The human body is a complex and fascinating thing. It contains many different parts, each with its own unique function. Some of these parts start with the letter A, while others start with the letter Z. Here are some of the body parts that start with A to Z:
Aorta: The aorta is the large artery that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body.
Bile: Bile is a yellowish-green liquid that helps digest food in the stomach.
Cervix: The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina.
Dura mater: The dura mater is a tough membrane that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord.
Eardrum: The eardrum is a thin membrane that separates the outer ear from the inner ear.
Body Parts That Start With A to Z – Body Parts Names List
Body Parts That Start With A
- Abdomen
- Abdominal Arteries
- Abdominal Cavity
- Abs
- Accessory Nerve
- Acetabulum
- Achilles Tendon
- Achillies
- Achsel
- Acromion
- Adam’s Apple
- Adenoids
- Adrenal Gland
- Adrenal Glands
- Aeriola
- Airway
- Alleles
- Alveoli
- Amigdalas
- Amygdala
- Anatomy
- Anit
- Ankle
- Ankle Muscles
- Antebraço
- Anterior Lobe
- Antler
- Antlers
- Anular Ligament
- Anus
- Aorta
- Apex
- Appendix
- Arch
- Areola
- Arm
- Arm Bone
- Arm Muscles
- Armpit
- Arteria
- Arterial Circle
- Artery
- Atria
- Auditory Tube
- Aureole
- Axila
- Axilas
- Axillary Artery
- Axon
Body Parts That Start With B
- Bacino
- Back
- Backbone
- Backside
- Ball
- Ball Sack
- Basilar Artery
- Basilic Vein
- Bauch
- Bazo
- Beak
- Beard
- Beine
- Belly
- Belly Button
- Bellybutton
- Bicep
- Biceps
- Big Toe
- Bile
- Bile Duct
- Biliary Tract
- Bladder
- Blaze
- Blood
- Blood Vessels
- Body
- Body Name
- Bone
- Bone Marrow
- Bones
- Boob
- Boobs
- Booty Hole
- Bottom
- Bouche
- Brain
- Brain Stem
- Brainstem
- Brazos
- Breast
- Breast Bone
- Breasts
- Bridge Of Nose
- Bronchi
- Bronchioles
- Brow Bone
- Brust
- Bumhole
- Bunio
- Bursa
- Busto
- Butthole
- Buttock
- Button
Body Parts That Start With C
- Cabeça
- Cabello
- Calf
- Calf Muscles
- Calve
- Cankle
- Capillary
- Carotid Artery
- Carotid Canal
- Carpal
- Carpal Tunnel
- Carpals
- Cartilage
- Cartiledge
- Cells
- Cellulite
- Cephalic Vein
- Cerebral Cortex
- Cerebro
- Cerebrum
- Cervical Spine
- Cervix
- Cheek
- Cheekbone
- Cheeks
- Chest
- Chignon
- Chin
- Chromosomes
- Circle Of Willis
- Clavacle
- Clavicle
- Clavicula
- Claw
- Cleavage
- Coccyx
- Cochlea
- Cochlear
- Colic Flexure
- Collar
- Collar Bone
- Cornea
- Cortex
- Cou
- Coude
- Couilles
- Coxyx
- Cranial Cavity
- Cranial Fossa
- Cranial Nerve
- Cranium
- Crest
- Cricoid Cartilage
- Crista Galli
- Crotch
- Crown
- Cuticle
Body Parts That Start With D
- Daliri
- Dander
- Dandruff
- Dark Eyes
- Dartos
- Dast
- Decidua
- Dedo
- Dedos Del Pie
- Deget
