Birds that start with C! Birds name in English are very important for all levels of English Learners. In this lesson you will learn all the birds name starting with letter C.
There is a huge list of birds with C in English. The Carolina Wren is a small songbird found in the eastern and southeastern United States. This wren is brown with a reddish-brown cap and a white throat. The Carolina Wren is known for its loud, warbling song.
The California Condor is the largest bird in North America. This vulture has a wingspan of up to 10 feet! The California Condor is black except for its white head and neck. These birds once ranged from British Columbia to Baja California, but due to hunting and habitat loss, they are now found only in California and Arizona.
The Common Crane is a large wading bird found in Europe and Asia. This crane has a long neck and legs, and can reach up to 130cm tall! The Common Crane breeds in wetlands near rivers or lakes.
Birds That Start With C
- Chickadees
- Canary
- Caatinga Nighthawk
- Caspian Tern
- Crimson Sunbird
- Chestnut Rail
- Cockatiel
- Chats
Read Also: Birds That Start with B
- Charcoal
- Common Sandpiper
- Cattle Tyrant
- California Scrub Jay
- Coucal
- Clancy
- Chimney Swift
- Chelsea
- Condors
- Chilean Hawk
- Cacique
- Corncrake
- Checky
- Cactus Wren
- Carolina Parakeet
- Cape Bulbul
- Common Scoter
- Common Raven
- Chinese Babax
- Clyde
- Crombec
- California Quail
- Chomper
- Cowbird
- Chukar
- Conebill
- Cape Gannet
- Currawongs
- Chaco Nothura
- Coleto
- Cayenne Jay
- Cranky
- Cetti’s Warbler
- Caribbean Dove
- Colasisi
- Common Redpoll
- ChitChat
- Charlie
- Chinstrap Penguin
- Cuckoo
- Crozet Shag
- Cave Swallow
- Cliff Swallow
- Crested Tern
- Carrier pigeon
- Common Myna
- Cockatoo
- Cameroon Pipit
- Capercaillie
- Cachalote
- Caatinga Woodpecker
- Choco Vireo
- Cape Crow
- Courage
- Cirl Bunting
- Canyon wren
- Cabot’s Tragopan
- Cabanis’s Greenbul
- Ceres
- Cormorants
- California Condor
Birds Starting With C
- Crested Goose
- Corona
- Chevelle
- Catbirds
- Collared Crow
- Carp’s Tit
- Chachalaca
- Chicken
- Cape Petrel
- Carly
Read Also: Birds That Start with X
- Chinese Monal
- China
- Cabalus Modestus
- Codie
- Costa’s Hummingbird
- Cooks Petrel
- Common Tern
- Canastero
- Chukar Partridge
- Comb Duck
- Calliope Hummingbird
- Coot
- Cisticolas
- Cardinal
- Canada jay
- Crab Plover
- Crane
- Chaffinch
- Cranes
- Cotingas
- Carolina Chickadee
- Crow
- Common Yellowthroat
- Common Ground-Dove
- Cowbirds
- Cape Bunting
- Curlews
- Capuchinbird
- Common Kingfisher
- Canada Goose
- Collier
- Canvasback
- Common Gull
- CJ
Birds That Begin With C
- Ciera
- Chestnut Teal
- Creepers
- Curassow
- Creeper
- Cuban Blackbird
- Condor
- Chaco Pipit
- Crag Chilia
- Crested Auklet
- Collard Kingfisher
- Cormorant
- Caracara
- Common Swift
- Ceylon Junglefowl
- Common Rosefinch
- Coucals
- Caica Parrot
- Chicky
- Cicadabird
- Cactus
- Chiloe Wigeon
- Calandra Lark
- Chiming Wedgebill
- Carribean Dove
- Chase
- Cecil
- Clio
- Chat Tanager
- Carolina Wren
- Cassandra
- Chatters
- Crakes
- Coots
- Carrion Crow
- Campbel
- Common Kestrel
- Cackling Goose
- Chickadee
Birds Beginning With C
- Cassowary
- Crested Tit
- Connie
- Cabanis’s Spinetail
- Cuban Tody
- Clark’s Grebe
- Crossbill
- Chough
- Cuban Trogon
- Cabanis’s Bunting
- Crested Duck
- Common Ground Dove
- Cactus Canastero
- Catbird
- Caatinga Parakeet
- Cattle Egret
- Coca
- Chipolte
- Cisticola
- Cooper’s Hawk
- Coquette
- Cassin’s Finch
- Cutiepie
- Crane (Stork)
- Cuckoos
- Cookie
- Chuckles
- Cheer Pheasant
- Claude
- Cloud
- Crows
- Common Ostrich
- California Scrub-Jay
- Camaroptera
- Couas
- Circe
- Chestnut-Backed Chickadee
You can download pdf of this complete lesson of birds name with C.
In conclusion, there are a variety of birds that begin with the letter c. These birds can be found all over the world and vary in size, color, and diet. Although they may seem like simple creatures, they are important to their ecosystems and should be appreciated for their beauty and diversity.