatha Christie
  20. Age
  21. Agency
  22. Agreement
  23. Air
  24. Airport
  25. Albania
  26. Alcohol
  27. Aldan
  28. Alex
  29. Algeria
  30. Allianz
  31. Amazon
  32. Ambition
  33. American Express
  34. Amount
  35. Amu Darya
  36. Anadyr
  37. Analysis
  38. Analyst
  39. Andorra
  40. Angola
  41. Animal
  42. Answer
  43. Anxiety
  44. Apartment
  45. Appearance
  46. Apple
  47. Application
  48. Appointment
  49. April
  50. Araguaia
  51. Area
  52. Argentina
  53. Argument
  54. Arkansas
  55. Armenia
  56. Army
  57. Arrival
  58. Art
  59. Article
  60. Asia
  61. Aspect
  62. Assignment
  63. Assistance
  64. Assistant
  65. Association
  66. Assumption
  67. Athabasca
  68. Atlantic Ocean
  69. Atmosphere
  70. Attempt
  71. Attention
  72. Attitude
  73. Audi
  74. Audience
  75. Aunt
  76. Australia
  77. Austria
  78. Austrian Empire*
  79. Average
  80. Awareness
  81. AXA
  82. Azerbaijan

List of Nouns in English pdf 12

List of nouns with B, C

  1. Back
  2. Bad
  3. Baden*
  4. Bahamas, The
  5. Bahrain
  6. Balance
  7. Ball
  8. Bangladesh
  9. Bank
  10. Barbados
  11. Baseball
  12. Basis
  13. Basket
  14. Bath
  15. Bathroom
  16. Bavaria*
  17. Bedroom
  18. Beer
  19. Beginning
  20. Belarus
  21. Belaya
  22. Belgium
  23. Belize
  24. Benefit
  25. Beni
  26. Benue
  27. Berlin Wall
  28. Bermejo
  29. Bird
  30. Birth
  31. Birthday
  32. Bit
  33. Blood
  34. Blue Nile
  35. BMW
  36. Board
  37. Boat
  38. Body
  39. Bolivia
  40. Bonus
  41. Book
  42. Boss
  43. Botswana
  44. Bottom
  45. Box
  46. Boy
  47. Boyfriend
  48. Brahmaputra
  49. Brazil
  50. Brazos
  51. Bread
  52. Breath
  53. Brother
  54. Brunei
  55. Budweiser
  56. Building
  57. Bulgaria
  58. Burger King
  59. Burma
  60. Burundi
  61. Bus
  62. Business
  63. Buyer
  64. Cabinet
  65. Cabo Verde
  66. Cadillac
  67. Cambodia
  68. Camera
  69. Cameroon
  70. Canada
  71. Canadian
  72. Cancer
  73. Candidate
  74. Canon
  75. Capital
  76. Car
  77. Card
  78. Care
  79. Career
  80. Case
  81. Cash
  82. Cat
  83. Category
  84. Cause
  85. Celebration
  86. Cell
  87. Central Park Zoo
  88. Chad
  89. Championship
  90. Chance
  91. Chapter
  92. Charity
  93. Cheek
  94. Chemistry
  95. Chenab
  96. Chest
  97. Chicken
  98. Child
  99. Childhood
  100. Chile
  101. China
  102. Chindwin
  103. Chocolate
  104. Choice
  105. Church
  106. Churchill
  107. Cigarette
  108. Cimarron
  109. Cisco
  110. Citi
  111. City
  112. Class
  113. Classroom
  114. Client
  115. Climate
  116. Clothes
  117. Coast
  118. Coca-Cola
  119. Coffee
  120. Colgate
  121. Collection
  122. College
  123. Colombia
  124. Colorado
  125. Combination
  126. Committee
  127. Communication
  128. Community
  129. Company
  130. Comparison
  131. Competition
  132. Complaint
  133. Computer
  134. Concept
  135. Conclusion
  136. Condition
  137. Confusion
  138. Connection
  139. Consequence
  140. Construction
  141. Contact
  142. Context
  143. Contract
  144. Contribution
  145. Control
  146. Conversation
  147. Cookie
  148. Country
  149. County
  150. Courage
  151. Course
  152. Cousin
  153. Craft
  154. Credit
  155. Cristiano Ronaldo
  156. Criticism
  157. Croatia
  158. Cuba
  159. Culture
  160. Currency
  161. Customer
  162. Cyprus
  163. Czechia
  164. Czechoslovakia

