115 Common Phobias of People Around the World

In this blog post, we’re going to talk about 115 common fears that many people have. Phobias are strong fears of things or situations that might not be scary to everyone. People all around the world experience these fears, and it’s completely normal to be afraid of something. We’ll explore these common phobias to help you understand them better. This information is simple and easy to understand, making it perfect for those learning or improving their English.

List of Common Phobias

  1. Acrophobia – Fear of heights
  2. Aerophobia – Fear of flying
  3. Agoraphobia – Fear of open or crowded spaces
  4. Alektorophobia – Fear of chickens
  5. Anthropophobia – Fear of people or society
  6. Aphenphosmphobia – Fear of intimacy
  7. Aquaphobia – Fear of water
  8. Arachnophobia – Fear of spiders
  9. Astraphobia – Fear of thunder and lightning
  10. Atychiphobia – Fear of failure
  11. Autophobia – Fear of being oneself
  12. Brontophobia – Fear of thunderstorms
  13. Carcinophobia – Fear of cancer
  14. Claustrophobia – Fear of confined spaces
  15. Coulrophobia – Fear of clowns
  16. Cyberphobia – Fear of computers or technology
  17. Cynophobia – Fear of dogs
  18. Dendrophobia – Fear of trees
  19. Didaskaleinophobia – Fear of going to school
  20. Enochlophobia – Fear of crowds
  21. Entomophobia – Fear of insects
  22. Gamophobia – Fear of marriage
  23. Gephyrophobia – Fear of bridges
  24. Glossophobia – Fear of speaking in public
  25. Hemophobia – Fear of blood
  26. Hydrophobia – Fear of water
  27. Kinemortophobia – Fear of zombies
  28. Lilapsophobia – Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
  29. Monophobia – Fear of being alone
  30. Mysophobia – Fear of germs
  31. Necrophobia – Fear of death or dead things
  32. Nomophobia – Fear of being without a mobile phone
  33. Nosocomephobia – Fear of hospitals
  34. Nyctophobia – Fear of darkness
  35. Ombrophobia – Fear of rain
  36. Ophidiophobia – Fear of snakes
  37. Ornithophobia – Fear of birds
  38. Panophobia – Fear of everything
  39. Papaphobia – Fear of the Pope
  40. Pathophobia – Fear of disease
  41. Pediophobia – Fear of dolls
  42. Pedophobia – Fear of children
  43. Phagophobia – Fear of swallowing
  44. Phobophobia – Fear of phobias
  45. Photophobia – Fear of light
  46. Pogonophobia – Fear of beards
  47. Politicophobia – Fear or distrust of politicians
  48. Ponophobia – Fear of overworking
  49. Porphyrophobia – Fear of the color purple
  50. Potamophobia – Fear of rivers or running water
  51. Pteromerhanophobia – Fear of flying
  52. Pyrophobia – Fear of fire
  53. Quadraphobia – Fear of the number four
  54. Radiophobia – Fear of radiation
  55. Ranidaphobia – Fear of frogs
  56. Rectophobia – Fear of rectum diseases
  57. Rhabdophobia – Fear of being severely punished
  58. Sciophobia – Fear of shadows
  59. Scolionophobia – Fear of school
  60. Selenophobia – Fear of the moon
  61. Sociophobia – Fear of social evaluation
  62. Somniphobia – Fear of sleep
  63. Spectrophobia – Fear of mirrors
  64. Spermatophobia – Fear of germs
  65. Stasibasiphobia – Fear of standing and walking
  66. Staurophobia – Fear of crosses or crucifixes
  67. Stenophobia – Fear of narrow spaces
  68. Stygiophobia – Fear of hell
  69. Suriphobia – Fear of mice
  70. Symbolophobia – Fear of symbolism
  71. Syngenesophobia – Fear of relatives
  72. Tachophobia – Fear of speed
  73. Taeniophobia – Fear of tapeworms
  74. Taphephobia – Fear of being buried alive
  75. Taphophobia – Fear of being buried alive
  76. Technophobia – Fear of technology
  77. Teleophobia – Fear of definite plans
  78. Teratophobia – Fear of monsters
  79. Tetraphobia – Fear of the number four
  80. Textophobia – Fear of certain fabrics
  81. Thalassophobia – Fear of the sea
  82. Thanatophobia – Fear of death
  83. Theatrophobia – Fear of theatres
  84. Theophobia – Fear of gods or religion
  85. Thermophobia – Fear of heat
  86. Tocophobia – Fear of pregnancy or childbirth
  87. Tomophobia – Fear of surgical operations
  88. Tonitrophobia – Fear of thunder
  89. Topophobia – Fear of certain places or situations
  90. Toxicophobia – Fear of poison
  91. Traumatophobia – Fear of injury
  92. Trichophobia – Fear of hair
  93. Triskaidekaphobia – Fear of the number 13
  94. Trypanophobia – Fear of needles/injections
  95. Trypophobia – Fear of holes
  96. Uranophobia – Fear of heaven
  97. Urophobia – Fear of urine or urinating
  98. Vaccinophobia – Fear of vaccines
  99. Vehophobia – Fear of driving
  100. Verminophobia – Fear of germs
  101. Vestiphobia – Fear of clothing
  102. Virginitiphobia – Fear of rape
  103. Vitricophobia – Fear of step-fathers
  104. Walloonphobia – Fear of the Walloons
  105. Wiccaphobia – Fear of witches and witchcraft
  106. Xanthophobia – Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow
  107. Xenoglossophobia – Fear of foreign languages
  108. Xenophobia – Fear of strangers or foreigners
  109. Xerophobia – Fear of dryness
  110. Xylophobia – Fear of wooden objects or forests
  111. Xyrophobia – Fear of razors
  112. Zelophobia – Fear of jealousy
  113. Zeusophobia – Fear of God or gods
  114. Zemmiphobia – Fear of the great mole rat
  115. Zoophobia – Fear of animals

List of Phobias

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