Transition Words & Phrases (List with Examples)

Transition words are like bridges in a story. They help us move smoothly from one idea to another, just like walking across a bridge from one side of a river to the other. These words are special helpers in sentences, making it easier for us to understand how thoughts and ideas are connected. Whether you’re just starting to learn English or want to get even better at it, knowing about these words can make a big difference. Let’s dive in and explore how these little word-bridges can make your English journey more fun and easy to follow!

Transition Words

Transition words are words or phrases used to link sentences, clauses, or paragraphs together in a coherent and smooth manner. They help establish clear connections between ideas and ensure that thoughts flow logically from one to the next, making the text easier to read and understand. These words serve as cues to the reader, indicating relationships between the ideas, such as addition, contrast, cause and effect, or sequence.

Transition Words

Transition Words of Addition

Here is the list of transition words for addition with examples:

  • As well as: I enjoy playing the guitar, as well as the piano.
  • And: She bought apples and oranges from the market.
  • Too: I love reading mystery novels too.
  • Furthermore: Furthermore, it’s important to consider the long-term impacts.
  • Also: He also mentioned something about a meeting next week.
  • In addition to: In addition to yoga, she takes a weekly pilates class.
  • Not only – but also: She is not only talented but also very hardworking.
  • Or: Would you like tea or coffee?
  • Furthermore: Furthermore, we need to ensure the quality of our products.
  • Moreover: The plan sounds good; moreover, it’s within our budget.
  • Besides: Besides English, he speaks two other languages.
  • Than: This task is more complicated than I thought.
  • Too: This gift is for you too.
  • Also: She will also be attending the conference.
  • Both-and: The course covers both theory and practical applications.
  • Another: Let’s try another approach to solve this issue.
  • Equally important: Maintaining privacy is equally important as ensuring security.
  • First: First, let’s go over the agenda for today’s meeting.
  • Second: Second, we need to finalize the budget.
  • Again: Let’s try it again, this time with more focus.
  • Further: We need to investigate further before making a decision.
  • As well as: He’s interested in music as well as
  • In the second place: Excellent customer service is important, in the second place, we must ensure product quality.
  • Next, likewise: We’ll discuss the budget next, likewise, we’ll cover the timeline.
  • Similarly: The second experiment, similarly, showed no significant changes.
  • For example: Many countries, for example Japan, drive on the left.
  • For instance: For instance, consider the case of a decentralized network.
  • However: The plan was solid; however, its execution was flawed.
  • Plus: You’ll get the full package, plus an additional bonus.
  • Additionally: Additionally, we offer free technical support for the first year.
  • Coupled with: Her intelligence, coupled with her experience, makes her a great leader.
  • Not to mention: He’s an excellent writer, not to mention a skilled photographer.
  • Alongside: She works alongside the main team, providing support when needed.

Transition Words of Illustration

Here is the list of transition words of illustration with examples:

  • Thus: The experiment failed; thus, we need to revise our hypothesis.
  • For example: Many languages, for example French and Spanish, have Latin roots.
  • For instance: In some ecosystems, for instance, the introduction of a new species can cause significant changes.
  • Namely: There are two options, namely, continuing with the current plan or starting anew.
  • To illustrate: To illustrate the problem, let’s look at some real-world examples.
  • In other words: He’s very punctual, in other words, he’s never late.
  • In particular: This rule applies to everyone, in particular the new employees.
  • Specifically: The study focuses specifically on the effects of global warming in the Arctic.
  • Such as: Several fruits, such as oranges and lemons, are rich in vitamin C.
  • In this case: In this case, the best option is to wait for further instructions.
  • For one thing: For one thing, it’s too early to draw conclusions.
  • In the case of: In the case of emergency, please call this number.
  • Illustrated by: The complexity of the human brain is well illustrated by its ability to process abstract concepts.
  • Especially: This rule is important, especially for new users.
  • Including: Many countries, including Canada and Australia, are part of the Commonwealth.
  • By way of example: By way of example, let’s consider the economic impact of tourism.

Transition Words of Cause and Effect

Here is the list of transition words of cause and effect with examples:

  • Consequently: The roads were icy; consequently, school was canceled.
  • Therefore: He did not meet the required score; therefore, he must retake the exam.
  • So: The system was overburdened, so it crashed.
  • Because: She practiced daily, because she wanted to improve her skills.
  • Thus: The evidence was inconclusive; thus, the case remains open.
  • Hence: The project was underfunded, hence its premature termination.
  • Due to: The match was postponed due to
  • As a result: He underestimated the complexity of the task, as a result, he couldn’t complete it on time.
  • Stemming from: The confusion stemming from the ambiguous instructions led to delays.
  • Owing to: The concert was a success, owing to the efforts of the volunteers.
  • Given that: Given that it’s already late, we should probably head home.
  • Leads to: Regular exercise leads to improved health.
  • Results in: Poor planning often results in project failures.

Transition Words of Comparison

Here is the list of transition words of comparison with examples:

  • Similarly: Similarly, the second experiment yielded the same results.
  • Likewise: She is fluent in Swedish and, likewise, in Norwegian.
  • In like fashion: The author’s new book, in like fashion, has received critical acclaim.
  • In like manner: The birds, in like manner, migrate south for the winter.
  • Analogous to: The structure of an atom is analogous to that of the solar system.
  • As …as: He is as talented as his sister.
  • As if: She acts as if she owns the place.
  • Equally: Both options are equally
  • Like: His writings are like a window to his soul.
  • In the same way: In the same way, the finale tied all the storylines together.
  • Comparable to: His speed is comparable to that of a professional athlete.
  • Just as: Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, great skills take time to develop.
  • Equally as: The sequel was equally as exciting as the original movie.

