Yellow Fruits: List of Yellow Fruits Names to Teach Kids

Here you will learn all yellow fruit’s names and their useful benefits. Yellow Fruits! a spectrum of sunshine in the world of produce! Yellow fruits are not just pleasing to the eye; they’re treasure troves of nutrition and health benefits. This palette of golden delights ranges from the familiar bananas and lemons to the exotic golden berries and yellow dragon fruits.

Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these sunny fruits offer a myriad of health benefits, including boosting the immune system, promoting heart health, and even aiding in digestion.

Join us as we explore the colorful and nutritious world of yellow fruits, uncovering not just their names but the incredible benefits they bring to your table. These names are very helpful for kids, students and all English learners.

Yellow Fruits Names List

Here is the list of the most common yellow fruit names:

  1. Banana
  2. Lemon
  3. Golden Delicious Apple
  4. Pineapple
  5. Mango
  6. Yellow Watermelon
  7. Yellow Pear
  8. Yellow Peach
  9. Yellow Nectarine
  10. Yellow Cherry
  11. Yellow Papaya
  12. Yellow Kiwi (Gold Kiwifruit)
  13. Yellow Fig
  14. Yellow Guava
  15. Yellow Passion Fruit
  16. Yellow Dragon Fruit (Yellow Pitaya)
  17. Star Fruit (Carambola)
  18. Yellow Plums
  19. Yellow Grapefruit
  20. Golden Kiwi
  21. Yellow Persimmon
  22. Apricot
  23. Yellow Pomegranate
  24. Loquat
  25. Canary Melon
  26. Yellow Honeydew Melon
  27. Kumquat
  28. Mirabelle Plum
  29. Yellow Jujube
  30. Golden Berry (Physalis)
  31. Yellow Apple
  32. Yellow Custard Apple
  33. Yellow Jaboticaba
  34. Yellow Mangosteen
  35. Yellow Durian
  36. Yellow Sapote
  37. Yellow Tamarillo
  38. Yellow Date
  39. Yellow Gooseberry
  40. Yellow Rambutan

Yellow Fruits names

Yellow Fruit Names And Their Benefits For Kids


Bananas are like nature’s own energy bars, wrapped up in a bright yellow package! They’re soft, sweet, and perfect for a quick snack.

Benefits of Bananas

  1. Loads of energy to play and have fun
  2. Helps your tummy feel good
  3. Keeps your heart happy and strong
  4. Makes your bones sturdy


Lemons are zesty, tangy, and bursting with a sour kick! They’re bright yellow and add a splash of sunshine to any day.

Benefits of Lemons

  1. Fights off colds
  2. Helps you digest your food better
  3. Cleans your body from the inside
  4. Keeps your skin glowing


Pineapples are tropical treasures, juicy and sweet, with a spiky green crown! They’re like little bursts of sunshine in every bite.

Benefits of Pineapples

  1. Keeps your immune system superhero strong
  2. Helps your bruises heal faster
  3. Makes your bones strong like a fortress
  4. Keeps your eyes sharp like an eagle


Mangoes are the kings of fruit, sweet and juicy, with a golden glow! They’re like a tropical vacation in every bite.

Benefits of Mangoes

  1. Packed with vitamins for day-long energy
  2. Keeps your vision sharp as a hawk
  3. Helps your body fight off germs
  4. Keeps your skin soft and smooth

Golden Delicious Apple

Golden Delicious Apples are sweet and crisp, with a shiny yellow coat! They’re like biting into a little piece of autumn sunshine.

Benefits of Golden Delicious Apples

  1. Keeps your brain alert and ready to learn
  2. Helps you stay fit and active
  3. Keeps your heart beating strong
  4. Helps you fight off sniffles and sneezes

Yellow Watermelon

Yellow Watermelons are just like their red cousins but with a sunny twist inside! They’re sweet, juicy, and perfect for a hot day.

Benefits of Yellow Watermelon

  1. Keeps you hydrated during playtime
  2. Packed with vitamins to keep you healthy
  3. Helps your muscles recover after running and jumping
  4. Keeps your heart happy and strong

Yellow Pear

Yellow Pears are soft, juicy, and a little bit sweet and tangy. They’re like a delicious, drippy treat on a crisp autumn day.

Benefits of Yellow Pears

  1. Full of fiber for a happy tummy
  2. Gives you quick energy to play and explore
  3. Keeps your heart beating happily
  4. Helps your body heal little scrapes and bruises


Apricots are small, golden, and sweet with a hint of tartness. They’re like little sunbeams you can eat!

Benefits of Apricots

  1. Loads of Vitamin A for sharp eyesight
  2. Keeps your skin glowing and healthy
  3. Helps your body fight off germs
  4. Gives you strong bones to jump and dance

Star Fruit (Carambola)

Star Fruits are waxy, juicy, and shaped like stars! When you take a bite, it’s like crunching on a piece of the sky.

