Formation of Adverbs from Adjectives Pdf (Examples and Infographics)

Formation of Adverbs from Adjectives Pdf!

What is an Adverb?

An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or an other adverb, etc. Some Adverbs end in -Ly and Some don’t ends in -Ly.

Some examples of adverbs are:

  • Always
  • Justly
  • Mostly
  • Beautifully

What is an Adjective in English Grammar?

Adjectives are the words that describe a noun or a pronoun.

Here are some examples of adjectives:

  • Clever
  • Joyful
  • lazy
  • Colorful

How are adverbs formed from adjectives?

Formation of adverb from an adjective is a very simple thing: Mostly adverbs are formed by an addition of -ly in the end of adjectives. But us some case adjective and adverb is the same thing.

Here is the list of formation of adverb from adjectives:

Adjective Adverb
Always Always
Jagged Jaggedly
Just Justly
Mostly Mostly
Hourly Hourly
Knowing Knowingly
Beautiful Beautifully
Mocking Mockingly


Clever Cleverly
Immediate Immediately
Kook Kookily
Joyful Joyfully
Careless Carelessly
Interesting Interestingly
Mysterious Mysteriously
Brief Briefly
Lazy Lazily
Cautious Cautiously
Hopeless Hopelessly
More More
Colorful Colorfully
Mock Mockingly
Brisk Briskly
Meaningful Meaningfully
Immediate Immediately
Majestic Majestically
Cool Coolly


Adventurous Adventurously
Inquisitive Inquisitively
Intense Intensely
Judgment Judgmentally
Joyous Joyously
Mechanical Mechanically
Blissful Blissfully
Loyal Loyally
Interesting Interestingly
Jealous Jealously
Light Lightly
Annual Annually
Intent Intently
Limp Limply
Broad Broadly
Jubilant Jubilantly
Bleak Bleakly
Correct Correctly
Like Likely
Bright Brightly
Joy Joyously
Kind Kindly
Kook Kookily
Mortal Mortally
Hungry Hungrily
Bashful Bashfully
Knavish Knavishly
Hour Hourly
Instant Instantly
Mechanical Mechanically
Hungry Hungrily
Irritable Irritably
Keen Keenly
Keen Keenly
Courageous Courageously
Mysterious Mysteriously
Actual Actually
Knowledge Knowledgeably
Loving Lovingly
More More


Like Likely
Loose Loosely
Natural Naturally
Loft Loftily
Majestic Majestically
Absentminded Absentmindedly
Mad Madly
Long Longingly
Jagged Jaggedly
Joyful Joyfully
Jubilant Jubilantly
Calm Calmly
Inward Inwardly
Awkward Awkwardly
Cruel Cruelly
Bold Boldly
Intent Intently
Lazy Lazily
Loyal Loyally
Jealous Jealously
Live Lively
Deliberate Deliberately
Month Monthly
Careful Carefully
Mad Madly
Coaxing Coaxingly
Innocent Innocently
Irritable Irritably
Mortal Mortally
Deceiving Deceivingly
Kindhearted Kindheartedly
Inwardly Inwardly
Hopeless Hopelessly
Kidding Kiddingly


Inquisitive Inquisitively
Miserable Miserably
Abnormal Abnormally
Merry Merrily
Miser Miserably
Dear Dearly
Clear Clearly
Just Justly
Almost Almost
Jovial Jovially
Knowledgeable Knowledgeably
Anxious Anxiously
Brave Bravely
Kidding Kiddingly
Kind Kindly
Meaningful Meaningfully
Bitter Bitterly
Daily Daily
Loving Lovingly
Less Less
Deep Deeply
Innocent Innocently
Close Closely
Live Lively
Accidental Accidentally
Monthly Monthly
Dainty Daintily
Cross Crossly
Blind Blindly
Knavish Knavishly
Light Lightly


Loud Loudly
Loud Loudly
Afterwards Afterwards
Instant Instantly
Most Mostly
Limp Limply
Natural Naturally
Jovial Jovially
Judgment Judgmentally
Loos Loosely
Defiant Defiantly
Kindhearted Kindheartedly
Curious Curiously
Loft Loftily
Continual Continually
Boastful Boastfully
Certain Certainly
Intense Intensely
Arrogant Arrogantly
Knowing Knowingly
Merry Merrily
Delightful Delightfully
Longing Longingly
Common Commonly
Busy Busily
Cheerful Cheerfully

Adverbs From Adjectives and Example Sentences

Adjective: Quick

She made a quick decision.

Adverb: Quickly

She quickly made a decision.

Adjective: Happy

He felt happy today.

Adverb: Happily

He happily accepted the offer.

Adjective: Loud

The music was loud.

Adverb: Loudly

The music played loudly.

Adjective: Careful

She is a careful driver.

Adverb: Carefully

She drove carefully through traffic.

Adjective: Quiet

He was a quiet student.

Adverb: Quietly

He quietly entered the room.

Adjective: Brave

The knight was brave.

Adverb: Bravely

The knight bravely fought the dragon.

Adjective: Easy

The test was easy.

Adverb: Easily

She easily passed the test.

Adjective: Angry

He gave an angry reply.

Adverb: Angrily

He replied angrily to the insult.

Adjective: Patient

She is a patient teacher.

Adverb: Patiently

She patiently explained the lesson.

Adjective: Slow

The turtle is slow.

Adverb: Slowly

The turtle moved slowly.

Adjective: Honest

He is an honest man.

Adverb: Honestly

He answered honestly during the interview.

Adjective: Gentle

She has a gentle touch.

Adverb: Gently

She gently held the baby.

Adjective: Sad

The news was sad.

Adverb: Sadly

He sadly walked away.

Adjective: Polite

She gave a polite response.

Adverb: Politely

She politely declined the invitation.

Adjective: Calm

He remained calm.

Adverb: Calmly

He calmly addressed the issue.

Adjective: Quick

The rabbit is quick.

Adverb: Quickly

The rabbit quickly escaped.

Adjective: Beautiful

The garden is beautiful.

Adverb: Beautifully

The garden is beautifully arranged.

Adjective: Bad

That is a bad idea.

Adverb: Badly

He badly needs help.

Adjective: Bright

The light is bright.

Adverb: Brightly

The light shines brightly.

Adjective: Careless

He is a careless worker.

Adverb: Carelessly

He carelessly made mistakes.

Infographics (Formation of Adverbs from Adjectives)

Adverbs From Adjectives

Adverbs from Adjectives list pdf Adverbs from Adjectives list Adverbs from Adjectives Formation of Adverbs from Adjectives

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