Modal Verbs of Deduction (Must, Might, Could)

Modal verbs of deduction are used to indicate the likelihood or possibility that something is true. They allow us to express different levels of certainty or uncertainty about a fact or situation. Here are the main modal verbs of deduction:

1. Must

“Must” is used to express a strong belief that something is true, based on the evidence or reasoning one has.

Explanation: When you use “must,” you’re almost sure about your assumption. It suggests a conclusion that seems very logical or inevitable based on the available information.


  1. He must be tired after such a long flight.
  2. She must know the answer; she studied all night.
  3. They must be at home; their car is in the driveway.
  4. He must like the gift; he hasn’t stopped smiling.
  5. It must be raining; everyone is coming inside wet.
  6. She must have left already; her desk is clean.
  7. They must be watching the show; the TV is loud.
  8. You must be hungry after skipping lunch.
  9. He must be wealthy, considering his luxurious car.
  10. The movie must have started; the theater is dark.

2. Might

“Might” is used to indicate a possibility, though not a certainty, that something is true or will happen.

Explanation: “Might” implies that there is a chance something is true, but other outcomes are equally plausible. It is less certain than “must.”


  1. She might come to the party tonight.
  2. It might rain later, according to the weather forecast.
  3. He might be the next team leader.
  4. They might be waiting for us at the restaurant.
  5. You might find it easier to write with this pen.
  6. She might not know the answer to that question.
  7. The movie might be sold out by the time we get there.
  8. He might have left the document on his desk.
  9. They might be interested in our proposal.
  10. She might have visited the museum before.

3. Could

“Could” is used to suggest that something is a possible option or that someone had the ability to do something in the past.

Explanation: “Could” is similar to “might” but can also refer to past abilities or theoretical possibilities. It often indicates less certainty than “might.”


  1. He could be the one who stole the cookies.
  2. They could have arrived by now if they took the highway.
  3. She could not know that we are planning a surprise party.
  4. It could get very cold tonight, so bring a jacket.
  5. You could try calling him again.
  6. She could see the mistake after reviewing the document.
  7. They could still win if they score a goal soon.
  8. The seminar could be postponed due to the strike.
  9. He could have forgotten the meeting today.
  10. It could be a good idea to check the engine before the trip.

Modal Verbs of Deduction