100 Insect Names: List of Insect Names in English with Pictures

Do you know the names of 100 different insects? I’ll be honest, I didn’t until I started researching for this blog post. But don’t worry, you don’t have to know them all by heart. Because I’ve compiled a list of 100 insect names and included pictures for each one. So whether you’re an insect enthusiast or just want to learn a few new things, this blog post is for you!

Do you like bugs? Most people seem to either love them or hate them, but no one can deny that they are fascinating creatures. In this blog post, we will take a look at 100 different names for insects in English, with accompanying pictures. So whether you’re looking to learn new vocabulary or just interested in learning more about these little critters, be sure to keep reading!

Moreover, Do you like insects? I do! In this blog post, you will find a list of 100 insect names in English with pictures. This list includes some of the most common insects, as well as some rarer ones. I hope you enjoy learning about these fascinating creatures!

List of 100 Insect Names

  1. centipede
  2. cockroach
  3. damselfly
  4. larva
  5. locust
  6. moth
  7. skipper
  8. thysanura
  9. blue morpho butterfly
  10. butterfly
  11. chrysalis
  12. darkling beetle
  13. earwig
  14. horse-fly
  15. praying mantid
  16. syrphid fly
  17. bees
  18. beetles
  19. bug
  20. flea
  21. grasshoppers
  22. praying mantids
  23. stink bug
  24. woolly bear caterpillar
  25. admiral butterfly
  26. cockroaches
  27. crane fly
  28. dragonfly
  29. planthopper
  30. pupa
  31. snail
  32. worm
  33. archaeognatha
  34. caterpillar
  35. mayflies
  36. mayfly
  37. pond skater
  38. stick insects
  39. true bugs
  40. wood nymph butterfly
  41. wood-borer
  42. bat bug
  43. beetle
  44. house fly
  45. nymph
  46. plant bug
  47. silverfish
  48. tiger beetle
  49. tsetse fly
  50. bee
  51. brown butterfly
  52. gossamer-winged butterfly
  53. imago
  54. lace bug
  55. maggot
  56. stag beetle
  57. walkingstick
  58. web-spinners
  59. antlions
  60. assassin bug
  61. cockchafer
  62. dragonflies
  63. hairstreak butterfly
  64. katydid
  65. meadowhawk
  66. scorpionflies
  67. wasp
  68. borer
  69. caddisflies
  70. fire ant
  71. fleas
  72. mantid
  73. midge
  74. monarch
  75. paper wasp
  76. spittlebug
  77. biting lice
  78. copper butterfly
  79. crickets
  80. dobsonflies
  81. grasshopper
  82. greenfly
  83. gypsy moth
  84. termite
  85. carpenter ant
  86. dung beetle
  87. horse fly
  88. luna moth
  89. praying mantis
  90. stonefly
  91. ulysses butterfly
  92. zebra swallowtail butterfly
  93. ambush bug
  94. aphid
  95. buckeye butterfly
  96. cicada
  97. fly
  98. metamorphosis
  99. spider
  100. water bug
Bed Bug Bed Bug
Digger wasp Digger wasp
Louse fly Louse fly
Red Velvet Mite Red Velvet Mite
Flower Fly Flower Fly
Stink Bug Stink Bug
Praying Mantis Praying Mantis
Grasshopper Grasshopper
Ladybug Ladybug
Carpenter Bee Carpenter Bee
Common Housefly Common Housefly
ant Ant
Hornworm Hornworm
Maggot Maggot
Goliath Beetle Goliath Beetle
House Centipede House Centipede
Nepidae Wasp Nepidae Wasp
fly Fly
Flying Termites Flying Termites
Indian Hornet Indian Hornet
Orchid Mantis Orchid Mantis
Millipede Millipede
Bean Weevil Bean Weevil
Spider Spider
Grub Grub
Fireflies Fireflies
Mosquito Mosquito
Butterfly Butterfly
Moth Moth
Cicada Cicada
Treehopper Treehopper
Sphinx Moth Sphinx Moth
Locust Locust
Scorpion Scorpion
Dragonfly Dragonfly
Cockroach Cockroach
Stonefly Stonefly
Lacewing Lacewing
earwig Earwig
Damselfly Damselfly
Honeybee Honeybee
Flea Flea
Mayfly Mayfly
Mantid Mantid
Red Bug Red Bug

Insect Names (Pictures and Details)

Bed Bug

Bed Bug

Bed Bug is an insect that is known to suck human blood. Human bed bugs are reddish-brown in color and oval in shape. Each bed bug is about 4-5 mm long. Bed bugs can be seen with bare eyes.

