Instagram Abbreviations List and Meanings
Like Facebook and Whatsapp there are some abbreviations that native speakers use during their conversation. Every ESL student should use these short forms of words too. It will benefit them to seems smart and help them to complete their message in less time and words.
So here are some important internet abbreviations:
- AFAIK: As far as I know
- GJ: Good job
- ILY: I love you
- pls: Please
- RT: Real time
- CYE: Check your email
- FBO: Facebook official
- GTG: Got to go
- ISO: In search of
- Txt: Text
- BTW: By the way
- GL: Good luck
- IMHO: In my humble opinion
- LMAO: laughing my a** off
- POS: Parent over shoulder
- CTN: Can’t talk now
- gr8: Great
- IRL: In real life
- ppl: People
- TTYN: Talk to you never
- ASL: Age/Sex/Location
- GG: Good game
- OMG: Oh my God
- PC: Personal computer
- RBTL: Read between the lines
- ETA: Estimated time of arrival
- FYI: For your information
- LOL: laugh out loud
- OT: Off topic
- POV: Point of view
- PTFO: Passed the f** out
- dI: Download
- GMV: Got my vote
- J/K: Just Kidding
- TTYS: Talk to you soon
- w/e: Whatever
- FWIW: For what it’s worth
- HMB: Hit me back
- HTH: Hope this helps
- L8R: Later
- W8: Wait
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