60 Easy Idioms for Kids with their Meaning

Idioms are like secret codes in English that don’t mean what they exactly say. We’ve picked out 60 simple ones to help kids like you learn and use them easily. This list is great for kids starting to learn English or wanting to get better at it. Let’s explore and decode these idioms together!

Idioms for Kids

Here are 60 easy idioms along with their meanings.

  1. Apple of my eye – Very special to me.
  2. Back to square one – Start over again.
  3. Cool as a cucumber – Very calm.
  4. Down in the dumps – Very sad.
  5. Feel like a million dollars – Feel great.
  6. Get the ball rolling – Start something.
  7. Hit the road – Leave or go.
  8. In a pickle – In trouble.
  9. Jump for joy – Very happy.
  10. Keep your cool – Stay calm.
  11. Lose your marbles – Go crazy.
  12. Make waves – Cause trouble.
  13. Needle in a haystack – Very hard to find.
  14. Over the moon – Extremely happy.
  15. Piece of pie – Very easy.
  16. Quiet as a mouse – Very quiet.
  17. Right as rain – Perfectly fine.
  18. Steal the show – Be the best.
  19. Top of the world – Feeling great.
  20. Under my thumb – Under control.
  21. Walk on eggshells – Be very careful.
  22. X marks the spot – The exact place.
  23. You’re the bee’s knees – Very cool.
  24. Zip your lip – Be quiet.
  25. Bite the bullet – Face a problem.
  26. Call it a day – Stop working.
  27. Draw a blank – Can’t remember.
  28. Fly off the handle – Get very angry.
  29. Go out on a limb – Take a risk.
  30. Have a blast – Have great fun.
  31. In the bag – Sure to win.
  32. Jump the gun – Start too early.
  33. Keep your shirt on – Stay calm.
  34. Let off steam – Release stress.
  35. Miss the mark – Fail to hit.
  36. No pain, no gain – Must work hard.
  37. On the fence – Undecided.
  38. Pull the plug – End something.
  39. Quick fix – Easy solution.
  40. Run out of steam – Get very tired.
  41. Stick to your guns – Don’t give up.
  42. Take a hike – Go away.
  43. Up for grabs – Available to anyone.
  44. Vanish into thin air – Disappear.
  45. Wet blanket – Spoils fun.
  46. Your guess is as good as mine – I don’t know.
  47. Zero in on – Focus on.
  48. Add fuel to the fire – Make things worse.
  49. Break the ice – Start a conversation.
  50. Cool your heels – Wait patiently.
  51. Drop the ball – Fail a task.
  52. Eat your words – Regret saying.
  53. Full of beans – Very energetic.
  54. Go with the flow – Go smoothly.
  55. Hit the hay – Go to bed.
  56. In stitches – Laughing a lot.
  57. Keep an eye out – Watch carefully.
  58. Lay it on thick – Exaggerate.
  59. Make a beeline for – Go straight to.
  60. Not my cup of tea – Not liked.

Idioms for Kids

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