75 Collective Nouns for Animals in English PDF
- trip of sheep
- serration of sparrows
- spring of teal
- riches of martens
- pandemonium of parrots
- company of widgeon
- colony of rats
- cast of falcons
- flight of woodcock
- flight of swallows
- farrow of piglets
- cluster of cats
- building of rooks
- bevy of larks
- barren of mules
- army of ants
- trip of dotterel
- suit of mallard
- parliament of owls
- parade of elephants
- nursery of raccoons
- litter of pups
- herd of kangaroos
- tiding of magpies
- swarm of eels
- smuck of jellyfish
- school of dolphins
- nest of rabbits
- knob of wildfowl
- family of otters
- yoke of oxen
- wisp of snipe
- stud of mares
- string of racehorses
- rookery of seals
- herd of swine
- gang of elk
- colony of whales
- troop of monkeys
- shrewdness of apes
- knot of toads
- kit of pigeons
- desert of lapwings
- crowd of starlings
- bevy of roe deer
- army of caterpillars
- watch of nightingales
- litter of pigs
- leap of leopards
- hill of ruffs
- herd of cattle
- herd of asses
- covey of partridges
- pride/troop of lions
- muster of peacocks
- kennel of dogs
- flock of ostrich
- flight of insects
- family of sardines
- drift of quail
- unkindness of ravens
- pack of wolves
- nest of mice
- mutation of thrush
- dopping of sheldrake
- descent of woodpeckers
- clutter of spiders
- cast of
- rookery of penguins
- nest of snakes
- litter of kittens
- labour of moles
- herd of wrens
- drey of squirrels
- crash of rhinoceros
- ambush of tigers
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