Digger wasp

Digger wasp

Digger wasps are often mistaken for bees. They eat their prey alive and don’t use them as a source of food or wax-like honeybees do. The digger wasp is mainly brown in color with yellow bands on the abdomen.

Louse fly

Louse fly

A louse fly is also known as the sheep ked. They are small black flies that appear during the summer months. Adult louse flies feed on the blood of animals. Their larvae develop in the sebaceous glands of their hosts’ skin, where they cause intense irritation and boils.

Red Velvet Mite

Red Velvet Mite

The red velvet mite is a member of the trombidiform mites. It has a bright red color and can be seen with bare eyes. It feeds on small animals including worms, ants, and other small insects.

Flower Fly

Flower Fly

Flower flies are also known as syrphid flies. They are often mistaken for bees or wasps because of their black and yellow colors. However, they feed on nectar and pollen instead of insects like true bees do.

Stink Bug

Stink Bug

The stink bugs are members of the family Pentatomidae. They release bad-smelling chemicals that act as a defense mechanism against predators. They are brown in color with triangular-shaped bodies.

Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis

The praying mantis is an invertebrate belonging to the family Mantidae. The adult mantids have elongated bodies, powerful jaws, and broad heads with large compound eyes. Their colors range from pale green or brown to bright green, pink, and even blue.



Grasshoppers are insects with long hind legs. They have wings but they don’t use them to fly. The colors of grasshoppers vary greatly depending on species and range from green, yellow, brown, and red.



Ladybugs are beetles belonging to the family Coccinellidae. Ladybugs feed on small insects like aphids and mealy bugs. They are also known as ladybirds, lady beetles, or ladybird beetles. They come in different colors like red, orange, yellow, black or white with black spots on their wings.

Carpenter Bee

Carpenter Bee

The carpenter bee is not a true bee but it does produce honey. The female carpenter bees bore holes in wood to lay their eggs. They are black in color with yellow marks on the abdomen.

Common Housefly

Common Housefly

Common houseflies are known for being carriers of diseases that affect humans and animals. They are 6-7 mm long, have red eyes, and have four dark stripes on the thorax.



Ants are social insects and live in colonies with a single queen. They feed on the fluids of plants and animals, which they store as sugary honeydew. Ants can be found all over the world but there are 240-600 ant species that exist only in Hawaii.



Hornworms are large green caterpillars of sphinx moths. They feed on plants like tomatoes, tobacco, and potatoes. They have a red-tipped horn at the posterior end of their bodies which they use to scare away enemies.



Maggots are the larvae of flies. They have a soft body, no legs, and their main source of food is decomposing flesh. They turn into adult flies in about 20 days.

Goliath Beetle

Goliath Beetle

Goliath beetles are large insects that belong to the genus Goliathus. They are larger than most other insects with one recorded specimen being 7.5 inches in length and weighing 2 oz.

House Centipede

House Centipede

The house centipede is a predatory arthropod that feeds on many common household insects like ants, cockroaches, spiders, and termites. It has long antennae and legs as well as venomous claws at the end of each leg.

Nepidae Wasp

Nepidae Wasp

Nepidae wasps are part of the sub-family Nepinae. They are known for their peculiar nests which resemble floating bubbles. They feed on small animals like caterpillars, spiders, and other insects. Females sting their prey to paralyze them before feeding their young to provide a high-protein meal.



Flies are insects with small bodies. They have one pair of wings and two pairs of legs. Their colors vary from species to species but most fly species are black, brown, or gray.

Flying Termites

Flying Termites

Flying termites are also known as alates or swarmers. They emerge from the colony when it’s time to reproduce and fly off in search for a new home.

Indian Hornet

Indian Hornet

Indian hornets are also known as giant hornets. They are large wasps with dark brown to black bodies and yellow markings on the abdomen.

