Birds that start with S! Birds name in English are very important for all levels of English Learners. In this lesson you will learn all the birds name starting with letter S.
The Scarlet Tanager is a brightly colored bird that is found in eastern North America. The male has a bright red body with black wings and tail. The female is olive green with some brown markings.
Sparrows are small, sparrow-like birds that are found throughout the world. There are many different types of sparrows, some of which are listed below.
The Swallow is a small bird that is found throughout the world. There are many different types of swallows, some of which are listed below.
The Sapphire Kingfisher is a colorful bird that is found in tropical areas of Africa and Asia. It has a blue body with a white chest and belly.
Birds That Start With S
- Sabrewing
- Seabirds
- Sandpiper, Wood
- Spot-Backed Puffbird
- Silvery-Throated Jay
- Senegal Batis
- Styan’s Bulbul
- Sandpiper, Baird’s
- Sulawesi Leaf Warbler
- Saffron-Crowned Tanager
- Swallows
- Sad Flycatcher
- Sulu Hornbill
Read Also: Birds That Start with R
- Stygian Owl
- Swift, Short-Tailed
- Sunangel
- Swifts
- Speckled Spinetail
- Scaly Kingfisher
- Silver Teal
- Saltator, Streaked
- Speckled Owl
Birds Starting With S
- Scythebill
- Spot-Backed Antwren
- Straw-Tailed Whydah
- Spoonbill
- Scarlet Myzomela
- Scrubtit
- Small Lifu White-Eye
- Swan
- Streaked Berrypecker
- Slender-Billed Crow
- Scaly Babbler
- Sooty Chat
- Seychelles Fody
- Stripe-Throated Bulbul
- Slaty Egret
- Satyr Tragopan
- Shoebill
- Sharpe’s Rail
- San Blas Jay
- Sandy Scops-Owl
- Sage
Birds That Begin With S
- Sunbird Asity
- Seedeater, Paramo
- Siberian Tit
- Southern Ostrich
- Socorro Dove
- Sandwich Tern
- Snipe
- Scarlet Finch
- Swallow, White-Banded
- Starling
- Surfbird
- Sharptail Grouse
- Scaly Chatterer
- Somali Tit
- Skua, Chilean
- Stork
- Scaly-Breasted Partridge
- Sapayoa
- Sharp-Shinned Hawk
- Short-Billed Pigeon
Birds Beginning With S
- Southern Scrub Robin
- Scaled Antbird
- Southern Scrub-Flycatcher
- Slaty Elaenia
- Swiftlet
- Snowy Owl
- Spot-Crowned Antvireo
- Striped Flufftail
- Sibia
- Somali Crombec
- Storm’s Stork
- Somali Bunting
- Swamp Sparrow
- Saddleback
- Slender-Billed Miner
- Sparrowhawk
- Swift
- Serin, European
- Swee Waxbill
- Star-Spotted Nightjar
- Slaty-Capped Shrike-Vireo
- Secretary Bird
- Spot-Crowned Barbet
- Small Ground Finch
- Sacred Kingfisher
- Spatuletail, Marvellous
- Stripe-Breasted Wren
- Slate-Coloured Grosbeak
- Stout Cisticola
- Snow Goose
- Shelduck
- Squacco Heron
- Sakalava Rail
- Stripe-Backed Antbird
- Scaled Antpitta
- Sabota Lark
- Scaled Metaltail
- Sharpe’s Pied-Babbler
- Stout-Billed Cuckooshrike
- Scrubwren
- Striated Fieldwren
- Senegal Coucal
- Sickle-Billed Vanga
- Strange Weaver
- Silver Oriole
- Say’s Phoebe
- Snow Bunting
- Spotted Honeyguide
- Sjostedt’s Owlet
- Swallow
- Small Minivet
- Sichuan Jay
- Secretarybird
- Schlegel’s Asity
- Serra Do Mar Neopelma
- Shade Warbler
- Slender Antbird
- Shorebirds
- Spotted Honeyeater
- Samoan Starling
- Spanish Sparrow
- Striped Woodcreeper
- Samoan Whistler
- Silvery Grebe
- Swamphen
- Swahili Sparrow
- Semicollared Puffbird
- Schwartz’s Antthrush