- Deltoid Ligament
- Deltoid Muscle
- Deltoide
- Deltoids
- Delts
- Dendritic Cells
- Dens
- Dentin
- Dents
- Deriere
- Dermis
- Dermus
- Derrier
- Derriere
- Descending Colon
- Deudenum
- Deviated Septum
- Diaghram
- Diaphragm
- Diaphram
- Diapragm
- Dickdarm
- Diencephalon
- Dientes
- Digestive Tract
- Digit
- Digital Nerves
- Digits
- Dimple
- Dimples
- Dink
- Dinte
- Discs
- Dito
- Dlan
- Doigts
- Doo
- Dorsal Cavity
- Dorsal Muscle
- Dorsal Papillae
- Dorsal Rot Ganglion
- Dorsalis Pedis
- Dos
- Double Chin
- Dua’s Layer
- Duct
- Ducts
- Ductus
- Duodeum
- Dura
- Dura Cranial
- Dura Mater
Body Parts That Start With E
- Ear
- Ear Drums
- Ear Eye
- Ear Lobe
- Ear Ossicle
- Ears
- Eier
- Eileiter
- Elblow
- Elbogen
- Elbow
- Elbow Region
- Ellbogen
- Ellenbeuge
- Ellenbogen
- Empeine
- Encias
- Enddarm
- Endocrine System
- Endodermis
- Endometrium
- Endoskeleton
- Endosteum
- Entrails
- Enzymes
- Epidermis
- Epididymus
- Epiglotis
- Epiglottis
- Epiphysis
- Epithelium
- Escapula
- Esofago
- Esophagus
- Esophaguse
- Esophogus
- Esphogus
- Espina Dorsal
- Estomago
- Ethmoid
- Ethmoid Bone
- Eustachian Tube
- Exocrine Gland
- Exoskeleton
- Expiration
- Extensor Muscle
- External Ear
- Eye
- Eye Ball
- Eye Socket
- Eye Sockets
- Eyeball
- Eyebrow
- Eyelash
- Eyelid
- Eyes
Body Parts That Start With F
- Faccia
- Face
- Falopian Tube
- Fangs
- Faringe
- Fat Belly
- Feets
- Fegato
- Femoral
- Femore
- Femour
- Femur
- Femur Bone
- Ferse
- Fesses
- Fibula
- Fibular
- Figa
- Figado
- Filling
- Fima
- Finger
- Finger Nails
- Fingernail
- Fingerprint
- Fingers
- Fingertips
- First Finger
- Fish
- Fist
- Flagina
- Flesh
- Flexor Muscles
- Follicle
- Foot
- Foot Bone
- Foot Bottom
- Foot Ligaments
- Forearm
- Forearms
- Forehead
- Foreskin
- Fossa Ovale
- Foufoune
- Fovea
- Freckle
- Freckles
- Frenulum
- Frenum
- Front
- Frontal Cortex
- Frontal Lobe
- Frontal Sinus
Body Parts That Start With G
- Gall Bladder
- Gallbladder
- Gallbladders
- Galle
- Gam
- Gametes
- Gams
- Gangleos
- Ganglion
- Garganta
- Gaumen
- Gehirn
- Genitales
- Genitalia
- Genitals
- Gesäß
- Ginger Hair
- Gingiva
- Ginocchio
- Gland
- Gland
- Glande
- Glands
- Glied
- Glomerulus
- Głowa
- Glute
- Gluteal Nerve
- Gluteos
- Glutes
- Goatee
- Goolies
- Great Vessels
- Grill
- Groin
- Groins
- Großer Zeh
- Growth Plate
- G-Spot
- Gullet
- Gum
- Gums
- Gurgel
- Gut
- Guzica
Body Parts That Start With H
- Hairs
- Hamulus
- Hand
- Head
- Heel
- Heinie
- Higado
- Hocico
- Humerus
Body Parts That Start With I
- Ileon
- Iliac
- Iliac Artery
- Iliac Vein
- Iliaco
- Ilium
- Ilius
- Illeus
- Illium
- Ilong
- Incisor
- Incisors
- Incus
- Index Finger
- Indice
- Ingle
- Ingrown
- Inguinal Canal
- Inne
- Inner Ear
- Inner Knee
- Inner Thighs
- Inside Arm
- Insizor
