Phrasal verbs are not just linguistic expressions but gateways to mastering conversational English. In this post, we’re diving into phrasal verbs that start with the verb “lay.” Whether you’re a beginner or looking to polish your fluency, understanding these phrasal verbs will help you communicate more effectively.
Here is the list of 20 Phrasal Verbs with “lay”
- Lay aside
- Lay away
- Lay down
- Lay into
- Lay off
- Lay out
- Lay over
- Lay up
- Lay by
- Lay on
- Lay across
- Lay along
- Lay about
- Lay for
- Lay low
- Lay open
- Lay out for
- Lay past
- Lay to
- Lay under
Phrasal Verbs With “Lay” and Their Meanings
Lay out for
Meaning: To spend money on something.
Example: They laid out a fortune for the new car.
Lay down
Meaning: To establish rules or to give up arms.
Example: The company laid down new policies for remote work.
Lay into
Meaning: To criticize someone harshly or attack physically.
Example: He really laid into me for arriving late.
Lay aside
Meaning: To save or reserve for future use.
Example: She laid aside some money every month for her vacation.
Lay away
Meaning: To reserve something for purchase by making a deposit or paying over time.
Example: I laid away a dress for the summer ball at the boutique.
Lay off
Meaning: To temporarily dismiss employees; to stop bothering someone.
Example: The factory had to lay off several workers during the economic downturn.
Lay out
Meaning: To spread something out to be seen; to explain something clearly or to plan.
Example: He laid out the documents on the table for review.
Lay over
Meaning: To make a stop during a journey.
Example: We have a layover in Dubai before we reach our final destination.
Lay up
Meaning: To store or save for future use; to confine someone to bed due to illness.
Example: She was laid up with a broken leg for several weeks.
Lay by
Meaning: To save or put aside, usually money or goods.
Example: They laid by enough firewood for the winter.
Lay on
Meaning: To provide or supply, often generously.
Example: They laid on a wonderful spread of food at the wedding.
Lay across
Meaning: To place something horizontally over something else.
Example: He laid the beam across the gap to create a temporary bridge.
Lay along
Meaning: To lie or extend along a surface.
Example: The cat laid along the sunny windowsill.
Lay about
Meaning: To attack or criticize someone vigorously.
Example: He laid about him with a stick to fend off the attackers.
Lay for
Meaning: To wait in ambush.
Example: The police laid for the suspects at their known hideouts.
Lay low
Meaning: To hide or keep a low profile, often to avoid trouble or attention.
Example: He decided to lay low until the situation cooled down.
Lay open
Meaning: To reveal or expose something to public view.
Example: The report laid open the facts for everyone to see.
Lay past
Meaning: To store up as a reserve.
Example: They laid past provisions for the winter months.
Lay to
Meaning: To bring a ship to a stop.
Example: The captain gave the order to lay to during the storm.
Lay under
Meaning: To impose or subject someone to something.
Example: He was laid under strict orders not to discuss the case.