What Part of Speech is “LIKE”?

“Like” is a versatile word in the English language that serves multiple grammatical functions, including a preposition, a verb, an adjective, a conjunction, and even an adverb in colloquial usage. Its meanings and uses vary widely, from expressing similarity, enjoyment, and preference, to introducing examples or hypothetical scenarios.

1. “Like” as a Preposition

When used as a preposition, “like” is utilized to compare or show similarity between two entities. It implies that one thing resembles another or is similar in nature, appearance, or function.


  1. She sings like an angel.
  2. He’s acting like he owns the place.
  3. Nothing tastes like homemade apple pie.
  4. It looks like rain.

2. “Like” as a Verb

As a verb, “like” expresses a feeling of enjoyment, preference, or fondness towards someone or something. It indicates a positive emotional response or inclination.


  1. I like going for long walks on the beach.
  2. She likes chocolate more than vanilla.
  3. They like each other a lot.
  4. Do you like the new design?

3. “Like” as an Adjective

In some colloquial or informal contexts, “like” can function as an adjective, often in the phrase “like-minded,” meaning having similar thoughts, attitudes, or feelings.


  1. We are a group of like-minded individuals.
  2. Finding a like partner is crucial for a successful relationship.
  3. They share like interests in art and culture.
  4. It’s important to work with like individuals on collaborative projects.

4. “Like” as a Conjunction

“Like” can also be used as an informal conjunction in spoken English, synonymous with “as” or “as if,” although this usage is often considered incorrect in formal writing.


  1. It looks like it’s going to rain.
  2. He acts like he doesn’t care.
  3. She talks like she’s the boss.
  4. They ran like they were being chased.

Tips for Using “Like”

  • When using “like” as a preposition to compare, ensure that it precedes a noun or pronoun: “She looks like her mother.”
  • As a verb, “like” should express personal preferences or interests: “I like reading novels.”
  • Be cautious with using “like” as a conjunction in formal writing; prefer “as” or “as if” for comparisons: “He behaves as if he’s in charge.”
  • Avoid overusing “like” in colloquial speech, particularly in the filler sense, as it can make communication less clear and more informal than intended.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Confusing “like” with “as” in formal comparisons. Use “like” before a noun or pronoun, and “as” when followed by a clause.
  • Overusing “like” in informal speech, especially as a filler word, which can detract from the speaker’s credibility.
  • Misusing “like” as a verb when expressing actions rather than preferences or fondness.

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