Phrases to Make, Accept and Refuse Invitations

Knowing the right phrases to make, accept, and refuse invitations is essential for effective communication. Here, we provide practical examples to help you navigate social and professional invitations with confidence and politeness.

20 Phrases to Make an Invitation

  1. Would you like to join us for dinner?
  2. How about a coffee sometime?
  3. Can you come to my birthday party?
  4. Are you free this weekend for a barbecue?
  5. Would you like to go to a movie with me?
  6. Let’s grab lunch together.
  7. Would you be interested in attending a concert?
  8. How about a walk in the park?
  9. We’re having a small get-together; would you like to come?
  10. Can you join us for a game night?
  11. Would you like to come over for a drink?
  12. How about joining us for a picnic?
  13. We are planning a road trip; would you like to come?
  14. Would you like to attend a workshop with me?
  15. Let’s meet up for brunch.
  16. Can you make it to the meeting on Friday?
  17. Would you like to come to our holiday party?
  18. Are you available for a quick catch-up this afternoon?
  19. How about joining me for a yoga class?
  20. Would you like to go hiking this weekend?

20 Phrases to Accept an Invitation

  1. I’d love to, thank you!
  2. That sounds great, count me in.
  3. I’ll be there, looking forward to it.
  4. Absolutely, I wouldn’t miss it.
  5. Yes, I’d be delighted to join.
  6. Thank you, I’ll definitely come.
  7. I’m in, thanks for inviting me.
  8. Sure, that works for me.
  9. Sounds like fun, I’m up for it.
  10. Yes, I’ll be there.
  11. Thank you, I’d love to.
  12. Count me in, I’m excited.
  13. I’d be happy to come.
  14. Sure, I’d love to join.
  15. That sounds wonderful, thank you.
  16. Yes, I’d love to.
  17. Of course, I’ll be there.
  18. I’m looking forward to it.
  19. Yes, that sounds perfect.
  20. Thanks for inviting me, I’ll come.

20 Phrases to Refuse an Invitation

  1. I’m sorry, I can’t make it.
  2. Thanks, but I have other plans.
  3. I appreciate the invite, but I can’t.
  4. Unfortunately, I’m busy that day.
  5. I’d love to, but I have a prior engagement.
  6. I’m afraid I won’t be able to join.
  7. Sorry, I have to decline.
  8. I wish I could, but I can’t.
  9. I’m tied up that day, sorry.
  10. Thank you, but I’m unavailable.
  11. I’m sorry, I have a conflict.
  12. I have something else scheduled, sorry.
  13. I won’t be able to make it, thanks anyway.
  14. Regrettably, I have to pass.
  15. I’m unable to attend, but thank you.
  16. Sorry, I’m committed to something else.
  17. I’m afraid I can’t make it.
  18. I appreciate it, but I can’t come.
  19. Sorry, I have another obligation.
  20. Thank you, but I’m already booked.

Make, Accept and Refuse Invitations