- Seedsnipe, Least
- Schouteden’s Swift
- Skylark, Eurasian
- Small Niltava
- Spectacled Bristle-Tyrant
- Surucua Trogon
- Skylark
- Slender-Billed Honeyguide
- Spectacled Bulbul
- Shrike, Red-Backed
- Striped Flowerpecker
- Sparrow
- Swallow-Tailed Gull
- Syrian Serin
- Scarlet Ibis
- Sirystes
- Sladen’s Barbet
- Spotted Bush Warbler
- Sharp-Tailed Glossy-Starling
- Silver Pheasant
- Sao Tome Oriole
- Shoveler, Northern
- Star-Throated Antwren
- Swans
- Scaly-Naped Amazon
- Sulu Bleeding-Heart
- Sunda Bulbul
- Short-Billed Pipit
- Silvery-Fronted Tapaculo
- Saker Falcon
- Scottish Crossbill
- Seedsnipe
- Stout-Billed Cinclodes
- Sage Thrasher
- Scrub Blackbird
- Streak-Headed Honeyeater
- Saltator
- Scrub Euphonia
- Songlark
- Satinbird
- Scarlet-Banded Barbet
- Scaly Francolin
- Starthroat
- Spangled Kookaburra
- Seychelles Kestrel
- Spotted Buttonquail
- Swan, Coscoroba
- Sylph
- Scarlet-Breasted Fruiteater
- Spotted Dove
- Sarus Crane
- Saxicola Leucurus
- Speckle-Fronted Weaver
- Scaup
- Sungrebe
- Swainson’s Hawk
- Siskin
- Sierra-Finch, Peruvian
- Saunders’s Gull
- Sand Martin
- Shining Sunbeam
- Sage Sparrow
- Sclater’s Tyrannulet
- Slate-Coloured Seedeater
- Silverbird
- Snowy Egret
- Stint
- Swift Parrot
- Swan Goose
- Scimitarbill
- Spoonbill, Roseate
- Scaled Dove
- Shearwater
- Satin Flycatcher
- Sulawesi Masked Owl
- Scarce Swift
- Subalpine Warbler
- Scoter, Velvet
- Sandy Gallito
- Streaked Xenops
- Sapphire
- Scrub-Bird
- Scrub Tanager
- Sacred Ibis
- Spotted Kestrel
- Sharpe’s Starling
- Silvereye
- Sicklebill
- Striped Honeyeater
- Striated Grasswren
- Shrike
- Sandhill Crane
- Seedeater, Variable
- Sheldgoose
- Southern Bentbill
- Samoan Triller
- Sierra-Finch
- Senegal Parrot
- Swinhoe’s Rail
- Stripe-Capped Sparrow
- Sooty Falcon
- Somali Ostrich
- Sao Tome Scops-Owl
- Sanderling
- Spurfowl
- Singing Cisticola
- Spotted Whistling Duck
- Siskin, Hooded
- Steller’s Jay
- Striated Thornbill
- Scarlet Macaw
- Stub-Tailed Spadebill
- Skua
- Silver-Rumped Spinetail
- Sapphire-Vented Puffleg
- Slaty-Headed Parakeet
- Streak-Fronted Thornbird
- Streaky Seedeater
- Shrike, Great Grey
- Shelduck, Ruddy
- Sind Sparrow
- Sandpiper, Western
- Smew
- Santa Marta Nightjar
- Shining Sunbird
- Sand-Coloured Nighthawk
- Shearwater, Tropical
- Sandpiper
- Shikra
- Snowcock
- Seriema
- Sooty Honeyeater
- Sclater’s Whistler
- Sandgrouse
- Streaky-Breasted Flufftail
- Sabine’s Spinetail
- Snowy Cotinga
- Saunders’s Tern
- Sumatran Cochoa
- Slaty Finch
- Sykes’s Warbler
- Schneider’s Pitta
- Sharpe’s Pipit
- Scarlet-Rumped Trogon
- Scarlet Minivet
- Short-Clawed Lark
- Stuhlmann’s Starling
- Scaled petrel
- Samar Tailor Bird
- Silvery Kingfisher
- Serin
- Scrub Nightjar
- Stripe-Tailed Yellow Finch
- Schlegel’s Francolin
- Siberian Thrush
- Screamer
- Streaked Barwing
- Sage Grouse
- Striated Swallow
- Sparrows
- Stitchbird
- Silver-Backed Tanager
- Schalow’s Turaco
- Saker
- Sapphirewing
- Sandpiper, Least
- Swallow, Cliff
- Short-Tailed Woodstar
- Sora
- Short-Billed Leafscraper
- Stilt
- Sunbittern
- Scrubbird
- Streamertail
- Shag
- Slaty Vireo
- Salvadori’s Teal
- Seagull
- Sinaloa Wren
- Striated Starling
- Swan, Mute
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