Synonym Words Starting with S
You may also Like to read: Synonym words with T
- Sacredness ….Sanctity
- Salt ….Xanthate
- Same ….Identical, alike, equivalent
- Sarcastic ….Ironical, derisive
- Saucy ….Impudent, insolent
- Save ….Preserve
- Save ….Resuscitate
- Scathing ….Vituperative
- Scold ….Yell at
- Scrawny ….Gaunt
- Search ….Quests
- Seaweed ….Kelp
- Second ….Sec
- Seize ….Apprehend, grab, snatch
- Sensible ….Judicious
- Sensible ….Logical
- Separate ….Divide
- Separation …. Division
- Serious ….Grave, solemn, pensive
- Serviette ….Napkin
- Shake ….Quacking
- Shaky ….Precarious
- Shocking ….Outrageous
- Short ….Brief
- Shorten ….Abbreviate
- Showy ….Gaudy
- Shrink ….Quails
- Shut ….Close
- Shy ….Bashful, timid
- Sick ….Queasy
- Sick ….Upchuck
- Silent ….Quiet
- Simple ….Easy
- Sincere ….Wholehearted
- Sing ….Yodel
- Sixth sense ….Telepathy
- Skeptic ….Sceptic
- Skill ….Ability
- Skin disease ….Xanthoma
- Slack ….Loose
- Slake ….Satiate
- Slang, lingo ….Jargon
- Sleeping ….Dormant
- Slice ….Segment
- Slurp ….Quaffs
- Smart ….Wise
- Sociable ….Friendly, cordial, gregarious
- Social phobia ….Xenophobia
- Solid ….Opaque
- Solvent ….Xylol
- Sorrow ….Grief
- Sorting ….Triage
- Sound ….Knell
- Spine ….Backbone
- Splendid ….Wonderful
- Spoil ….Scuttle
- Spontaneous ….Instinctive, automatic, natural
- Sporadic ….Intermittent, scattered
- Sprint ….Dash
- Squeeze ….Compress
- Stage ….Juncture
- Stagnate ….Vegetate
- Stain ….Blemish, tarnish
- Standard score ….Z score
- Startled ….Frightened, shocked
- Sterile ….Barren, impotent
- Stomach ….Belly
- Stranger ….Immigrant, guest
- Stream ….Wadi
- Stroll ….Mosey
- Stroll ….Walk
- Strong woman ….Virago
- Strong ….Healthy
- Strong ….Robust
- Struggle ….Conflict
- Stubborn ….Obdurate
- Stubborn ….Obstinate
- Stupidity ….Inanity
- Stylish ….Rakish
- Stylish ….Urbane
- Subdue ….Vanquish
- Submit ….Conform
- Subsequent ….Following, succeeding, latter
- Subtract ….Deduct
- Succeed ….Follow
- Succeed ….Win
- Success ….Victory
- Sufficient ….Ample, enough, adequate
- Sufficient ….Enough
- Sugar ….Xylose
- Sullen ….Gloomy
- Support ….Undergird
- Swamp ….Quagmire
- Swindle ….Scam
- Sword ….Shaped Xiphoid
- Symptom ….Manifestation
- Syrupy ….Treacly
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