- Insole
- Inspiration
- Instep
- Intenstine
- Intercostals
- Intestin
- Intestine
- Intestines
- Intestins
- Iri
- Ischium
- Isle
- Islet
- Isquio
- Isquion
- Itchy Butt
- Itlog
Body Parts That Start With J
- Jab
- Jalka
- Jankl
- Jantung
- Jari
- Jaw
- Jawbone
- Jdick
- Jej
- Jejeunum
- Jejunum
- Język
- Jiba
- Jiggly Arm
- Jinx
- Jis
- Jochbein
- Join
- Joint
- Joints
- Jopo
- Joro
- Joroba
- Joues
- Jowells
- Jowels
- Jowl
- Jowls (Cheeks)
- Juanete
- Juanetes
- Jugenum
- Juglar Vein
- Jugler
- Jugular
- Jugular Artery
- Jugular Foramen
- Jugular Fossa
- Jugular Nerve
- Jugular Trunk
- Jugular Veins
- Juguler
- Juju
- Jujunum
- Juncturae Tendinae
- Jungular
- Jupa
- Juxtacolic Artery
- Juxta-Oral Organ
- Juxtarestiform Body
Body Parts That Start With K
- Kaan
- Ketek
- Kidney
- Kiefer
- Kilo
- Kiney
- Knee
- Knuckle
- Knukle
Body Parts That Start With L
- Lap
- Leg
- Lingula
- Lips
- Liver
- Lobulo
- Lungs
- Lymph Node
Body Parts That Start With M, N
- Membrane
- Midriff
- Molar
- Mouth
- Mumu
- Muschi
- Muscle
- Nacken
- Nagel
- Nails
- Neck
- Nerve
- Nichon
- Nipple
- Nose
- Nüsse
Body Parts That Start With O
- Ocular Nerve
- Ojo
- Omentum
- Orejas
- Ovary
- Overbite
Body Parts That Start With P
- Palate
- Palette
- Pallate
- Palm
- Pancreas
- Pancres
- Pancreus
- Pantorrilla
- Papada
- Parietal
- Parietal Lobe
- Patella
- Pecks
- Pectorals
- Pelt
- Pelvic Bone
- Pelvic Floor
- Pelvis
- Pene
- Penis
- Perinium
- Peritoneum
- Petella
- Phalange
- Philtrum
- Phlegm
- Pie
- Pied
- Pieds
- Pies
- Pineal Gland
- Pinkie
- Pinkie Finger
- Pinkie Toe
- Pinkies
- Pinky
- Pinna
- Pito
- Pits
- Pituitary
- Pituitary Gland
- Pointer Finger
- Pons
- Pore
- Posterior
- Prefrontal Cortex
- Pronator Teres
- Prostate
- Prostate Gland
- Prst
- Pubic Hair
- Pubis Bone
- Pulmon
- Pulmonary Vein
- Pulse
- Pupil
- Pupilpied
- Pupils
- Pus
- Pwet
Body Parts That Start With Q
- Quad
- Quadricep
- Quadriceps
- Quijada
Body Parts That Start With R
- Radial Artery
- Radial Bone
- Radial Nerve
- Radius
- Radius Bone
- Rambu
- Rate
- Rear Delt
- Rectal Artery
- Rectom
- Rectrum
- Rectum
- Rectus
- Rectus Sheath
- Red Blood Cells
- Ręka
- Renal
- Renal Glands
- Renal System
- Renal Vein
- Respiration
- Respiratory System
- Retina
- Retinas
- Retine
- Rhomboids
- Rib
- Ribcage
- Ribs
- Right Ankle
- Right Arm
- Right Atrium
- Right Ear
- Right Hand
- Right Knee
- Right Leg
- Right Thumb
- Ring Finger
- Rippen
- Rips
- Roof Of Mout
- Rostro
- Rotator Cuff
- Rotul
- Rotula
- Round Head
- Ruka
Body Parts That Start With S
- Sack
- Sacrum
- Saliva
- Salivary Gland
- Sartorius Muscle
- Scalp
- Scapula
- Scar
- Scheide
- Schenkel
- Sciatic Nerve
- Sclera
- Scrotum
- Sein
- Senos
- Septums
- Sesos
- Shaft
- Shank
- Shell
- Shin
- Shoulder
