The Top 1000 Words You Need To Know for the IELTS! These Words are Most Important for the IELTS and we have selected these words based on the previous IELTS tests with experience and expert guides.
The list covers vocabulary appropriate to the A2 level, and some Advance to basic IELTS vocabulary words, that are very important for you if you are a beginner in IELTS preparation.
We Have Provided the pdf of this IELTS Vocabulary at the end of this lesson, don’t forget to download that.
1000 Vocabulary Words for IELTS
Here is the list of 1000 Vocabulary Words for Ielts with their meanings.
Words | Meanings |
Abecedarian | Beginner |
Aberrant | Deviant |
Aberration | Anomaly |
Abeyance | Suspension |
Abhorrent | Hateful |
Abjure | Renounce |
Abnegation | Self-denial |
Abrogate | Revoke |
Abscond | Flee |
Abstemious | Moderate |
Abstruse | Obscure |
Accolade | Honor |
Acerbic | Sharp |
Acquiesce | Comply |
Acrimonious | Bitter |
Acrimony | Hostility |
Adroit | Skillful |
Adumbrate | Outline |
Aesthete | Art lover |
Aggrandize | Enhance |
Alacrity | Eagerness |
Alleviate | Relieve |
Altruism | Selflessness |
Altruistic | Selfless |
Amalgamate | Combine |
Ambiguous | Unclear |
Ambivalence | Uncertainty |
Ameliorate | Improve |
Amelioration | Improvement |
Anachronistic | Outdated |
Anathema | Cursed |
Anomaly | Irregularity |
Antediluvian | Ancient |
Antipathy | Hatred |
Antiquated | Outdated |
Antithesis | Opposite |
Aplastic | Without growth |
Aplomb | Confidence |
Apocryphal | False |
Apostasy | Abandonment |
Apostate | Renegade |
Apotheosis | Idealization |
Apropos | Relevant |
Arcane | Mysterious |
Ardent | Passionate |
Ascetic | Self-disciplined |
Asperity | Harshness |
Assiduous | Diligent |
Astringent | Harsh |
Atavistic | Primitive |
Augment | Increase |
Auspicious | Favorable |
Avarice | Greed |
Baleful | Harmful |
Belie | Contradict |
Bellicose | Aggressive |
Belligerent | Hostile |
Beneficent | Generous |
Benevolent | Kind |
Bifurcate | Divide |
Bombastic | Pompous |
Bucolic | Rural |
Cacophonous | Discordant |
Cacophony | Noise |
Cajole | Persuade |
Capacious | Spacious |
Capitulate | Surrender |
Capricious | Fickle |
Capriciousness | Unpredictability |
Cartography | Map-making |
Castigate | Criticize |
Cathartic | Cleansing |
Chicanery | Deception |
Chimerical | Imaginary |
Circumlocution | Wordiness |
Clandestine | Secret |
Clandestinity | Secrecy |
Coalesce | Merge |
Cogent | Convincing |
Colloquial | Informal |
Colloquialism | Slang |
Colloquy | Conversation |
Conciliate | Pacify |
Concomitant | Accompanying |
Conflagration | Fire |
Confluence | Meeting |
Consternation | Alarm |
Conundrum | Puzzle |
Convalesce | Recover |
Copious | Abundant |
Copiousness | Abundance |
Corpulence | Obesity |
Corpulent | Overweight |
Credence | Belief |
Credulity | Gullibility |
Credulous | Trusting |
Cryptic | Enigmatic |
Cursory | Hasty |
Cynosure | Center of attention |
Debacle | Disaster |
Debauchery | Excessive indulgence |
Debilitate | Weaken |
Decorous | Proper |
Defenestration | Throwing out of a window |
Deleterious | Harmful |
Deleteriousness | Harmfulness |
Delineate | Describe |
Demagogue | Charismatic leader |
Denigrate | Criticize unfairly |
Denouement | Resolution |
Deprecate | Disapprove |
Despondent | Hopeless |
Desultoriness | Lack of purpose |
Desultory | Random |
Diaphanous | Transparent |
