Phrasal verbs are a key part of English language learning, offering a way to express complex ideas through simple verb-preposition combinations. In this post, we explore phrasal verbs that use the word “off.” These are especially useful as they appear frequently in both spoken and written English across a variety of situations. Mastering these will enhance your fluency and understanding.
Here is the list of 20 Phrasal Verbs with Off:
- Show off
- Take off
- Pull off
- Kick off
- Drop off
- Pay off
- Cut off
- Set off
- Call off
- Brush off
- Break off
- Block off
- Back off
- Blast off
- Cool off
- Fire off
- Log off
- Rip off
- Shake off
- Ward off
Phrasal Verbs With Off And Their Meanings
Rip Off
Meaning: To cheat, swindle, or overcharge.
Example: That shop rips off tourists with high prices.
Ward Off
Meaning: To avert or prevent something.
Example: She carried an umbrella to ward off the sun.
Show Off
Meaning: To display proudly.
Example: He likes to show off his new bike to his friends.
Take Off
Meaning: To leave the ground (aircraft) or to start suddenly.
Example: The plane took off on time.
Pull Off
Meaning: To succeed in doing something difficult.
Example: She managed to pull off the project under a tight deadline.
Kick Off
Meaning: To start or initiate (usually an event or activity).
Example: The match kicks off at 3 PM.
Drop Off
Meaning: To decrease or to deliver someone/something and leave them/it there.
Example: Attendance at the meetings has dropped off recently.
Pay Off
Meaning: To finish paying for something or when effort results in success.
Example: All his hard work finally paid off when he got promoted.
Cut Off
Meaning: To interrupt or sever.
Example: The phone call was cut off suddenly.
Set Off
Meaning: To start a journey or to cause something to explode or start.
Example: They set off on a road trip at dawn.
Call Off
Meaning: To cancel something
Example: The game was called off due to rain.
Brush Off
Meaning: To dismiss or ignore someone or something.
Example: He just brushed off my concerns as if they were nothing.
Break Off
Meaning: To end a relationship or a negotiation abruptly.
Example: She decided to break off the engagement.
Block Off
Meaning: To obstruct or prevent access.
Example: The police blocked off the road after the accident.
Back Off
Meaning: To retreat or stop being involved.
Example: You need to back off and give her some space.
Blast Off
Meaning: To launch, especially used for rockets.
Example: The spacecraft blasted off on schedule.
Cool Off
Meaning: To calm down after being angry or to cool down physically.
Example: He went for a swim to cool off.
Fire Off
Meaning: To send quickly or abruptly, often used in reference to sending messages.
Example: She fired off an email to correct the misunderstanding.
Log Off
Meaning: To sign out of a digital account or system.
Example: Don’t forget to log off when you’re done with your work.
Shake Off
Meaning: To get rid of something, such as an illness or a pursuer.
Example: He finally shook off his cold.