79 Abbreviations and meaning in English PDF
What are abbreviations?
Abbreviations are the short forms of words in English that are spoken to save time and speak faster. Every person desires to save his time as much as he can. Because some words are very long or some words are difficult to pronounce. So, if we use abbreviations instead of complete word it can be more helpful.
Here is the sorted list of most common and frequently used abbreviation. You can use these abbreviations in your office, school or with friends.
Abbreviations and meaning in English
- Ba –bachelor of arts
- Bc –before Christ
- Email –electronic mail
- –established
- Etc –et cetera
- Bcc –blind carbon copy
- Bce –before common era
- –boulevard
- Brb –be right back
- Bs –bachelor of science
- Ace –a cool experience
- Ad –anno domini
- Ad –awesome dude
- Afaik –as far as i know
- Afk –away from keyboard
- Am –ante meridian
- Ani –age not important
- Approx. approximately
- –appointment
- –apartment
- –avenue
- Cc –carbon copy
- Cellphone cellular phone
- Ceo –chief executive officer
- Cfo –chief financial officer
- Cmo –chief marketing officer
- Cul –see you later
- Cwyl –chat with you later
- –canyon
- i.y. –do it yourself
- Dc –doctor of chiropractic
- –department
- –drive
- E –east
- t.a. –estimated time of arrival
- Evp –executive vice president
- Iirc –if i recall/remember correctly
- Iq –ignorance quotient
- Jd –juris doctor
- –lane
- Lol –laugh out loud
- phil –master of philosophy
- Ma –master of arts
- Math –mathematics
- Md –managing director
- Memo –memorandum
- –minute or minimum
- –miscellaneous
- –mister
- –mistress (pronounced missus)
- N –north
- Ne –northeast
- –number
- –number
- Np –no problem
- Nw –northwest
- Pa –personal assistant
- Pe –physical education
- Pm –post meridian
- Psycho –psychopath
- –road
- Re – regarding
- Rofl –rolling on the floor laughing
- S –south
- Se –southeast
- –street
- Svp –senior vice president
- Sw –southwest
- –telephone
- –temperature or temporary
- Though –although
- Till –until
- Ty –thank you
- Vet –veterinarian
- –veteran or veterinarian
- Vp –vice president
- –versus
- W –west
- Wc –wrong conversation
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