100 Homophones with Meanings
Below are 100 homophones with their meaning in english.
- Aisle – Isle
Aisle: A passageway between rows.
Isle: An island.
- Brake – Break
Brake: Device to stop a vehicle.
Break: To fracture or separate.
- Flour – Flower
Flour: Wheat-based powder for baking.
Flower: The blooming part of a plant.
- Knight – Night
Knight: A medieval warrior.
Night: Darkness after sunset.
- Mail – Male
Mail: Delivered letters and parcels.
Male: A gender category.
- Meat – Meet – Mete
Meat: Edible animal flesh.
Meet: To encounter someone.
Mete: To distribute or allot.
- Pair – Pear
Pair: A set of two.
Pear: A type of fruit.
- Peace – Piece
Peace: Freedom from disturbance.
Piece: A portion of something.
- Plain – Plane
Plain: Simple or unadorned.
Plane: A flat surface or aircraft.
- Rain – Rein – Reign
Rain: Precipitation from clouds.
Rein: A strap for controlling an animal.
Reign: To rule as a monarch.
- Right – Write – Rite
Right: Correct or opposite of left.
Write: To mark letters or words.
Rite: A religious or ceremonial act.
- See – Sea
See: To perceive with eyes.
Sea: Large body of saltwater.
- Son – Sun
Son: A male child.
Sun: The star at the center of our solar system.
- Tail – Tale
Tail: The rear part of an animal.
Tale: A story or narrative.
- Their – There – They’re
Their: Belonging to them.
There: In that place.
They’re: Contraction of ‘they are’.
- To – Too – Two
To: Expressing direction or purpose.
Too: Also or excessively.
Two: The number after one.
- Waste – Waist
Waste: To use carelessly.
Waist: Part of the body above the hips.
- Weak – Week
Weak: Lacking strength.
Week: Seven days period.
- Weather – Whether
Weather: Climate conditions.
Whether: Expressing a doubt or choice.
- Which – Witch
Which: Asking for information.
Witch: A woman thought to have magic powers.
- Bare – Bear
Bare: Uncovered or naked.
Bear: A large mammal or to carry.
- Berry – Bury
Berry: Small edible fruit.
Bury: To cover or conceal.
- Board – Bored
Board: A flat piece of wood.
Bored: Feeling weary or uninterested.
- Cell – Sell
Cell: A small room or biological unit.
Sell: To exchange for money.
- Cite – Sight – Site
Cite: To quote as evidence.
Sight: The ability to see.
Site: A location or place.
- Complement – Compliment
Complement: Something that completes.
Compliment: An expression of praise.
- Dew – Due
Dew: Moisture condensed from air.
Due: Expected at a certain time.
- Die – Dye
Die: To cease living.
Dye: Colorant for materials.
- Fair – Fare
Fair: Equitable or a gathering.
Fare: A fee for transport.
- Feat – Feet
Feat: An achievement or skill.
Feet: Plural of foot.
- Fir – Fur
Fir: A type of tree.
Fur: Animal hair.
- Flea – Flee
Flea: A small jumping insect.
Flee: To run away.
- Flour – Flower
Flour: Grain-based powder.
Flower: Reproductive part of a plant.
- For – Four
For: Introducing purpose.
Four: The number 4.
- Groan – Grown
Groan: A low sound of pain.
Grown: Increased in size.
- Hair – Hare
Hair: Filaments on the head.
Hare: A fast-running animal.
- Heal – Heel
Heal: Become healthy again.
Heel: Back part of the foot.
- Hear – Here
Hear: To perceive sound.
Here: In this place.
- Higher – Hire
Higher: More elevated.
Hire: To employ or rent.
- Hole – Whole
Hole: An opening or gap.
Whole: Entire or complete.
- Hour – Our
Hour: Sixty minutes.
Our: Belonging to us.
- Idle – Idol
Idle: Not active.
Idol: An object of worship.
- In – Inn
In: Inside or within.
Inn: A small hotel.
- Knew – New
Knew: Past tense of know.
New: Not old or used.
- Knot – Not
Knot: A fastening made by looping.
Not: Used to negate.
- Made – Maid
Made: Past tense of make.
Maid: A female servant.
- Mail – Male
Mail: Letters and packages.
Male: A gender category.
- Main – Mane
Main: Most important.
Mane: Hair on a horse’s neck.
- Meat – Meet
Meat: Animal flesh.
Meet: To come into contact.
- Medal – Meddle – Metal – Mettle
Medal: An award.
Meddle: To interfere.
Metal: Element, compound, or alloy.
Mettle: Courage or fortitude.
- Morning – Mourning
Morning: Start of the day.
Mourning: Grieving for someone.
