Opposite of Familiar |Antonyms of Familiar, Meaning and Example sentences in English PDF’
Familiar means well known from long or close association.
- Unknown
- Bad
- Aloof
- Dressy
- Secondary
- Unheard of
- Nontypical
- Discontinuous
- Quaint
- Awful
- Out of keeping
- Notable
- Scarce
- Uncommon
- Scanty
- Nontraditional
- Unused
- Distinct
- Non-standard
- Formal
- Seldom
- Nonconforming
- Reserved
- Unexpected
- Out of character
- Sporadic
- Far-out
- Outlandish
- Anomalous
- Unremarkable
- Unwonted
- Fantastical
- Abnormal
- Personalizedus
- Unaccepted
- Untraditional
- Remarkable
- Scattered
- Once in a blue moon
- Circumscribed
- Inhabitual
- Unique
- Memorable
- Custom
- Curious
- Unpopular
- Unapproachable
- Unprecedented
- Off and on
- Unexampled
- Customiseduk
- Irregular
- Undistinguished
- Extreme
- Startling
- Fresh
- Freakish
- Weird
- Exciting
- Customizedus
- Atypical
- Nonstandard
- Unorthodox
- Sometime
- Freaky
- Periodic
- Commercial
- Aperiodic
- Business
- Intermittent
- Alien
- Whacky
- Periodical
- Rare
- Special
- Industrial
- Off-beat
- One-off
- Few
- Scant
- Oddball
- Wacky
- Phenomenal
- Out-of-the-way
- Fantastic
- Unhackneyed
- Limited
- Uncharacteristic
- Aberrated
- Quirky
- Erratic
- Infrequent
- Outstanding
- Unfriendly
- Bizarre
- Private
- Casual
- Temporary
- Unsteady
- Inconstant
- Unaccustomed
- Unrepresentative
- Strange
- Cold
- Sparse
- Singular
- Unfamiliar
- Exotic
- Incidental
- Foreign
- Unlikely
- Specific
- Exact
- Eccentric
- Unestablished
- Way-out
- Undiscovered
- Cool
- Distinctive
- Terrible
- Personaliseduk
- Offbeat
- Spasmodic
- Great
- Mysterious
- Noncasual
- Original
- Unnatural
- Unusual
- Inconceivable
- Extraordinary
- Aberrant
- Outrageous
- Untypical
- Different
- Nonfamilial
- Occasional
- Surprising
- Exclusive
- Episodical
- Uncustomary
- Once-off
- Random
- Semioccasional
- Preternatural
- Especial
- Exceptional
- Novel
- Extra
- Only
- Particular
- Peculiar
- Out of the common
- Nondomestic
- Out of the ordinary
- Definite
- New
- Unparalleled
- Few and far between
- Queer
- Left-field
- Unheard-of
- Odd
- Disorderly
- Unfrequent
- Isolated
- Episodic
- Unconventional
- Unused to
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