List of Adjective Words of Attitude in English with PDF
You may like to read: 1000 Adjectives list
- Amused
- Angry
- Apathetic
- Appreciative
- Arrogant
- Artificial
- Audacious
- Authoritative
- Awe
- Bantering
- Belligerent
- Benevolent
- Brave
- Callous
- Calm
- Caustic
- Cheerful
- Cheery
- Childish
- Choleric
- Coarse
- Cold
- Comical
- Compassionate
- Complimentary
- Condemnatory
- Condescending
- Condescension
- Confident
- Consoling
- Contemplative
- Conventional
- Critical
- Cynical
- Disappointed
- Disdainful
- Disgruntled
- Disgusted
- Disinterested
- Dreamy
- Droll
- Earnest
- Ecstatic
- Elated
- Elevated
- Encouraging
- Energetic
- Enthusiastic
- Erudite
- Excited
- Exuberant
- Facetious
- Fanciful
- Flippant
- Forthright
- Friendly
- Furious
- Giddy
- Gloomy
- Happy
- Harsh
- Hateful
- Haughty
- Hopeful
- Humorous
- Hurtful
- Impassioned
- Indignant
- Inflammatory
- Insolent
- Intimate
- Ironic
- Irreverent
- Irritated
- Joking
- Joyful
- Jubilant
- Judgmental
- Lighthearted
- Mock-heroic
- Objective
- Obnoxious
- Optimistic
- Outraged
- Passionate
- Passive
- Peaceful
- Pessimistic
- Playful
- Pleasant
- Proud
- Reflective
- Relaxed
- Reverent
- Ribald
- Ridicule
- Romantic
- Sad
- Scornful
- Shameful
- Sharp
- Silly
- Sincere
- Smooth
- Snooty
- Solemn
- Superficial
- Surprised
- Sweet
- Testy
- Threatening
- Tired
- Uninterested
- Vibrant
- Whimsical
- Insulting
- Jovial
- Loving
- Malicious
- Manipulative
- Mocking
- Mock-serious
- Morose
- Patronizing
- Pompous
- Quarrelsome
- Quizzical
- Ridiculing
- Sanguineous
- Sarcastic
- Sardonic
- Satiric
- Soothing
- Surly
- Wrathful
- Wry
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