Diaphanousness | Transparency |
Diatribe | Bitter criticism |
Dichotomy | Division into two parts |
Dilapidated | Run-down |
Dilapidation | State of disrepair |
Discomfit | Embarrass |
Disingenuous | Insincere |
Disparate | Different |
Disseminate | Distribute |
Draconian | Harsh |
Words | Meanings |
Ebullience | Enthusiasm |
Ebullient | Overflowing with enthusiasm |
Ebullition | Outburst of emotion |
Echelon | Level of authority or rank |
Eclectic | Diverse |
Edifice | Building |
Effervescent | Bubbly |
Efficacious | Effective |
Effulgent | Shining brightly |
Egregious | Outstandingly bad |
Eloquent | Expressive in speech |
Elucidate | Clarify |
Elucidation | Clarification |
Emaciate | Become thin |
Emollient | Soothing |
Emolument | Compensation |
Enervate | Weaken |
Enigmatic | Mysterious |
Ennui | Boredom |
Enthrall | Captivate |
Epiphany | Sudden realization |
Epistolary | Relating to letters |
Epitome | Perfect example |
Equanimity | Calmness |
Eschew | Avoid |
Esoteric | Obscure |
Esotericism | Obscure knowledge |
Euphemism | Mild expression for a harsh one |
Exacerbate | Worsen |
Exacerbation | Worsening |
Exaltation | Elevation |
Excoriate | Criticize harshly |
Exculpate | Clear of blame |
Exculpation | Clearing of blame |
Exegesis | Interpretation |
Exemplar | Perfect example |
Exonerate | Absolve from blame |
Exorbitant | Excessive |
Expeditious | Efficient |
Expurgate | Remove objectionable material |
Extemporaneous | Impromptu |
Facade | Front of a building |
Facetious | Humorous |
Facetiousness | Humor |
Fastidious | Meticulous |
Fatuous | Silly |
Fatuousness | Foolishness |
Feckless | Ineffectual |
Fecund | Fertile |
Felicitous | Well-suited |
Felicitousness | Appropriateness |
Fervent | Passionate |
Flabbergast | Astonish |
Flabbergasted | Astonished |
Florid | Ornate |
Floridity | Excessive ornamentation |
Flummox | Confuse |
Frivolous | Trivial |
Garrulity | Talkativeness |
Garrulous | Talkative |
Garrulousness | Excessive talkativeness |
Grandiloquence | Pompous speech |
Grandiloquent | Pompous |
Grandiosity | Self-importance |
Gratuitous | Unnecessary |
Gregarious | Sociable |
Gregariousness | Sociability |
Harangue | Long, passionate speech |
Harbinger | Sign of things to come |
Hedonism | Pursuit of pleasure |
Hedonist | Pleasure-seeker |
Hegemony | Dominance |
Histrionic | Overly dramatic |
Iconoclasm | Rejection of traditional beliefs |
Iconoclast | Rebel against tradition |
Idiosyncrasy | Unique characteristic |
Ignominious | Shameful |
Illicit | Unlawful |
Immutable | Unchanging |
Impecunious | Poor |
Imperturbable | Calm under pressure |
Impervious | Not affected by |
Impetuous | Impulsive |
Implacable | Unforgiving |
Ineffability | Inexpressibility |
Ineffable | Indescribable |
Inefficacious | Ineffective |
Inexorability | Inability to be persuaded |
Inexorable | Relentless |
Inimical | Hostile |
Insalubrious | Unhealthy |
Inscrutable | Mysterious |
Insidious | Treacherous |
Insipid | Bland |
Insipidness | Blandness |
Intransigence | Stubbornness |
Intransigent | Unyielding |
Invective | Abusive language |
Inveterate | Deep-rooted |
Irascibility | Quick temper |
Irascible | Easily angered |
Juxtapose | Place side by side |
Juxtaposition | Side-by-side placement |
Lachrymose | Tearful |
Laconic | Brief in speech |
Languid | Lacking energy |
Languor | Laziness |
Languorous | Relaxed |
Lassitude | Weariness |