Transition Words of Contrast

Here is the list of transition words of contrast with examples:

  • On the contrary: She thought it would be easy; on the contrary, it was quite challenging.
  • Contrarily: Contrarily, his actions suggest he’s not interested.
  • Notwithstanding: The team played well, notwithstanding their previous losses.
  • But: She’s very talented, but very modest about her abilities.
  • However: The path was difficult, however, they kept moving forward.
  • Nevertheless: It was raining heavily; nevertheless, the event went ahead as planned.
  • In spite of: In spite of the challenges, they remained optimistic.
  • In contrast: The first product was a success; in contrast, the second one flopped.
  • Yet: He’s a novice yet he performed like a pro.
  • On the one hand: On the one hand, the car is expensive; on the other hand, it’s very reliable.
  • On the other hand: She likes to travel, but on the other hand, she loves the comfort of home.
  • Rather: I would rather go hiking than stay indoors.
  • Or: You can choose to stay or come with us.
  • Nor: She could nor confirm nor deny the rumors.
  • Conversely: He’s known for his strength; conversely, his brother is known for his intelligence.
  • At the same time: At the same time, we must ensure quality and efficiency.
  • While this may be true: While this may be true, the overall impact is still negative.
  • Despite: Despite his fear of heights, he went skydiving.
  • Even though: Even though it was cold, they decided to swim.
  • Albeit: The journey was wonderful, albeit

Transition Words of Emphasis

Here is the list of transition words of emphasis with examples:

  • Above all: Above all, always tell the truth.
  • Indeed: This is, indeed, a serious issue.
  • Truly: The view is truly
  • Of course: You are, of course, welcome to join us.
  • Certainly: We will certainly address this matter.
  • Surely: Surely, you can’t be serious.
  • In fact: The story is, in fact, based on real events.
  • Really: This is really a remarkable achievement.
  • In truth: In truth, I was never interested.
  • Again: Let’s review the facts again for clarity.
  • Besides: Besides being a talented artist, she’s also a great singer.
  • Also: This rule also applies to part-time employees.
  • Furthermore: Furthermore, we must consider the long-term effects.
  • In addition: In addition, a new wing will be added to the museum.
  • Most importantly: Most importantly, no one was hurt in the incident.
  • Primarily: The fund was set up primarily to aid those in need.
  • Emphatically: She emphatically denied the accusations.


Transition Words of Order

Here is the list of transition words of order with examples:

  • First/firstly: First, we will discuss the company’s financial performance.
  • Second/secondly: Secondly, let’s move on to the marketing strategy.
  • Third/thirdly: Thirdly, we need to consider the HR policies.
  • Finally: Finally, we will open the floor to questions.
  • At that time: At that time, the decision seemed appropriate.
  • Previously: Previously, we had focused solely on domestic markets.
  • Before: Before we proceed, let’s review the agenda.
  • Subsequently: Subsequently, the team developed a new plan.
  • Next: Next, we will hear from the sales department.
  • Then: We will gather data, and then analyze it.
  • Afterward: Afterward, there will be a short break.
  • Thereafter: The system updates thereafter improved performance significantly.
  • Concurrently: These tasks need to be executed concurrently.

Transition Words of Summary/Conclusion

Here is the list of transition words of Summary/conclusion with examples:

  • In conclusion: In conclusion, the project was a success.
  • To summarise: To summarise, three key points were discussed.
  • Altogether: Altogether, the evidence points to a single conclusion.
  • In short: In short, we need to improve efficiency.
  • To sum up: To sum up, our strategy must evolve.
  • Briefly: Briefly, let’s recap the main findings.
  • To conclude: To conclude, further research is needed.
  • Therefore: Therefore, we must adjust our approach.
  • Finally: Finally, I’d like to thank everyone for their participation.
  • Consequently: Consequently, we will revise our objectives.
  • Thus: Thus, we can see the impact of the changes.
  • In short: In short, our efforts have been fruitful.
  • In conclusion: In conclusion, teamwork led to our success.
  • In brief: In brief, the results exceeded our expectations.
  • As a result: As a result, we are in a strong position moving forward.
  • Accordingly: Accordingly, we will proceed with the proposed plan.
  • Overall: Overall, the project was beneficial for our team.
  • In essence: In essence, the theory was proven correct.
  • To wrap up: To wrap up, let’s revisit the key takeaways.

Transition Words of Time & Sequence

Here is the list of transition words of time & sequence with examples:

  • Later: We will discuss this later in the meeting.
  • After: After the break, we’ll continue with the workshop.
  • Before: Before we start, please ensure your phones are on silent.
  • Then: We’ll have the introduction, then the main presentation.
  • Soon: The report will be published soon.
  • Finally: Finally, we reached the last item on our agenda.
  • First, second…: First, we’ll review the budget, second, staffing needs.
  • Subsequently: Subsequently, the committee will evaluate the feedback.
  • Meanwhile: Meanwhile, the team worked on an alternative solution.
  • During: During the seminar, take notes for the quiz.
  • Until: Work will continue until the project is complete.
  • Momentarily: The manager will join us momentarily.

Transition Words of Direction & Place

Here is the list of transition words of direction & place with examples:

  • Here: Here is where we will set up the new office.
  • Over there: The documents you need are over there.
  • Beyond: Our ambitions go beyond the current scope of work.
  • Under: The cat hid under the table during the storm.
  • To the left: You’ll find the restrooms to the left of the entrance.
  • In the distance: In the distance, you can see the mountains.
  • Opposite: The cafe is located opposite the library.
  • Nearby: There’s a great restaurant nearby.
  • Adjacent to: The garden is adjacent to the river.
  • Alongside: She worked alongside renowned experts in the field.
  • Within: The solution lies within the current framework.
  • Above: The painting hangs above the fireplace.
  • Below: Temperatures dropped below freezing overnight.