Orchid Mantis

Orchid Mantis

Orchid mantises belong to the genus Hymenopus which consists of 12 species. They camouflage themselves with petals that resemble their own colorful bodies for protection against predators.



Millipedes are arthropods with cylindrical bodies. They have two pairs of legs in each segment, which gives them the name “diplopoda” meaning “double foot”.

Bean Weevil

Bean Weevil

The bean weevil is a small dark brown beetle that feeds on beans, peas, and seeds. They are considered agricultural pests since their larvae destroy stored grains.



Spider species vary in appearance but most have two body segments with eight legs. Their silk glands produce silk which they use to build webs for protection or to capture prey.



Grub is the term to describe the young of certain insects. They are worm-like in appearance usually lacking legs. Grubs are similar to caterpillars since they feed on vegetation to grow before turning into adults



Fireflies are beetles that use their bioluminescent abdomens to attract mates during mating season. They can be found near swampy areas or grasslands at night.



Mosquitoes are delicate insects with long, slender bodies. They have long legs and wings as well as needle-like mouthparts for cutting into skin to suck blood. This makes them major vectors of disease since they transfer pathogens to their victims.



Butterflies are insects with colorful wings and bodies. They have a knob-like structure called the proboscis for drinking nectar from flowers as their source of food as adults.



Moths are winged insects like butterflies. They come in different sizes and colors with some having scales that cover their bodies while others do not. Moths fly at night and rest during the day.



Cicadas are insects known for their extremely loud sounds. They have three pairs of legs as well as two pairs of wings with transparent covers. Cicadas feed on plant sap using their piercing mouthparts.



The treehoppers are insects that have a pear-shaped body that is green, tan, or brown in color. They can be found on twigs and branches of trees or weeds where they feed on sap.

Sphinx Moth

Sphinx Moth

The Sphinx moth is a large, heavy-bodied moth with narrow wings. They are known for the unusual way they look during flight since their forewings are much narrower than their hind wings.



Locusts are grasshoppers with long hind legs that enable them to jump great distances. They spend most of their lives in large groups known as swarms when they eat plants and breed constantly until the conditions are right for migration.



Scorpions are arachnids with a segmented body and a pair of pincers. They have four pairs of legs and an asymmetrical tail ending in a stinger. Scorpions can be tan, yellow, or red in color while some species glow under ultraviolet light



Dragonflies are insects with four wings and large multifaceted eyes. They have long, slender bodies that they use to hunt for prey such as mosquitoes and flies.



Cockroaches are insects with a shiny, flattened body and long antennae. They belong to the order of Blattodea which consists of insects that resemble cockroaches. They are nocturnal in nature and eat almost anything organic.



The stoneflies are insects with two pairs of wings. The front wings are hard while the hind wings are soft which they use to fold over their body for protection when not flying.



The lacewings are delicate insects with large wings. They have a slender body and long antennae which they use for sensing prey. Lacewings are also predators since their larvae eat aphids, mealy bugs, thrips, whiteflies, mites, leafhoppers, fruit flies, cabbage loopers, bollworms, and caterpillars.



Earwigs are insects with long, slender bodies and pincers at the end of their abdomen. They use these to defend themselves against predators but females also use them to protect their eggs.



The damselflies are small insects with large wings that they hold out while flying. Most species have bright colors on their wings and bodies that help identify them.



Honeybees are insects that make a substance known as honey from nectar gathered from flowers. They have hairy bodies and two pairs of wings with the front pair having small hooks which they use to carry pollen back to their hive.



Fleas are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of their host. They have a laterally flattened body and a large hind pair of legs which they use to jump from the host into its surroundings.



Mayflies are insects with a single pair of delicate wings. They have a slender body and two long tails at the end of which is a pair of gills. Mayflies lay their eggs in water that hatch into nymphs which then emerge from the water before transforming into adults that fly away to mate and lay eggs.



Mantids are insects with long, slender bodies and triangular heads. Mantid fly using their wings which they hold flat over the length of their body while at rest.

Red Bug

Red Bug

The red bugs are insects with broad, flat bodies and long legs. They pierce the plant cells of their host with their beaks which inject them with saliva containing toxins that paralyze their prey’s nervous system.

list of insects name in english

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