List of Nouns in English 2

List of nouns with D, E, F

  1. Dad
  2. Daily News
  3. Daniel
  4. Danone
  5. Danube
  6. Data
  7. Database
  8. Date
  9. Daugava
  10. Day
  11. Deadpool
  12. Dealer
  13. Death
  14. Debt
  15. December
  16. Decision
  17. Definition
  18. Delivery
  19. Demand
  20. Denmark
  21. Department
  22. Departure
  23. Depression
  24. Depth
  25. Description
  26. Design
  27. Desk
  28. Development
  29. Device
  30. Diamond
  31. Difference
  32. Difficulty
  33. Dinner
  34. Direction
  35. Director
  36. Dirt
  37. Disaster
  38. Discipline
  39. Discussion
  40. Disease
  41. Disk
  42. Disney
  43. Distribution
  44. Djibouti
  45. Dnieper
  46. Dniester
  47. Doctor Norris
  48. Dog
  49. Dolli Crown
  50. Dolphins
  51. Dominica
  52. Dominican Republic
  53. Don
  54. Donets
  55. Dr. Morgan
  56. Drama
  57. Drawer
  58. Drawing
  59. Driver
  60. Duchy of Parma,
  61. Ear
  62. Earl Grey
  63. Earth
  64. Ebay
  65. Economics
  66. Economy
  67. Ecuador
  68. Editor
  69. Education
  70. Effect
  71. Efficiency
  72. Effort
  73. Egg
  74. Egypt
  75. Eiffel Tower
  76. El Salvador
  77. Elbe
  78. Election
  79. Elevator
  80. Emotion
  81. Emphasis
  82. Empire State
  83. Employee
  84. Employer
  85. Employment
  86. End
  87. Energy
  88. Engine
  89. Entertainment
  90. Enthusiasm
  91. Entry
  92. Environment
  93. Equatorial Guinea
  94. Equipment
  95. Eritrea
  96. Error
  97. Essequibo
  98. Establishment
  99. Estate
  100. Estonia
  101. Eswatini
  102. Ethiopia
  103. Event
  104. Exam
  105. Examination
  106. Example
  107. Exchange
  108. Excitement
  109. Exercise
  110. Experience
  111. Explanation
  112. Expression
  113. Extent
  114. Eye
  115. Face
  116. Facebook
  117. Fact
  118. Failure
  119. Family
  120. Farmer
  121. Fat
  122. Feature
  123. Feedback
  124. Ferrari
  125. Field
  126. Figure
  127. Fiji
  128. Film
  129. Finding
  130. Finland
  131. Fire
  132. Fish
  133. Flight
  134. Florida
  135. Fly
  136. Focus
  137. Food
  138. Football
  139. Force
  140. Ford
  141. Form
  142. Fortune
  143. Foundation
  144. Frame
  145. Fran
  146. France
  147. Fraser
  148. Freedom
  149. Friendship
  150. Fun
  151. Funeral
  152. Future

nouns list

nouns list 4

List of nouns in English with G, H, I

  1. Gabon
  2. Gambia
  3. Game
  4. Ganges
  5. Garbage
  6. Garden
  7. Gate
  8. GE
  9. Gene
  10. George
  11. George Hagi
  12. Georgia
  13. Germany
  14. Ghana
  15. Gift
  16. Gila
  17. Gillette
  18. Girl
  19. Girlfriend
  20. Goal
  21. Godavari
  22. Goldman Sachs
  23. Google
  24. Government
  25. Grande
  26. Grandmother
  27. Greece
  28. Green
  29. Grenada
  30. Grocery
  31. Group
  32. Growth
  33. Guaporé
  34. Guatemala
  35. Guaviare
  36. Gucci
  37. Guest
  38. Guidance
  39. Guide
  40. Guinea
  41. Guinea-Bissau
  42. Guitar
  43. Guyana
  44. H&M
  45. Hair
  46. Haiti
  47. Half
  48. Hall
  49. Han
  50. Hand
  51. Hanover*
  52. Hat
  53. Hawaii*
  54. Head
  55. Health
  56. Hearing
  57. Heart
  58. Heat
  59. Heidi
  60. Height
  61. Helmand
  62. Herman Miller
  63. Hermès
  64. Hesse*
  65. Highway
  66. Himalayas
  67. Historian
  68. History
  69. Holy See
  70. Home
  71. Homework
  72. Honda
  73. Honduras
  74. Honey
  75. Hope
  76. Hospital
  77. Hotel
  78. House
  79. Housing
  80. HP
  81. HSBC
  82. Huallaga
  83. Hugh Jackman
  84. Hungary
  85. Hyundai
  86. IBM
  87. Içá
  88. Ice
  89. Iceland
  90. Idea
  91. Iguaçu
  92. IKEA
  93. Ili
  94. Image
  95. Imagination
  96. Impact
  97. Importance
  98. Impression
  99. Improvement
  100. Income
  101. Independence
  102. India
  103. Indication
  104. Indigirka
  105. Indonesia
  106. Industry
  107. Inflation
  108. Information
  109. Initiative
  110. Injury
  111. Insect
  112. Inside
  113. Inspection
  114. Inspector
  115. Instance
  116. Instruction
  117. Insurance
  118. Intel
  119. Intention
  120. Interaction
  121. Interest
  122. Internet
  123. Introduction
  124. Investment
  125. Iran
  126. Iraq
  127. Ireland
  128. Iriri
  129. Ishim
  130. Israel
  131. Issue
  132. Italy
  133. Item

