Many Spanish words starting with the letter “h” are related to the home. For example, “habitación” means “bedroom,” and “hogar” means “home.” Other common words beginning with “h” are “hambre” (hunger), “herida” (wound), and “hija” (daughter). In addition, there are a few words that have different meanings depending on whether they are used in Spain or in Latin America. For example, “harto” means “fed up” in Spain, but it means “full” in Latin America. Finally, there are a few words that are only used in certain dialects of Spanish. One example is “huerto,” which is used in southern Spain, but not anywhere else.
Spanish Words Starting With H
H Spanish Words with English Meanings
Words | Meanings |
hermano | brother |
hermano | brother |
hija | daughter |
hija | daughter |
huevos | eggs |
helado | freezing |
hipopótamo | hippopotamus |
historia | history |
hora | hour |
hígado | liver |
hombre | man |
hombre | man |
horno microondas | microwave |
horno | oven |
hombro | shoulder |
hermana | sister |
hermana | sister |
hijo | son |
hijo | son |
horario | timetable |
hoy | today |
Spanish Words That Start With H
- habano
- hacker
- herramienta
- humano
- habira
- habitue
- hablo
- hombre
- hoy
- helado
- horario
- hablo
- haeck
- hasta
- hagia
- hija
- hogar
- haggard
- horno
- haberme
- habido
- hallaba
- hackear
- hacedor
- hakan
- horóscopo
- hafnio
- hierba
- kallux
- hermano
- hacera
- hiena
- heredero
- hansel
- hipopótamo
- hijo
- hidráulico
- hombre
- hundido
- helio
- hora
- hammer
- horror
- hacha
- humo
- hijo
- hábito
- historia
- haberla
- hueco
- holandés
- hallazgo
- halima
- hermano
- hablan
- hermana
- halva
- hamburguesa
Spanish Adjectives That Start With H:
- hermético
- hueco
- horrible
- habitual
- hundido
- hambriento
- herido
- holandés
- helado
Spanish Verbs That Sart With H:
- habilitar
- horadar
- hacer
- humillar
- hospitalizar
- hibernar
- hebillar
- hebetar
- hurtar
- hender
- hermosear
- hatear
- haber
- halagar
- habituar
- hilvanar
- hablar
- hartar
- hervir