Common Abbreviation List Pdf! Here is a list of abbreviations in English for students and knowledge seekers, download a Pdf from the post.
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Common Abbreviation List
ACE | a cool experience |
ANI | age not important |
A/G RATIO | Albumin to globulin ratio. |
ETOH | alcohol |
& | and |
ETC. | and more |
AM | ante meridiem (before noon) |
APT. | apartment |
APPT. | appointment |
APPROX | approximately |
AFAIK | as far as i know |
P.R.N. | as needed |
A.S.A.P. | as soon as possible |
AMA | ask me anything |
ASSOC. | association |
@ | at |
H.S. | at bedtime |
QHS | at each bedtime |
AVE. | avenue |
AFK | away from keyboard |
AD | awesome dude |
BAE | babe or before anyone else |
BA | bachelor of arts |
BS | bachelor of science |
BRB | be right back |
BRB | be right back |
B/C | because |
B/4 | before |
A.C. | before meals |
BC | before the year 0 |
BVT | bilingual vocational training |
BLD | blood |
BP | blood pressure |
BKPR | bookkeeper |
O.U. | both eyes |
BLVD. | boulevard |
BR | bounce rate |
BE | business english |
B2B | business to business |
B2C | business to customer |
P.O. | by mouth |
CALIF. | california |
CTA | call to action |
CANE | Canadian english |
CYN. | canyon |
CAPT. | captain |
CM | centimeter |
CWYL | chat with you later |
CEO | chief executive officer |
CFO | chief financial officer |
CMO | chief marketing officer |
CTR | click through rate |
COL. | colonel |
COLO. | Colorado |
CF | compared to |
C/O | complaint of |
CALI | computer assisted language instruction |
CALL | computer assisted language learning |
CMS | content management system |
CR | conversion rate |
CORP. | corporation |
CPC | cost per click |
CT. | court |
CYA | cover your a** or see ya |
C | cup/cups |
CX | customer experience |
Also Check: List of Common Adverbs
Most Used Abbreviations List
A long list of abbreviations that are mostly used.
DEPT. | department |
DPT. | department |
DIFF | difference |
DM | direct message |
D.C. | district of Columbia |
DIKY | Do i know you? |
D.I.Y. | do it yourself |
DR. | doctor |
DC | doctor of chiropractic |
DAE | Does anyone else? |
DR. | drive |
DR. | drive |
GTT | drops |
EA. | each |
Q.D. | each day |
QPM | each evening |
QAM | each morning |
E | east |
E/O | either/ or |
ECT | electro conclusive therapy |
NEP: NON | English proficient |
NES: NON | English speaking |
EST. | established |
E.T.A. | estimated time of arrival |
Q2H | every 2 hours |
QOD | every other day |
EVP | executive vice president |
ELI5 | explain like i’m 5 |
FB | |
FTFY | fixed that for you |
FT. | foot |
E.G. | for example |
I.E. | for example |
FR. | from |
FTE | full |
GAL. | gallon |
GEN. | general |
GA. | georgia |
GOV. | government |
GVHD | graft vs. host disease |
G | gram |
G | gram |
> | greater than |
HA | headache |
HQ | headquarters |
HWY. | highway |
HR | hour |
HBU | how about you? |
HIFW | how i feel/felt when |
IDK / IDKE | i don’t know / i don’t know either |
ILY | i love you |
IQ | ignorance quotient |
IAM | in a meeting |
ICYMI | in case you missed it |
IMO | in my opinion |
IRL | in real life |
IN VIVO | in the body |
IN VITRO | in the laboratory |
IN. | inch |
INC. | incorporated |
IND. | India |
ICU | intensive care unit |
ITU | intensive therapy unit |
INT’L | international |
IU | international units |
JT | joint |
JD | juris doctor |
JSYK | just so you know |
KG | kilogram |
LN. | lane |
LN. | lane |
LOL | laugh out loud |
LMAO | laughing my a** off |
LULZ | laughs |
LET | leaving early today |
O.S. | left eye |
< | less than |
LMK | let me know |
LT. | lieutenant |
LTD. | limited |
Abbreviations for Sms
LLC | limited liability corp. |
LBP | low back pain |
MGMT. | management |
MD | managing director |
MA | master of arts |
M.PHIL OR MPHIL | master of philosophy |
MAX | maximum |
MIRL | me in real life |
MD | medical doctor |
M/H | medical history |
M | meter |
MICH. | Michigan |
MI. | mile |
MPH. | miles per hour |
MG. | milligram |
ML | milliliters |
MM | millimeter |
MIN. | minute or minimum |
MISC. | miscellaneous |
MR. | mister |
MRS. | mistress (pronounced missus) |
MVP | mitral valve prolapse |
MONT. | Montana |
MT. | mountain/ mount |
MFW/MRW | my face when / my reaction when |
N/V | nausea or vomiting |
NVM | nevermind |
N.J. | new jersey |
N.M. | new Mexico |
N.Y. | new York |
NOOB | newbie |
NIM | no internal message |
NP | no problem |
NRN | no reply necessary |
N | north |
NE | northeast |
NW | northwest |
NSFW | not safe for work |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
NO. | number |
NCP | nursing care plan |
OFC | of course |
OTP | on the phone |
OZ | ounce |
PV | page views |
PTE | part |
PNL | peace and love |
PA | personal assistant |
PT | physical therapy |
PT | pint |
PT. | pints |
POS | point of sale |
POL. | politics |
PM | post meridiem (afternoon) |
LB | pound/pounds |
P | president |
PROF. | professor |
PD | progressive disease |
P | pulse |
QT | quart |
QT. | quarts |
QAP | quick as possible |
QFT | quoted for truth |
RTD | real time data |
RN | registered nurse |
O.D. | right eye |
RD. | road |
SEM | search engine marketing |
SEO | search engine optimization |
SEC | second |
CUL | see you later |
SR. | senior |
SVP | senior vice president |
SGT. | sergeant |
FACEPALM | seriously? |
SMH | shaking my head |
SMS | short message service |
SOB | shortness of breath |
STFU | shut the f*** up |
SNMP | so not my problem |
SM | social media |
SMM | social media marketing |
S/T | something |
S | south |
S.C. | south carolina |
SE | southeast |
SW | southwest |
SQ | square |
S/P | status post |
ST. | street |
SUBJ. | subject |
STE. | suite |
TBS, TBSP OR T | tablespoon/tablespoons |
TAB | tablet |
TSP OR T | teaspoon/teaspoons |
T | temperature |
TY | thank you |
TAY | thinking about you |
K | thousand |
TBT | throwback Thursday |
TBH | to be honest |
TTP | to the point |
TIL | today i learned |
TL;DR | too long; didn’t read |
B.I.D. | twice daily |
VS. | versus |
V. | very |
VET. | veteran or veterinarian |
VP | vice president |
VOL. | volume |
WT | weight |
W | west |
WIIFM | what’s in it for me |
W/ | with |
W/O | without |
WOM | word of mouth |
WFH | work from home |
WC | wrong conversation |
YGTI | you get the idea |
YOLO | you only live once |
YMMV | your mileage may vary |
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