nouns in english

Words List of Nouns J, K, L

  1. J.P. Morgan
  2. Jamaica
  3. James
  4. Janet
  5. Japan
  6. Japurá
  7. Jennifer Lopez
  8. Jim
  9. Job
  10. Jordan
  11. Jubba
  12. Judaism
  13. Judgment
  14. Jupiter
  15. Juruá
  16. Juruena
  17. Kama
  18. Kapuas
  19. Kazakhstan
  20. Kellogg’s
  21. Kenya
  22. Key
  23. Khatanga
  24. Khoper
  25. Kind
  26. King
  27. Kiribati
  28. Knowledge
  29. Kolyma
  30. Korea
  31. Kosovo
  32. Krishna
  33. Kura
  34. Kuskokwim
  35. Kuwait
  36. Kyrgyzstan
  37. Lab
  38. Ladder
  39. Lady
  40. Lady Gaga
  41. Lake
  42. Lake Tahoe
  43. Language
  44. Laos
  45. Latvia
  46. Law
  47. Leader
  48. Leadership
  49. Lebanon
  50. Length
  51. Lesotho
  52. Level
  53. Liao
  54. Liard
  55. Liberia
  56. Library
  57. Libya
  58. Liechtenstein
  59. Life
  60. Light
  61. Limpopo
  62. Line
  63. Link
  64. List
  65. Leather
  66. Litmus
  67. Literature
  68. Lithuania
  69. Location
  70. Loire
  71. Lomami
  72. London
  73. L’Oréal
  74. Loss
  75. Louis Vuitton
  76. Love
  77. Lower Tunguska
  78. Luxembourg

List of Nouns in English pdf

List of Nouns with M, N, O

  1. Machine
  2. Madagascar
  3. Madre de Dios
  4. Madrid
  5. Magazine
  6. Magdalena
  7. Maintenance
  8. Malawi
  9. Malaysia
  10. Maldives
  11. Mali
  12. Mall
  13. Malta
  14. Man
  15. Management
  16. Manager
  17. Manufacturer
  18. Map
  19. Marañón
  20. Maria
  21. Market
  22. Marketing
  23. Marriage
  24. Marshall Islands
  25. Material
  26. Math
  27. Matter
  28. Mauritania
  29. Mauritius
  30. Maya
  31. Mcdonald’s
  32. Mcdonald’s
  33. Meal
  34. Meaning
  35. Measurement
  36. Meat
  37. Media
  38. Medicine
  39. Medium
  40. Member
  41. Membership
  42. Memorial Day
  43. Memory
  44. Menu
  45. Mercedes
  46. Mercedes-Benz
  47. Message
  48. Metal
  49. Method
  50. Mexico
  51. Micronesia
  52. Microsoft
  53. Midnight
  54. Mike Bebee
  55. Milk
  56. Mind
  57. Mixture
  58. Mode
  59. Model
  60. Moldova
  61. Mom
  62. Moment
  63. Monaco
  64. Monday
  65. Money
  66. Mongolia
  67. Montenegro
  68. Month
  69. Mood
  70. Morning
  71. Morocco
  72. Mount Everest
  73. Mouse
  74. Movie
  75. Mozambique
  76. Mt. Everest
  77. Mud
  78. Music
  79. Name
  80. Namibia
  81. Narmada
  82. Nassau*
  83. Nation
  84. Nature
  85. Nauru
  86. Negotiation
  87. Nen
  88. Nepal
  89. Nescafe
  90. Nestlé
  91. Netherlands, The
  92. Network
  93. New York
  94. New Zealand
  95. News
  96. Newspaper
  97. Nicaragua
  98. Niger
  99. Nigeria
  100. Nigerians
  101. Night
  102. Nike
  103. North Macedonia
  104. Norway
  105. Note
  106. Nothing
  107. Noyan
  108. Number
  109. Nurse Freeman
  110. Object
  111. Obligation
  112. Office
  113. Oil
  114. Oka
  115. Okavango
  116. Oldenburg*
  117. Olenyok
  118. Olyokma
  119. Oman
  120. Operation
  121. Opinion
  122. Opportunity
  123. Oracle
  124. Orange
  125. Order
  126. Oreo
  127. Organization
  128. Ottawa
  129. Outcome
  130. Outside
  131. Oven
  132. Owner

