25 Acronyms, Abbreviations and Meanings PDF
Abbreviations are extremely useful when learning English. In our daily lives, we use abbreviations. They contribute to the concision of our conversation. Abbreviations are extremely useful in expanding one’s vocabulary. We use abbreviations in everyday English writing, as well as when talking and texting, which is why they are important.
Learning English vocabulary is not as simple as it appears because English vocabulary is a vast field of English. There are only a few English grammar lessons, but when the focus is on vocabulary, you will discover how vast the vocabulary is. English abbreviations are one of the many words that ESL students must learn in order to become fluent in English.
Below is the list of abbreviations with meaning:
- gr8: Great
- HMB: Hit me back
- L8R: Later
- ppl: People
- AFAIK: As far as I know
- HTH: Hope this helps
- RT: Real time
- W8: Wait
- GTG: Got to go
- POV: Point of view
- PTFO: Passed the f** out
- Txt: Text
- ASL: Age/Sex/Location
- GMV: Got my vote
- RBTL: Read between the lines
- w/e: Whatever
- GL: Good luck
- J/K: Just Kidding
- POS: Parent over shoulder
- TTYS: Talk to you soon
- dI: Download
- FBO: Facebook official
- ISO: In search of
- pls: Please
- BTW: By the way
- CTN: Can’t talk now
- IMHO: In my humble opinion
- OT: Off topic
- CYE: Check your email
- IRL: In real life
- PC: Personel computer
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