+250 Opposites Words List, Opposite Antonym Vocabulary List PDF
- Ancient– Modern
- Antonym– Synonym
- Attack– Defend
- Bottom– Top
- Cellar– Attic
- End– Begin
- Excited– Calm
- Find– Lose
- Foreign– Domestic
- Heavy– Light
- Ignore– Notice
- Little– Much
- Major– Minor
- Niece– Nephew
- Sad– Happy
- Under– Over
- Amuse– Bore
- Argue– Agree
- Attic– Cellar
- Brave– Cowardly
- Clever– Stupid
- Ending– Beginning
- Exclude– Include
- Finish– Start
- Form– Destroy
- Host– Guest
- In– Out
- Long– Short
- Miss– Catch
- Plant– Harvest
- Small– Big
- Wife– Husband
- Ancestor– Descendant
- Arrest– Free
Arrival – Departure - Autumn– Spring
- Break– Fix
- Close– Open
- Enemy– Friend
- Exit– Entrance
- First– Final
- Fortune– Bad Luck
- Huge– Tiny
- Include– Exclude
- Lose– Win
- Moon– Sun
- Plenty– Lack
- Smooth– Rough
- Work– Rest
- Already– Not Yet
- Answer– Ask
- Ask– Answer
- Backward– Forward
- Catch– Miss
- Deep– Shallow
- Equal– Different
- Few– Many
- Follow– Lead
- Healthy– Ill
- Hungry– Thirsty
- Liquid– Solid
- Low– High
- New– Ancient
- Rude– Polite
- Town– Village
- All– None
- Animal– Human
- Artificial– Natural
- Awful– Nice
- Careful– Careless
- Cloudy– Clear
- Enter– Leave
- False– True
- Flat– Hilly
- Harvest– Plant
- Humane– Cruel
- Light– Dark
- Love– Hate
- Much– Little
- Rear– Front
- South– North
- Young– Old
- Alive– Dead
- Angel– Devil
- Arrive– Depart
- Awake– Asleep
- Broad– Narrow
- Closed– Open
- Enjoy– Hate
- Failure– Success
- Fix– Break
- Fresh– Old/Stale
- Human– Animal
- Life– Death
- Loud– Quiet
- More– Less
- Pleasant– Awful
- Some– Many
- Woman– Man
- Amateur– Professional
- Apart– Together
- Attack– Defence
- Boy– Girl
- Certainly– Probably
- End– Beginning
- Exciting– Boring
- Finish– Begin
- Foreigner– Native
- Hell– Heaven
- Import– Export
- Live– Die
- Male– Female
- Night– Day
- Satisfy– Annoy
- Wide– Narrow
- Always– Never
- Answer– Question
- Asleep– Awake
- Bad– Good
- Ceiling– Floor
- Defeat– Victory
- Empty– Full
- Even– Odd
- Final– First
- Forbid– Allow
- Heaven– Hell
- Husband– Wife
- In Front Of – Back
- Little– Big
- Lower– Raise
- Nice– Awful
- Rural– Urban
- Ugly– Beautiful
- Allow– Forbid
- Annoy– Satisfy
- Ascent– Descent
- Back– In Front Of
- Careless– Careful
- Death– Birth
- Entrance– Exit
- Far– Near
- Floor– Ceiling
- Health– Disease
- Humid– Dry
- Like– Hate
- Lovely– Terrible
- Nasty– Nice
- Right– Left
- Start– Finish
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