List of Nouns pdf

List of Nouns with P, Q, R, S

  1. Page
  2. Paint
  3. Painting
  4. Pakistan
  5. Palau
  6. Pampers
  7. Panama
  8. Papal States*
  9. Paper
  10. Papua New Guinea
  11. Paraguay
  12. Paris
  13. Part
  14. Passenger
  15. Passion
  16. Patience
  17. Payment
  18. Pechora
  19. Pecos
  20. Penalty
  21. Pennsylvania
  22. People
  23. Pepsi
  24. Pepsi-Cola
  25. Percentage
  26. Perception
  27. Performance
  28. Period
  29. Permission
  30. Person
  31. Personality
  32. Perspective
  33. Peru
  34. Philippines
  35. Philips
  36. Philosophy
  37. Phone
  38. Photo
  39. Physics
  40. Piano
  41. Picture
  42. Pie
  43. Piece
  44. Piedmont-Sardinia*
  45. Pilcomayo
  46. Pizza
  47. Pizza Hut
  48. Place
  49. Plan
  50. Platform
  51. Platte
  52. Player
  53. Poem
  54. Poet
  55. Poetry
  56. Point
  57. Poland
  58. Police
  59. Policy
  60. Politics
  61. Pollution
  62. Poppy
  63. Population
  64. Porsche
  65. Portugal
  66. Position
  67. Possession
  68. Possibility
  69. Post
  70. Pot
  71. Potato
  72. Power
  73. Practice
  74. Preference
  75. Preparation
  76. Presence
  77. Presentation
  78. President
  79. Pressure
  80. Price
  81. Priority
  82. Problem
  83. Procedure
  84. Process
  85. Product
  86. Profession
  87. Professor
  88. Profit
  89. Program
  90. Promotion
  91. Property
  92. Proposal
  93. Protection
  94. Psychology
  95. Purpose
  96. Qatar
  97. Quaker Oats
  98. Quality
  99. Quantity
  100. Queen
  101. Question
  102. Radamel Falcao
  103. Radio
  104. Range
  105. Rate
  106. Ratio
  107. Reaction
  108. Reality
  109. Reason
  110. Reception
  111. Recipe
  112. Recognition
  113. Recommendation
  114. Record
  115. Recording
  116. Reflection
  117. Refrigerator
  118. Region
  119. Relation
  120. Relationship
  121. Replacement
  122. Republic
  123. Republic of Genoa*
  124. Reputation
  125. Requirement
  126. Research
  127. Resolution
  128. Resource
  129. Response
  130. Responsibility
  131. Restaurant
  132. Result
  133. Revenue
  134. Review
  135. Revolution
  136. Rhine
  137. Río Grande
  138. Risk
  139. River
  140. Road
  141. Rock
  142. Rockledge
  143. Role
  144. Roman Catholic
  145. Romania
  146. Room
  147. Rule
  148. Russia
  149. Russian
  150. Rwanda
  151. Safety
  152. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  153. Saint Lucia
  154. Salad
  155. Salt
  156. Samoa
  157. Sample
  158. Samsung
  159. San Francisco
  160. San Marino
  161. Sao Tome and Principe
  162. SAP
  163. Satisfaction
  164. Saudi Arabia
  165. Scale
  166. Scene
  167. Schaumburg-Lippe*
  168. School
  169. Science
  170. Screen
  171. Secretary
  172. Section
  173. Sector
  174. Security
  175. Selection
  176. Senegal
  177. Sense
  178. Sepik
  179. September
  180. Serbia
  181. Series
  182. Service
  183. Session
  184. Setting
  185. Seychelles
  186. Shape
  187. Share
  188. Shire
  189. Shirt
  190. Side
  191. Siemens
  192. Sierra Leone
  193. Sign
  194. Signature
  195. Significance
  196. Simon
  197. Singapore
  198. Singer
  199. Sir
  200. Sister
  201. Site
  202. Situation
  203. Size
  204. Skill
  205. Slovakia
  206. Slovenia
  207. Snake
  208. Society
  209. Software
  210. Soil
  211. Solomon Islands
  212. Solution
  213. Somalia
  214. Son
  215. Song
  216. Songhua
  217. Sony
  218. Sound
  219. Soup
  220. Source
  221. South Africa
  222. South Korea
  223. South Sudan
  224. Space
  225. Spain
  226. Speaker
  227. Speech
  228. Sport
  229. Square
  230. Sri Lanka
  231. Standard
  232. Star
  233. State
  234. Statement
  235. Steak
  236. Step
  237. Stock
  238. Stony Tunguska
  239. Storage
  240. Store
  241. Story
  242. Stranger
  243. Strategy
  244. Stress
  245. Structure
  246. Student
  247. Studio
  248. Study
  249. Style
  250. Subject
  251. Success
  252. Sudan
  253. Suggestion
  254. Sun
  255. Sunday
  256. Supermarket
  257. Surgery
  258. Suriname
  259. Sutlej
  260. Sweden
  261. Switzerland
  262. Sydney
  263. Sympathy
  264. Syria
  265. System