- No – Know
No: The opposite of yes.
Know: To be aware of.
- One – Won
One: The number 1.
Won: Past tense of win.
- Pair – Pare – Pear
Pair: Two of something.
Pare: To trim or peel.
Pear: A type of fruit.
- Peace – Piece
Peace: Tranquility.
Piece: A part of something.
- Peek – Peak – Pique
Peek: A quick look.
Peak: The top of a mountain.
Pique: To stimulate interest.
- Plane – Plain
Plane: A flat surface or aircraft.
Plain: Simple or clear.
- Poor – Pour – Paw
Poor: Lacking wealth.
Pour: To flow or transfer liquid.
Paw: The foot of an animal.
- Pray – Prey
Pray: To speak to a deity.
Prey: An animal hunted for food.
- Principal – Principle
Principal: Main or head of a school.
Principle: A fundamental truth or belief.
- Rain – Rein – Reign
Rain: Water from the sky.
Rein: A strap to control an animal.
Reign: To rule as a monarch.
- Read – Red
Read: To look at and comprehend text.
Red: A color.
- Right – Rite – Write
Right: Correct or a direction.
Rite: A ceremonial act.
Write: To mark down words.
- Ring – Wring
Ring: A circular band.
Wring: To twist and squeeze.
- Road – Rode – Rowed
Road: A path or street.
Rode: Past tense of ride.
Rowed: Past tense of row.
- Role – Roll
Role: A character played by an actor.
Roll: To turn something over.
- Rose – Rows
Rose: A flower.
Rows: Plural of row.
- Sail – Sale
Sail: To travel by boat.
Sale: The act of selling.
- Scene – Seen
Scene: A part of a play or movie.
Seen: Past participle of see.
- Sea – See
Sea: Large body of saltwater.
See: To perceive visually.
- Seam – Seem
Seam: A line where two pieces of fabric are sewn together.
Seem: To appear in a certain way.
- Sees – Seas – Seize
Sees: Third person of see.
Seas: Plural of sea.
Seize: To grasp suddenly.
- Sell – Cell
Sell: To give in exchange for money.
Cell: A small room or biological unit.
- Sent – Scent – Cent
Sent: Past tense of send.
Scent: A distinct smell.
Cent: A coin worth one-hundredth of a dollar.
- Serial – Cereal
Serial: A story or play appearing in parts.
Cereal: A breakfast food.
- Shear – Sheer
Shear: To cut, especially wool from sheep.
Sheer: Very thin or transparent.
- Sight – Site – Cite
Sight: The ability to see.
Site: A location.
Cite: To quote as evidence.
- Soar – Sore
Soar: To fly high.
Sore: Painful or aching.
- Sole – Soul
Sole: The bottom part of a shoe.
Soul: The spiritual part of a person.
- Some – Sum
Some: An unspecified amount.
Sum: The total amount.
- Son – Sun
Son: A male child.
Sun: The star at the center of our solar system.
- Stair – Stare
Stair: A set of steps.
Stare: To look fixedly.
- Stake – Steak
Stake: A strong stick or post.
Steak: A piece of meat.
- Stationary – Stationery
Stationary: Not moving.
Stationery: Writing materials.
- Steal – Steel
Steal: To take without permission.
Steel: A hard, strong alloy.
- Sweet – Suite
Sweet: Having a sugary taste.
Suite: A set of rooms.
- Tail – Tale
Tail: The rear part of an animal.
Tale: A story or narrative.
- Tea – Tee
Tea: A hot beverage.
Tee: A stand used in golf.
- Team – Teem
Team: A group of players.
Teem: To be full of.
- Threw – Through
Threw: Past tense of throw.
Through: From end to end.
- Thyme – Time
Thyme: A type of herb.
Time: Measured in hours and minutes.
- Tide – Tied
Tide: The rise and fall of the sea.
Tied: Bound with a rope or string.
- Toe – Tow
Toe: A digit on the foot.
Tow: To pull behind.
- Vain – Vein – Vane
Vain: Excessively proud.
Vein: A blood vessel.
Vane: A device showing wind direction.
- Waist – Waste
Waist: Part of the body between ribs and hips.
Waste: To use carelessly.
- Wait – Weight
Wait: To stay in place.
Weight: The measure of heaviness.
- Way – Weigh – Whey
Way: A path or direction.
Weigh: To measure heaviness.
Whey: A milk byproduct.
- Weak – Week
Weak: Lacking strength.
Week: Seven days.
- Wear – Where
Wear: To have on the body.
Where: In or at what place?
- Weather – Whether
Weather: Climate conditions.
Whether: Expressing a doubt or choice.
Must Read: Synonyms Words A to Z
Must Learn: Pairs of Words in English
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