Opposite of Huge |Antonyms of Huge, Meaning and Example sentences in English PDF
Huge means extremely large; enormous.
- Lay
- Shabby
- Basic
- Slim
- Cramped
- Tight
- Lowly
- Unimportant
- Wiry
- Meagerus
- Flyspeck
- Mediocre
- Half-pint
- Pitiful
- Itty-bitty
- Miniaturiseduk
- Wieldy
- Teeny-weeny
- Narrow
- Faint
- Ungenerous
- Light
- Picayune
- Claustrophobic
- Ordinary
- De minimis
- Countable
- Boney
- Uncomprehensive
- Pathetic
- Inadequate
- Piddly
- Token
- Lean
- Spindling
- Underwhelming
- Infinitesimal
- Petty
- Scrubby
- Wanting
- Insignificant
- Spare
- Minimum
- Not enough
- Spindly
- Nugatory
- Small-time
- Mini
- Bitesize
- Bad
- Ignorable
- Insufficient
- Micro
- Squat
- Bitty
- Normal
- Teensy-weensy
- Pintsize
- Reedy
- Pocket-size
- Worthless
- Reduced
- Eensy
- Bounded
- Toy
- Unconsiderable
- Undersize
- Exiguous
- In short supply
- Minute
- Puny
- Subordinate
- Mean
- Itsy-bitsy
- Picayunish
- Dwarfish
- Dinky
- Usual
- Scrimp
- Miniaturizedus
- Gracile
- Lightweight
- Fractional
- Incidental
- Shrivelleduk
- Insubstantial
- Bony
- Rare
- Atomic
- Unimposing
- Svelte
- Dwarf
- Homuncular
- Undersized
- Average
- Humble
- Inferior
- Rudimentary
- Slightly built
- Pygmy
- Squeezed
- Underdeveloped
- Non-essential
- Needy
- Base
- Disastrous
- Knee-high
- Fun-size
- Sparse
- Titchy
- Inconsiderable
- Delicate
- Tiddly
- Superficial
- Poorer
- Eensy-weensy
- Niggling
- Derisory
- Affordable
- Subnormal
- Minor-league
- Meaningless
- Dainty
- Secondary
- Depleted
- Predictable
- Stunted
- Stifling
- Teeny
- Unremarkable
- Second-string
- Microminiature
- Decreased
- Weak
- Negligible
- Nano
- Mingy
- Inconsequential
- Fun size
- Thin
- Trifling
- Diminished
- Diminutive
- Measurable
- Calculable
- Lacking
- Incapacious
- Ickle
- Sparing
- Lesser
- Midget
- Frail
- Not important
- Small
- Second-fiddle
- Runty
- Standard
- Restricted
- Fatless
- Elfin
- Infant
- Smallish
- Tight-fitting
- Incomplete
- Brief
- Truncated
- Shriveledus
- Frivolous
- Nanoscopic
- Irrelevant
- Beggarly
- Tiny
- Immaterial
- Pee-wee
- Moderate
- Limited
- Second-rate
- Lilliputian
- Miniscule
- Deficient
- Minikin
- Little bitty
- Lower rung
- Miserly
- Peewee
- Scrawny
- Bite-sized
- Lanky
- Skinny
- Little-bitty
- Unspacious
- Thin on the ground
- Toylike
- Dwarfed
- Confined
- Shrimp
- Measly
- Greedy
- Piddling
- Minor
- Low-grade
- Imperceptible
- Trivial
- Part
- Determinate
- Flimsy
- Few and far between
- Microscopic
- Pint-size
- Suffocating
- Massless
- Piffling
- Wee
- Portable
- Stumpy
- Bare
- Baby
- Twiggy
- Paltry
- Mere
- Scant
- Unsubstantial
- Compact
- Lower
- Willowy
- Pintsized
- Inappreciable
- Unexceptional
- Middling
- Slighter
- Fragile
- Runtish
- Underweight
- Itsy
- Convenient
- Vest-pocket
- Teensy
- Marginal
- Bantam
- Lank
- Fleeting
- Model
- Pint-sized
- Commonplace
- Small-scale
- Scaled-down
- Weensy
- Unsatisfactory
- Poor
- Embryonic
- Modest
- Rangy
- Pocket-sized
- Stubby
- Babyish
- Runted
- Weeny
- Second-class
- Skimp
- Minimal
- Natural
- Unimpressive
- Expected
- Skimpy
- Manageable
- Minuscular
- Not worth mentioning
- Bite-size
- Trim
- Lessened
- Scrimpy
- Terrestrial
- Slight
- Scanty
- Miserable
- Scarce
- Short
- Shrimpy
- Stingy
- Few
- Little
- Minuscule
- Sylphlike
- Scraggy
- Finite
- Microscopical
- Airless
- Bitsy
- Petite
- Incommodious
- Common
- Slender
- Low
- Exclusive
- Of no consequence
- Meagreuk
- Miniature
- Nominal
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