common nouns in english

List of Nouns with T, U, V

  1. Table
  2. Taco Palace
  3. Tagus
  4. Tajikistan
  5. Tale
  6. Tanzania
  7. Tapajós
  8. Task
  9. Tax
  10. Tea
  11. Teacher
  12. Technology
  13. Television
  14. Temperature
  15. Tennessee
  16. Tennis
  17. Tension
  18. Term
  19. Test
  20. Texas*
  21. Thailand
  22. Thanks
  23. The Godfather
  24. The President
  25. Theory
  26. Thing
  27. Thomas Jefferson
  28. Thought
  29. Throat
  30. Tietê
  31. Tigris
  32. Time
  33. Timor-Leste
  34. Titanic
  35. Tobol
  36. Tocantins
  37. Togo
  38. Tom
  39. Tonga
  40. Tongue
  41. Tool
  42. Tooth
  43. Top
  44. Topic
  45. Town
  46. Toyota
  47. Trade
  48. Tradition
  49. Trainer
  50. Training
  51. Transportation
  52. Tropicana
  53. Truth
  54. Tuesday
  55. Tunisia
  56. Turkey
  57. Turkmenistan
  58. Tuvalu
  59. Two
  60. Two Sicilies*
  61. Type
  62. UCLA
  63. Uganda
  64. Ukraine
  65. Uncle
  66. Understanding
  67. Union
  68. Unit
  69. United Kingdom, The
  70. United Nations
  71. University
  72. Upper Mississippi
  73. Upper Ob
  74. Upper Yenisei
  75. UPS
  76. Ural
  77. Uruguay
  78. Usain Bolt
  79. User
  80. Uzbekistan
  81. Vaal
  82. Value
  83. Van Gogh
  84. Vanuatu
  85. Variation
  86. Variety
  87. Vehicle
  88. Venezuela
  89. Version
  90. Video
  91. Vietnam
  92. View
  93. Village
  94. Vilyuy
  95. Virus
  96. Vistula
  97. Vitim
  98. Voice
  99. Volkswagen
  100. Volta
  101. Volume
  102. Vyatka
  103. Vychegda

proper nouns in english

List of Nouns with W, X, Y, Z

  1. War
  2. War and Peace
  3. Warburton
  4. Warning
  5. Water
  6. Way
  7. Weakness
  8. Wealth
  9. Weather
  10. Web
  11. Wedding
  12. Week
  13. While
  14. White
  15. White House
  16. Wife
  17. Wimbledon
  18. Wind
  19. Winner
  20. Woman
  21. Wood
  22. Word
  23. Work
  24. Worker
  25. World
  26. Writer
  27. Writing
  28. Württemberg*
  29. Yalong
  30. Yamuna
  31. Year
  32. Yellowstone
  33. Yemen
  34. Youth
  35. Zambezi
  36. Zambia
  37. Zara
  38. Zeya
  39. Zimbabwe

daily use nouns in english

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