20 Excuses For Ignoring Someone

Hey there! Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you didn’t want to talk to someone and needed an excuse? Well, you’re not alone! In this blog post, we’re going to explore 20 simple excuses you can use when you want to avoid talking to someone.

Excuses For Ignoring Someone

  1. “My phone was on silent, and I didn’t notice your messages.”
  2. “I’ve been swamped with work and barely had time for anything else.”
  3. “I was dealing with a personal family matter and was distracted.”
  4. “I’ve been feeling really unwell and took some time off everything.”
  5. “I thought I replied but just realized I hadn’t.”
  6. “I was traveling and had spotty internet access.”
  7. “I’ve been going through a tough time and needed some space.”
  8. “My phone/Email had some issues, and I missed a lot of messages.”
  9. “I was so stressed, I needed to disconnect for a bit.”
  10. “I’ve been overwhelmed and accidentally overlooked your messages.”
  11. “I was caught up in a project with a tight deadline.”
  12. “I saw your message, then something urgent came up, and I forgot to reply.”
  13. “I’ve been trying to cut down on my screen time recently.”
  14. “I was in a place with really bad reception for a while.”
  15. “I’ve been trying to focus more on in-person interactions.”
  16. “I was dealing with some anxiety and wasn’t very communicative.”
  17. “I’ve been reassessing my social media use and took a break.”
  18. “I needed some time to think before I could respond properly.”
  19. “I’ve been dealing with insomnia and have been out of sorts.”
  20. “I was so sure we had already talked about it, I didn’t realize I hadn’t responded.”

20 Excuses For Ignoring Someone