- Sideburn
- Sideburns
- Sinew
- Sinus
- Sinus Cavity
- Sinuses
- Skeleton
- Skin
- Skull
- Slavery Gland
- Small Bowels
- Small Finger
- Small Intestine
- Small Intestines
- Smile
- Snout
- Socket
- Sockets
- Soft Palate
- Solar Plexus
- Soles
- Sphincter
- Spinal Cord
- Spine
- Splean
- Spleen
- Stapes Bone
- Stem Cells
- Sternohyoid Muscle
- Sternum
- Stirrup
- Stomac
- Stomach
- Stool
- Stopa
- Stylohyoid Muscle
- Suvaco
- Synapse
- Synovial Fluid
Body Parts That Start With T
- Tail
- Tail Bone
- Tailbone
- Taille
- Talon
- Tarsal
- Tarsals
- Tarsus
- Tear Duct
- Tears
- Teeth
- Temple
- Temples
- Tendon
- Tendons
- Tentacle
- Testa
- Testes
- Testicle
- Testiculos
- Testis
- Téton
- Thalamus
- Thigh
- Thoracic
- Thoracic Nerves
- Throat
- Thumb
- Thumbs
- Thymus
- Thyroid
- Thyroid Gland
- Tibia
- Timpano
- Tiroides
- Tissue
- Tobillo
- Toe
- Toenail
- Tongue
- Tonsil
- Tonsils
- Tooth
- Torse
- Torso
- Trachea
- Trachia
- Tragus
- Trapezius
- Traps
- Traverse Colon
- Trigeminal Nerve
- Trochlear Nerve
- Tronco
- Tummy
- Twarz
Body Parts That Start With U
- Ucho
- Udder
- Udo
- Ugat
- Ulna
- Ulnar Artery
- Ulnar Nerve
- Ulula
- Umbilicus
- Umbillical Cord
- Under Bite
- Under Boob
- Underboob
- Unibrow
- Unterlippe
- Upper Abdomen
- Upper Arm
- Upper Hand
- Upper Jaw
- Upper Lip
- Upper Lung
- Ureters
- Urethra
- Urinary System
- Urinary Track
- Urinary Tract
- Urine
- Urithra
- Usta
- Usus
- Utak
- Uterine Tube
- Utero
- Uterus
- Utterus
- Uturus
- Uvea
- Uvula
Body Parts That Start With V
- Vaginia
- Vagus
- Vagus Nerve
- Vajj
- Vascular Artery
- Vascular Tissue
- Veia
- Veias
- Vein
- Veines
- Vejiga
- Velum
- Vena
- Vena Cava
- Venes
- Ventre
- Ventrical
- Ventricals
- Ventricle
- Verge
- Vericose Veins
- Vermis
- Vertabrae
- Vertabre
- Vertebra
- Vertebrae
- Vertebral Artery
- Vertebral Column
- Vertebre
- Verterbrae
- Vertex
- Vesicle
- Vessel
- Vessie
- Vestibule
- Vestigial Organ
- Vien
- Villi
- Viscera
- Viso
- Vitreous Humor
- Vitreous Vein
- Vocal Cords
- Voice
- Voice Box
- Vox
- Vulva
Body Parts That Start With W
- Wade
- Waist
- Wange
- Wangen
- Wart
- Warze
- Wątroba
- Wattle
- Wavy Hair
- Weanus
- Webbed Feet
- Webbing
- Wernicke’s
- Whiskers
- White Blood Cells
- Wienis
- Wimpern
- Wind Pipe
- Windpipe
- Winis
- Wisdom Teeth
- Wishbone
- Womb
- Wrist
- Wrist Ligaments
- Wrist Muscles
- Wurstfinge
Body Parts That Start With X, Y, Z
- Xantho
- Xtra Finger
- Y Chromosome
- Yam
- Yellbow
- Yellow Eyes
- Yellow Marrow
- Yelp
- Yen
- Yeso
- Yeux
- Yoke
- Yolk Sac
- Young Skin
- Ząb
- Zahn
- Zeus
- Zinger
- Zipped Lips
- Zona Pellucida
- Zonula Ciliaris
- Zonule
- Zonule Of Zinn
- Zonules
- Zorra
- Zoster
- Zunge
- Zygapophyses
- Zygomatic
- Zygomatic Bone
- Zygomaticus
- Zygons
- Zygote
- Zygotes