30 Vegetable Names List with Pictures PDF
Vegetables are the most basic part of our life. We consume vegetables as food. Some vertebrate animals also consume vegetables as food. When we are using vegetables in our daily life, we are eating them in every meal, it is very important to memorize the English names of the vegetables. In this lesson, we are going to study 30 vegetable names with their pictures. This list of 30 vegetable names has some very common vegetables of the Asian region.
Did you know that there are different names for vegetables in English? It can be confusing when you’re trying to cook because sometimes the name of the vegetable is different in America than it is in the U.K. or Australia. For example, zucchini is called a courgette in the U.K., and eggplant is called aubergine in Australia. This post will list some of the most common vegetables, along with their English names. So next time you’re at the grocery store, you’ll know what to look for!
Vegetables are a big part of many people’s diets, but do you know the names for all of them in English? Here is a list of common vegetables with their English names. Enjoy!
Must Learn: 12 Color Names List with Pictures
List of 30 Vegetables (Common)
- Mushroom
- Brinjal
- Chickpea
- Potato
- Cauliflower
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Lentil
- Pumpkin
- Cucumber
- Asparagus
- Sweet Potato
- Basil
- Broccoli
- Lady’s finger
- Corn
- Capsicum
- Spinach
- Onion
- Chili
- Radish
- Carrot
- Peas
- Chilli
- Jackfruit
- Cabbage
- Beetroot
- Tomato
- Green bean
- Coriander
Vegetable Names with Definitions
Cabbage is a white flower. A hormone is the yellow tissue on the outside of it. This flower has many petals on each other, and they are attached to a stem that comes from a root. The color of the leaves can be green or purple or sometimes red. These leaves grow in a circle around a part where another set of leaves come out.
Potatoes grow in the ground. They are small and brown and they come up from a plant that looks like grass. When you pick them, they will be light brown outside and white inside. They can be boiled or baked or cut into thin slices and fried.
A carrot is orange with green on top of it. It is a root and it grows under the ground. It has scratchy lines on it and is long and thin like a stick.
Onions come in different colors – white, yellow, or red. They can be cooked or eaten raw. They grow underground with lots of little bumps called “bulbs” on them. Each bulb has little roots coming out of it. Onions can be bigger than your hand. They have a strong smell when you cut them open.
Spinach is green and comes from a plant that looks like a weed. It has dark red or orange flowers that grow up in the air, not on the ground. When these flowers get to be the size of your hand, they will start to make seeds.
An eggplant is brown and looks bumpy with lots of little holes all over it. It is almost round and has a stem that comes out of one end of it. You can eat this fruit cooked or raw. It tastes bitter (yucky) when you eat it raw, but good if you cook it.
An onion is brown and white with little roots on the bottom of it. When you pick one up, you can see a strong smell coming from the onion. It has layers that are connected to each other. There are holes in between each layer. Sometimes there will be a purple flower on top of the onion before it grows into an onion. You can cook or eat this onion raw.
Cauliflower is white inside with little pieces coming out of it. It is on a big stem that has lots of leaves around it, and the leaves are attached to the bottom part of cauliflower. When you pick up cauliflower, you can see that there are no roots on this plant.
A pea is green and it grows in a pod. This pod has two parts, one of which holds the peas and the other part holds more peas. The peas inside can be eaten raw or cooked into soup.
When you pick up a cob of corn, it will be yellow and long like your finger (but not as thick as your finger). It will have many different kernels on it that are small and filled with a white substance. You eat the cob, not just the kernels. You can cook or eat fresh corn raw.
A bean is long and thin with ridges on the outside of them. Beans are connected to each other through their end parts that look like strings. A bean has a little bit of another plant inside it that holds all the beans together. You can cook or eat raw beans.
Green Peas
When you pick up green peas, they will feel smooth and not too heavy. They are green on the inside with a circle of little yellow spots inside them. You cook or eat these peas raw.
When you pick up lettuce, it will be light green and have a bumpy outside. When you open it up, there will be lots of water in between the leaves. You eat the leaves raw with salad, or you can cook it with meat to make a soup.
Broccoli is green with lots of little pieces growing on it. It comes in different colors, but mostly green or purple. When you pick up broccoli, you can see that it has a very thick stem and lots of bumps all over the outside of it. You cook this vegetable by boiling it and putting butter on top of it.
Mint comes in a green, brown, or white color. It has no stem and lots of leaves all over it that are very small. When you pick up mint, it feels very light for just one plant. It smells good and tastes good when you add it to fruits such as oranges or apples.
A cucumber is green and long. When you pick it up, it feels cold and heavy. On the outside there are lots of bumps, but not on the inside. You eat this cucumber by taking off its outer part and eating the meaty insides with a fork. It tastes very juicy and yummy.
A mushroom is brown and looks like a round ball. You can pick it up because its stem is attached to the ground and not to its head. When you slice open a mushroom, there will be no seeds inside of it. You cook this mushroom in soup or by frying it over a stove.
A chickpea is white when you first pick it up, but when you cook it, it turns into yellow. There are lots of little bumps on the outside and inside of them that you can see if you split them in half. You can eat these by cooking them or adding them to other foods like salads.
When you pick up garlic, it will feel very hard and have lots of little circles all over its outside. You can see that there is a green sprout inside the middle part of it. When you cut into garlic, this sprout might start to smell so you have to be careful not to cut too deep.
When you pick up ginger, it will feel hard and have lots of little bumps on its outside. You can see that there is a root inside the middle of it if you slice open a piece of ginger. This root has many layers going from thick to thin, and the top layer is yellowish brown.
You can see that when you pick up garlic it has many little circles all over its outside. You can see that there is a green sprout inside the middle part of it. When you cut into garlic, this sprout might start to smell so be careful not to cut too deep.
The lentil is a small, round seed that comes from a plant. It has a smooth outside and inside, and you can see that there are many little black spots on it. When you cook the lentil, it turns into a yellow color and becomes very soft.
Pumpkin is orange with bumps on the outside of it. When you pick up pumpkin, it feels very heavy because pumpkin has lots of seeds inside of it. You can cook this vegetable by boiling it and adding butter on top.
When you pick up radish, it will feel round and hard. It has a black top and bottom with white in the middle. When you cut this vegetable, it will be hollow inside because you can see all of its rings on the outside of it. You cook this by peeling off its outer layer and eating its meaty insides with a fork.
When you pick up asparagus, it will feel very fat and green. It also has a small stem on the bottom of it that is either white or brown. When you eat this vegetable, be careful not to eat its hard outside because there are lots of sharp pieces in between its leaves.
Sweet Potato
When you pick up a sweet potato, it will feel very light because it has lots of little holes on the outside. It is orange and brown and sometimes even red. There is also a thick stem on the bottom of the potato that has two leaves coming off of it. You eat this vegetable by boiling or frying it in oil.
Vegetable Names with Pictures
- Cabbage
- Tomato
- Sweet Potato
- Spinach
- Salad
- Radish
- Pumpkin
- Poptato
- Peas
- Onion
- Mushroom
- Mint
- Lentil
- Leek
- Lady Finger
- Green Bean
- Corn
- Cucumber
- Eggplant
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Coriander
- Chili
- chickpea
- Celery
- Cauliflower
- Beetroot
- Capsicum
- Carrot
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