Birds that start with Y! Birds name in English are very important for all levels of English Learners. In this lesson you will learn all the birds name starting with letter Y.
There are many interesting birds that start with the letter Y. The yellow-breasted chat is a colorful bird that can be found in the eastern United States. This bird is known for its playful personality and its unique vocalizations. The yellow-headed blackbird is another beautiful bird that can be found in the United States. This blackbird has a bright yellow head and a long, curved bill. The yaffle is a type of woodpecker that is found in Europe. This woodpecker has a large, red head and a black back. The yucca whiptail is a lizard that can be found in the southwestern United States. This lizard has a long, whip-like tail and green scales.
Birds That Start With Y
- Yellow-Throated Tanager
- Yellow-Green Tyrannulet
- Yellow-Throated Petronia
- Yellow-Eared Toucanet
- Yucatan Woodpecker
Read Also: Birds That Start with X
- Yellow-Browed Sparrow
- Yellow-Bellied Tyrannulet
- Yellow-Billed Tern
- Yellow Bittern
- Yap Olive White-Eye
- Yellow-Throated Warbler
- Yellow-Billed Lorikeet
- Yodels
- Yellow-Billed Duck
- Yellow Bishop
- Yelena
- Yellow-Faced Myna
- Yellow Tyrannulet
Birds Starting With Y
- Yellow-Billed Jacamar
- Yellow-Breasted Antwren
- Yellow-Bibbed Lory
- Yellow-Billed Barbet
- Yoshi
- Yellow-Rumped Thornbill
- Yellow-Billed Amazon
- Yannis
- Yellow-Browed Toucanet
- Yellowlegs, Lesser
- Yellow-Headed Blackbird
- Yellow-Green Grosbeak
- Yellow-Eared Parrot
- Yellow Warbler
- Yucatan Flycatcher
- Yellow-Throated Antwren
- Yellow-Legged Gull
- Yellow-Spotted Petronia
- Yellow Canary
- Yellowish Pipit
- Yellow Nape
- Yellow-Breasted Warbler
- Yellow-Billed Grosbeak
- Yellow-Throated Greenbul
- Yuma
- Yellow Wagtail
- Yellow-Tufted Woodpecker
- Yemen Accentor
- Yellow-Billed Nunbird
- Yellow-Fronted Woodpecker
- Yellow-Eared Woodpecker
- Yellow-Faced Parrotlet
- Yellow-Breasted Flowerpecker
Birds That Begin With Y
- Yellowhead
- Yellow-Bridled Finch
- Yellow-Capped Pygmy Parrot
- Yellow-Headed Warbler
- Yellow-Browed Tit
- Yellow-Bellied Wattle-Eye
- Yellow Chat
- Yellow-Rumped Siskin
- Yellow-Rumped Munia
- Yellow-Eared Bulbul
- Yellow-Browed Camaroptera
- Yellow-Footed Gull
- Yellow-Scarfed Tanager
- Yellow-Billed Stork
- Yellow-Breasted Pipit
- Yellow-Throated Nicator
- Yellow-Throated Green Cuckoo
- Yapacana Antbird
- Yellow-Billed Babbler
- Yemen Serin
- Yoplait
- Yellowbill
- Yellow-Green Finch
- Yellow-Breasted Tit
Birds Beginning With Y
- Yellow-Crowned Euphonia
- Yelkouan Shearwater
- Yucatan Jay
- Yellow-Vented Flowerpecker
- Yates
- Yellow Longbill
- Yellow-Crowned Night Heron
- Yap Monarch
- Yellow-Eared Honeyeater
- Yvonne
- Yellow-Throated Spadebill
- Yogi
- Yellow-Capped Weaver
- Yellow-Vented Green-Pigeon
- Yellowish-Bellied Bush-Warbler
- Yucatan Vireo
- Yuhina
- Yellow-Bellied Hyliota
- Yellow-Bellied Seedeater
- Yetta
- Yellow-Plumed Honeyeater
- Yemen Warbler
- Yellow-Lored Tody-Flycatcher
- Yellow-Gaped Honeyeater
- Yellow-Breasted Apalis
- Yellow-Finch, Grassland
- Yellow Oriole
- Yellow-Shouldered Grassquit
- Yemen Thrush
- Yellow Flycatcher-Warbler
- Yellow-Tailed Oriole
- Yellow Tit
- Yellow-Thighed Finch
- Yellow-Browed Melidectes
- Yellowhammer
- Yellow-Eyed Starling
- Yucatan Wren
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