30 Funny English Idioms That Will Surprise You!

Hey there! Have you ever heard someone say they’re ‘feeling under the weather‘ and wondered why they’re talking about the weather when they’re actually just feeling sick?

English can be a funny language full of silly sayings that might not make sense at first. In this blog post, we’re going to dive into 30 of these funny English idioms that will definitely surprise you!

Idioms are like secret codes or puzzles in language, and learning them can be a lot of fun. So, let’s play with words and discover some of the wackiest phrases in English together!

Funny English Idioms

1. When pigs fly

Meaning: Something that will never happen.

Example: “He says he’ll clean his room by tomorrow? Yeah, when pigs fly!”

2. The lights are on, but nobody’s home

Meaning: Used to describe someone who is not very bright or not fully alert.

Example: “I tried to explain the rules to him three times, but the lights are on, and nobody’s home.”

3. To have Van Gogh’s ear for music

Meaning: To be tone-deaf or not have a good ear for music.

Example: “I love singing, but unfortunately, I have Van Gogh’s ear for music.”

4. Cry over spilt milk

Meaning: To be upset about something that has already happened and cannot be changed.

Example: “Yes, we made a mistake, but there’s no use crying over spilt milk.”

5. To pig out

Meaning: To eat a lot or too much.

Example: “We’re going to pig out on pizza and ice cream tonight!”

6. A wild goose chase

Meaning: A foolish and hopeless pursuit of something unattainable.

Example: “Looking for that lost earring in the park is like a wild goose chase.”

7. Barking up the wrong tree

Meaning: To be mistaken or misguided about something.

Example: “If you think I took your book, you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

8. To bite off more than you can chew

Meaning: To take on a task that is way too big or beyond one’s ability.

Example: “He bit off more than he could chew when he volunteered to manage three projects at once.”

9. Everything but the kitchen sink

Meaning: Almost everything and anything has been included.

Example: “She packed everything but the kitchen sink for her weekend trip.”

10. Cat got your tongue?

Meaning: Used when someone is at a loss for words.

Example: “What’s the matter, cat got your tongue? Why don’t you respond?”

11. To let the cat out of the bag

Meaning: To reveal a secret or disclose something that was supposed to be kept confidential.

Example: “He let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.”

12. Like two peas in a pod

Meaning: Very similar or identical.

Example: “My brother and I are like two peas in a pod; we like all the same things.”

13. Finger-lickin’ good

Meaning: Extremely delicious.

Example: “This barbecue is finger-lickin’ good!”

14. To have a cast iron stomach

Meaning: To be able to eat or drink anything without any ill effects.

Example: “He must have a cast iron stomach to eat street food in every country he visits.”

15. To drink like a fish

Meaning: To drink excessive amounts of alcohol.

Example: “He was drinking like a fish at the party last night.”

16. Storm in a teacup (U.K)

Meaning: A lot of unnecessary anger and worry about a matter that is not important.

Example: “They were all upset over a tiny error in the report, but it was just a storm in a teacup.”

17. Bob’s your uncle

Meaning: There you have it; a phrase used to conclude a set of simple instructions.

Example: “Just press the button to start the machine, and Bob’s your uncle!”

18. Dead as a doornail

Meaning: Completely dead or devoid of life.

Example: “That old phone is dead as a doornail; it won’t even turn on.”

19. Put a sock in it

Meaning: To tell someone to be quiet.

Example: “Can you put a sock in it? I’m trying to concentrate here.”

20. As cool as a cucumber

Meaning: To remain calm and composed, especially in stressful situations.

Example: “Even when the fire alarm went off, she was as cool as a cucumber.”

21. Hold your horses

Meaning: To tell someone to wait or to slow down.

Example: “Hold your horses! We need to think this through before acting.”

22. Kick the bucket

Meaning: A euphemistic or slang term for dying.

Example: “Did you hear? Old Mr. Smith finally kicked the bucket.”

23. Use your loaf

Meaning: To use your head or think smartly.

Example: “Come on, use your loaf! We can solve this puzzle.”

24. Until you’re blue in the face

Meaning: To do something for a very long time without any results.

Example: “You can argue until you’re blue in the face, but I won’t change my mind.”

25. Head in the clouds

Meaning: Not paying attention or daydreaming, not being realistic or practical.

Example: “She’s always got her head in the clouds, dreaming about becoming a movie star.”

26. A piece of cake

Meaning: Something that is very easy to do.

Example: “Don’t worry about this test; it’ll be a piece of cake for you.”

27. Heart in your mouth

Meaning: Feeling very nervous or scared about something.

Example: “Every time I watch a horror movie, I spend the whole time with my heart in my mouth.”

28. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch

Meaning: Don’t make plans based on future events that might not happen.

Example: “He’s already planning how to spend his lottery winnings, but I told him not to count his chickens before they hatch.”

29. Not my cup of tea

Meaning: Not something one likes or is interested in.

Example: “I know everyone loves this movie, but it’s just not my cup of tea.”

30. To beat around the bush

Meaning: To avoid getting to the point or avoiding the main issue.

Example: “Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you really want.”

Funny Idioms

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