Benefits of Star Fruit

  1. Boosts your immune system to keep you healthy
  2. Full of antioxidants to protect your cells
  3. Keeps your tummy happy and digesting well
  4. Hydrates you after running and playing

Yellow Kiwi (Gold Kiwifruit)

Yellow Kiwis are sweet and tangy with a tropical twist. They’re like little furry treasures filled with golden sunshine.

Benefits of Yellow Kiwi

  1. Super high in Vitamin C to keep colds away
  2. Helps your tummy digest food easily
  3. Keeps your skin looking fresh and bright
  4. Gives you lots of energy for playtime

Yellow Cherry

Yellow Cherries are sweet and juicy little bursts of sunshine. They’re like tiny golden orbs of happiness you can pop in your mouth!

Benefits of Yellow Cherry

  1. Packed with nutrients to keep you strong
  2. Helps you sleep better at night
  3. Keeps your heart healthy and strong
  4. Fights off those sneaky germs

Yellow Peach

Yellow Peaches are fuzzy on the outside and sweet and juicy inside. They’re like a sunny day wrapped up in a fruit!

Benefits of Yellow Peach

  1. Keeps your skin glowing and healthy
  2. Helps your eyes stay sharp and clear
  3. Full of vitamins for all-day energy
  4. Keeps your bones strong and tough

Canary Melon

Canary Melons are bright yellow outside and super sweet inside. They’re like eating a piece of sweet, juicy sunshine!

Benefits of Canary Melon

  1. Keeps you hydrated during fun in the sun
  2. Packed with vitamins to keep you bouncing with energy
  3. Helps your body stay cool and refreshed
  4. Keeps your tummy happy and feeling good

Yellow Kiwi (Gold Kiwifruit)

Yellow Kiwis are sweet and tropical with a smooth, golden inside. They’re like little bursts of sunshine you can scoop out with a spoon!

Benefits of Yellow Kiwi

  1. Super for boosting your immune system
  2. Helps you digest your food happily
  3. Keeps your skin looking fresh and bright
  4. Gives you loads of energy to play all day

Yellow Cherry

Yellow Cherries are sweet and a little bit tangy, with a beautiful golden color. They’re like tiny, juicy gems you can pop in your mouth!

Benefits of Yellow Cherry

  1. Packed with vitamins for a super strong body
  2. Helps you sleep soundly at night
  3. Good for keeping your heart healthy
  4. Keeps your memory sharp for learning new things

Canary Melon

Canary Melons are bright yellow on the outside and sweet and creamy inside. They’re like a big, juicy surprise waiting to be sliced open!

Benefits of Canary Melon

  1. Keeps you hydrated on sunny days
  2. Loaded with vitamins for healthy growth
  3. Helps your body heal boo-boos faster
  4. Keeps your eyes healthy and sparkling

Golden Berry (Physalis)

Golden Berries are small, sweet, and tangy, wrapped in a papery husk. They’re like little lanterns filled with tasty treats!

Benefits of Golden Berry

  1. Boosts your immune system to keep you healthy
  2. Packed with antioxidants to protect your cells
  3. Helps control sugar levels for steady energy
  4. Good for your eyes, so you see better

Yellow Nectarine

Yellow Nectarines are smooth, without the fuzz of peaches, and have a sweet, tangy flavor. They’re like a sunny day packed into a juicy fruit!

Benefits of Yellow Nectarine

  1. Full of vitamins for healthy skin
  2. Helps your body fight off infections
  3. Good for your eyes, keeping them sharp
  4. Keeps your heart healthy and strong

Yellow Papaya

Yellow Papayas are tropical fruits with a sweet, buttery flesh that melts in your mouth. They’re like a vacation in fruit form!

Benefits of Yellow Papaya

  1. Great for digestion, keeping tummy troubles away
  2. Packed with vitamins for strong immunity
  3. Helps keep your eyesight super sharp
  4. Good for your skin, making it glow

Yellow Plum

Yellow Plums are sweet and juicy with a little tangy twist. They’re like little drops of sunshine you can hold in your hand!

Benefits of Yellow Plum

  1. Keeps your digestion running smoothly
  2. Full of antioxidants to protect your body
  3. Helps your body absorb iron, keeping you strong
  4. Good for your heart and keeps it beating happily

Yellow Dragon Fruit (Yellow Pitaya)

Yellow Dragon Fruit is an exotic fruit with a bright yellow outside and sweet, white flesh dotted with tiny seeds. It’s like eating a piece of a cloud from a golden sky!

Benefits of Yellow Dragon Fruit

  1. Boosts your immune system with lots of Vitamin C
  2. High in fiber for a happy digestive system
  3. Good for your heart, keeping it healthy
  4. Keeps your bones strong and sturdy


Loquats are small, round, and sweet with a tangy edge. They’re like little bursts of sunshine that surprise your taste buds!

Benefits of Loquat

  1. Rich in vitamins to boost overall health
  2. Helps soothe sore throats and coughs
  3. Good for your eyes, keeping your vision sharp
  4. Protects cells with its antioxidant power