Are you ever confused by big words that have extra letters at the front? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Prefixes are those little extras at the start of words, and they can change the whole meaning. In this blog post, we’ve got a handy list from A to Z of prefixes with their meanings and examples. Plus, you can download a PDF to keep as a helpful reference. Let’s dive in and make words simpler!
Also Read: 80 Examples of Prefixes and Suffixes Used in Sentences
What are Prefixes?
Prefixes are small groups of letters added to the beginning of words to alter their meaning. They play a crucial role in English grammar, allowing us to create new words or change the original word’s sense. Common prefixes include “un-” (not), “re-” (again), and “pre-” (before), among others.
Prefixes List A to Z
Here is the quick list of prefixes from a to z:
1) A-
Meaning: Without, not
Examples: Amoral, Asymmetrical, Atheist, Anarchy, Anonymous
2) Acro-
Meaning: High, height
Examples: Acrobat, Acrophobia, Acropolis, Acronym, Acrostic
3) Ambi-
Meaning: Both
Examples: Ambidextrous, Ambiguous, Ambivalent, Ambience, Ambition
4) An-
Meaning: Without
Examples: Anarchy, Anemia, Anaerobic, Anorexia, Anomaly
5) Anti-
Meaning: Against, opposite
Examples: Antibiotic, Antifreeze, Antithesis, Antioxidant, Anticlimax
6) Auto-
Meaning: Self
Examples: Autobiography, Autopilot, Automatic, Autonomy, Autoimmune
7) Be-
Meaning: Make, cause
Examples: Become, Bedazzle, Bewitch, Befriend, Belittle
8) Bi-
Meaning: Two
Examples: Bicycle, Bilingual, Bipartisan, Binocular, Bimonthly
9) Circum-
Meaning: Around
Examples: Circumference, Circumnavigate, Circumstance, Circumspect, Circumvent
10) Co-
Meaning: Together, with
Examples: Coexist, Coauthor, Coordinate, Copilot, Cooperation
11) Con-/Com-
Meaning: With, together
Examples: Connect, Community, Combine, Combat, Commemorate
12) Counter-
Meaning: Opposite, contrary
Examples: Counteract, Counterpart, Counterfeit, Counterbalance, Counterargument
13) De-
Meaning: Opposite, remove
Examples: Dethrone, Decompose, Defrost, Deactivate, Deescalate
14) Dis-
Meaning: Not, opposite of
Examples: Disagree, Disappear, Disinfect, Disobey, Disqualify
15) En-/Em-
Meaning: Cause to
Examples: Enable, Encourage, Empower, Embark, Embrace
16) Eu-
Meaning: Good, well
Examples: Euphoria, Eulogy, Euphemism, Euthanasia, Euphonic
17) Ex-
Meaning: Former, out of
Examples: Ex-president, Exhale, Exotic, Expand, Exterminate
18) Extra-
Meaning: Beyond, outside
Examples: Extraterrestrial, Extraordinary, Extracurricular, Extravagant, Extrapolate
19) Fore-
Meaning: Before
Examples: Forecast, Foreground, Forefather, Forewarn, Foresee
20) Hemi-
Meaning: Half
Examples: Hemisphere, Hemiplegia, Hemicycle, Hemistich, Hemizygous
21) Hetero-
Meaning: Different
Examples: Heterogeneous, Heterodox, Heterosexual, Heteronomy, Heteroclite
22) Homo-
Meaning: Same
Examples: Homogeneous, Homonym, Homologous, Homogenize, Homocentric
23) Hyper-
Meaning: Over, excessive
Examples: Hyperactive, Hypertension, Hyperbole, Hypermarket, Hyperlink
24) Il-/Im-/In-/Ir-
Meaning: Not
Examples: Illegal, Impossible, Inactive, Irregular, Inefficient
25) Inter-
Meaning: Between, among
Examples: International, Interact, Intermediate, Internet, Interview
26) Intra-
Meaning: Within
Examples: Intravenous, Intramural, Intranet, Intrastate, Intracellular
27) Macro-
Meaning: Large, long
Examples: Macrocosm, Macroeconomics, Macrophage, Macroscopic, Macrobiotic
28) Micro-
Meaning: Small
Examples: Microscope, Microwave, Microchip, Microcosm, Microorganism
29) Mid-
Meaning: Middle
Examples: Midway, Midterm, Midnight, Midlife, Midfield
30) Mis-
Meaning: Wrongly
Examples: Misuse, Mislead, Misplace, Misunderstand, Misinform
31) Multi-
Meaning: Many
Examples: Multinational, Multifaceted, Multimedia, Multiplex, Multitude
32) Neo-
Meaning: New, recent
Examples: Neoclassical, Neonatal, Neophyte, Neoliberal, Neolithic
33) Non-
Meaning: Not
Examples: Nonprofit, Nonsense, Nonverbal, Nonviolent, Nonstick
34) Out-
Meaning: Better, more than
Examples: Outperform, Outgrow, Outlast, Outsource, Outdo
35) Over-
Meaning: Excessively
Examples: Overreact, Overachieve, Overload, Overlook, Overcome
36) Pan-
Meaning: All, every
Examples: Panorama, Pantheon, Panacea, Pandemic, Pantheism
37) Peri-
Meaning: Around, near
Examples: Perimeter, Periscope, Periphery, Perigee, Periodontal
38) Poly-
Meaning: Many
Examples: Polygon, Polytheist, Polyglot, Polymorphic, Polytechnic
39) Post-
Meaning: After
Examples: Postgame, Postpone, Postwar, Postscript, Postmodern
40) Pre-
Meaning: Before
Examples: Prehistoric, Prejudge, Preview, Predict, Prewarn
41) Pro-
Meaning: Forward, in favor of
Examples: Promote, Progress, Project, Proactive, Produce
42) Re-
Meaning: Again, back
Examples: Rewrite, Return, Review, Rebuild, Recall
43) Sub-
Meaning: Under, below
Examples: Submarine, Subordinate, Subway, Subset, Submerge
44) Super-
Meaning: Above, beyond
Examples: Superman, Supermarket, Supernatural, Superpower, Superhighway
45) Trans-
Meaning: Across, beyond
Examples: Transport, Transatlantic, Transition, Translate, Translucent
46) Tri-
Meaning: Three
Examples: Triangle, Trilogy, Tricycle, Triathlon, Trident
47) Ultra-
Meaning: Beyond, extreme
Examples: Ultraviolet, Ultrasound, Ultraconservative, Ultramodern, Ultralight
48) Un-
Meaning: Not, opposite of
Examples: Unhappy, Unfair, Unfold, Unite, Unknown
49) Under-
Meaning: Beneath, less than
Examples: Underestimate, Underground, Undergo, Underline, Undertake
50) Up-
Meaning: Higher, upward
Examples: Upgrade, Uplift, Uptown, Uproot, Upturn
Related: List of Common Suffixes A to Z
Infographics (Prefixes List a to z)
List of Common Prefixes A to Z PDF (Download Here)