Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude for all of the good things in our lives. It’s also a time to enjoy traditional Thanksgiving foods like turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. If you’re looking for some new words to add to your Thanksgiving vocabulary, here are 26 of them:
1. Thankful – feeling or showing gratitude
2. Appreciate – recognize the worth, quality, or magnitude of
3. Blessings – prayers said for protection or prosperity
4. Devour – eat greedily or voraciously
5. Gobble – eat quickly and noisily
6. Indulge – give oneself completely to an activity or pleasure
7. Jubilant – full of joy and happiness
Thanksgiving Words Starting With A
- Awe
- Autumn
- Ate
- Assemble
- Arrowhead
- Arrangement
- Aroma
- Appreciation
- Apple pie
- Apple cider
- Apple
- Appetite
- Anxiety
- American
- America
- Acorn
- Abundance
Thanksgiving Words Starting With B
- Buns
- Buffet
- Brood
- Broadway
- Bread
- Bouquet
- Bolas
- Blessings
- Blessing
- Black-Friday
- Bison
- Berries
- Beloved
- Belonging
- Beans
- Baste
- Basket
- Band
- Balloons
- Baking
- Bake
Thanksgiving Words Starting With C
- Crowds
- Crops
- Cream
- Cranberry sauce
- Cranberry
- Cranberries
- Couch
- Cornucopia
- Cornbread
- Corn stalk
- Corn meal
- Corn
- Cooperative
- Cooking
- Cook
- Conversation
- Companionship
- Community
- Comfort
- Colony
- Colonist(s)
- Collective
- Coffee
- Cloves
- Clan
- Cider
- Church
- Chocolate
- Cherry pie
- Ceremony
- Centerpiece
- Celebration
- Celebrate
- Cater
- Casserole
- Carve
- Care
- Canoe
- Candles
Thanksgiving Words Starting With D
- Decorations
- Duck
- Drumstick
- Dressing
- Dress up
- Dishes
- Dish
- Dinner
- Dining
- Dine
- Dessert
- Delight
- Delicious
- Delicacy
- Deep-seated
Thanksgiving Words Starting With E
- Eat
- Expectations
- Entertain
- Embrace
- Elegant
- Egg bread
- Efforts
- Eating
- Eaten
Thanksgiving Words Starting With F
- Fall
- Familial
- Full
- Frybread
- Friendship
- Friends
- Fried turkey
- Fried
- Freedom
- Football
- Food,
- Flowers
- Float
- Flaky
- Fish
- Fireside
- Fireplace
- Festive
- Feeding
- Feed
- Feast
- Favorite
- Fancy
- Famished
- Family
- Familiar
Thanksgiving Words Starting With G
- Gather
- Gathering
- Generations
- Giblets
- Giving
- Gizzard
- Gobble
- Gobbler
- Guests
- Groups
- Groceries
- Green beans
- Gravy
- Gratitude
- Grateful
- Grandparents
- Grandparent
- Grandmother
- Grandfather
- Grace
- Gourmet
- Gourds
- Gourd
- Gooseberry pie
- Goose
- God
Thanksgiving Words Starting With H
- Ham
- Harvest
- Hymns
- Hugs
- Hot chocolate
- Hostess
- Host
- Hospitality
- Horn of plenty
- Hope
- Homeward
- Homecoming
- Home
- Holiday
- Holding hands
- Heritage
- Herald-square
- Helping
- Heartland
- Hearth
Thanksgiving Words Starting With I
- Ice cream
- Invite
- Indigenous
- Indians
- Indian corn
- Immigrate
Thanksgiving Words Starting With J
- Joyful
- Joy
- Journey cake
- Jellies
- Jam
Thanksgiving Words Starting With K
- Kale
- Kitchen
- Kisses
- Kernels
- Kayak
Thanksgiving Words Starting With L
- Laughter
- Love
- Longbow
- Linen
- Libation
- Leftovers
- Leftover
- Leaves
- Leaf
Thanksgiving Words Starting With M
- Macys
- Muffins
- Mood
- Mixture
- Minister
- Mince meat pie
- Memories
- Melting pot
- Meat
- Meal
- Mayflower
- Massasoit
- Mashed
- Mash
- Marching
Thanksgiving Words Starting With N
- Nap
- Nuts
- Nutmeg
- Nutcrackers
- November
- New World
- Network
- Native American
- Native
- Napping
- Napkin
Thanksgiving Words Starting With O
- Overeating
- Oven
- Orchard
- Onions
- Occasion
- Observances
Thanksgiving Words Starting With P
- Pals
- Pumpkin
- Priorities
- Priest
- Pride
- Prayer
- Pray
- Powwow
- Poult (baby turkey)
- Pots
- Potato
- Plymouth Rock
- Plymouth Colony
- Plymouth
- Plum sauce
- Plum pudding
- Plentiful
- Platter
- Planting
- Plantation
- Pilgrim(s)
- Pilgrim
- Piki bread
- Pie(s)
- Picture perfect
- Pemmican
- Pecan
- Peace
- Patuxet Indians
- Parents
- Pardon
- Parade
- Pans
- Pan
- Pumpkin pie
- Puritans
Thanksgiving Words Starting With Q
- Queuing
- Quince pie
Thanksgiving Words Starting With R
- Rabbi
- Recipe
- Rolls
- Roast turkey
- Roast
- Ritual
- Reunions
- Relish
- Religious
- Religion
- Relaxation
- Relatives
- Relationship
- Rejoice
- Refuge
- Reflections
- Roots
- Rutabaga
Thanksgiving Words Starting With S
- Sacred
- Sage
- Sweet potato
- Sweet corn
- Sustenance
- Sunflower seeds
- Succotash
- Stuffing
- Stress
- Stir
- Squash
- Squanto
- Spices
- Snow
- Snoopy
- Sleep
- Sigh
- Shelter
- Sharing
- Settlers
- Setting
- Serve
- Seasons
- Seasonings
- Sauce
- Satiated
- Santa
- Salad
- Sail
- Symbol
- Synagogue
Thanksgiving Words Starting With T
- Table setting
- Trips
- Trimmings
- Treaty
- Tray
- Travel
- Tradition(s)
- Tradition
- Totem
- Tom turkey
- Tisquantum
- Tipi
- Thursday
- Thanksgiving Day
- Thanks
- Thankful
- Television
- Tasty
- Taste
- Tablecloth
- Turkey
- Turnips
Thanksgiving Words Starting With U
- Uncooked
- Unique
- Unify
- Understanding
- Universal
Thanksgiving Words Starting With V
- Vacation
- Vanilla
- Voyage
- Volunteer
- Vision
- Viewpoint
- Venison
- Vegetarian
- Vegetable(s)
Thanksgiving Words Starting With W
- Wishbone
- Winter
- Wild turkeys
- Wigwam
- Welcome
- Wattle
- Wassail
- Warmth
- Warm
- Wampanoag Indians
- Wojapi
Thanksgiving Words Starting With Y
- Yam
Thanksgiving Words Starting With Z
- Zest