Lethargic | Sluggish |
Litigious | Prone to lawsuits |
Litigiousness | Propensity for litigation |
Loquacious | Talkative |
Lugubrious | Mournful |
Lugubriousness | Excessive mournfulness |
Luminous | Bright |
Words | Meanings |
Maelstrom | Whirlpool |
Magnanimity | Generosity |
Magnanimous | Generous |
Malevolence | Ill will |
Malevolent | Malicious |
Maudlin | Sentimental |
Maudlinness | Excessive sentimentality |
Mellifluent | Smooth-flowing |
Mellifluous | Sweet-sounding |
Mellifluousness | Smoothness and sweetness |
Mendacious | Dishonest |
Mendacity | Dishonesty |
Meretricious | Superficially attractive |
Misanthrope | Hater of humanity |
Misanthropist | One who hates humanity |
Misanthropy | Hatred of humanity |
Mitigate | Alleviate |
Mitigation | Alleviation |
Mollify | Soothe |
Moribund | Dying |
Munificence | Generosity |
Munificent | Very generous |
Nebulous | Unclear |
Nebulousness | Lack of clarity |
Nefarious | Wicked |
Nefariousness | Wickedness |
Nonchalant | Casual |
Nostalgia | Longing for the past |
Nostalgic | Longing for the past |
Obfuscate | Confuse |
Obfuscation | Confusing |
Obsequious | Obedient |
Obsequiousness | Obedience |
Obstinance | Stubbornness |
Obstinate | Stubborn |
Odious | Hateful |
Odiousness | Hatefulness |
Omnipotent | All-powerful |
Onerous | Burdensome |
Onerousness | Burden |
Opulent | Wealthy |
Ostentatious | Showy |
Palimpsest | Manuscript with erased writing |
Palliate | Alleviate |
Panacea | Universal remedy |
Paradigm | Model |
Paradigmatic | Representing a model |
Paradoxical | Contradictory |
Paragon | Model of excellence |
Parsimonious | Stingy |
Parsimoniousness | Stinginess |
Parsimony | Frugality |
Penchant | Strong liking |
Penurious | Extremely poor |
Penuriousness | Extreme poverty |
Penury | Extreme poverty |
Perfidious | Treacherous |
Perfidiousness | Treachery |
Perfunctory | Done without care |
Pernicious | Harmful |
Perniciousness | Harmfulness |
Perspicacious | Insightful |
Perspicacity | Insight |
Perspicuity | Clarity |
Petulance | Irritability |
Petulant | Irritable |
Platitude | Cliché |
Plenitude | Abundance |
Precarious | Unstable |
Precariousness | Instability |
Predilection | Preference |
Prevaricate | Evade the truth |
Prolific | Productive |
Prolificacy | Productivity |
Prolificness | High productivity |
Propinquity | Closeness |
Propitious | Favorable |
Prosaic | Ordinary |
Puerile | Childish |
Pugnacious | Combative |
Pugnaciousness | Aggressiveness |
Querulous | Complaining |
Quixotic | Idealistic |
Quixotism | Idealism |
Rapacious | Greedy |
Rapaciousness | Greediness |
Rapacity | Greed |
Recalcitrance | Stubbornness |
Recalcitrant | Stubborn |
Recidivism | Repeated criminal behavior |
Redolence | Fragrance |
Redolent | Fragrant |
Refulgent | Shining brightly |
Reprehensibility | Blameworthiness |
Reprehensible | Blameworthy |
Reprobate | Unprincipled |
Resplendence | Brilliance |
Resplendent | Brilliant |
Reticence | Reserved |
Reticent | Reserved |
Sagacious | Wise |
Salient | Prominent |
Salubrious | Healthy |
Sanguine | Optimistic |
Sardonic | Mocking |
Sardonicism | Mockery |
Scintillate | Sparkle |
Scintillating | Sparkling |
Scintillation | Sparkle |
Sycophancy | Flattery |
Sycophant | Flatterer |
Sycophantic | Flattering |
Taciturn | Silent |
Taciturnity | Silence |
Tantamount | Equivalent |
Tenacious | Persistent |
Tenebrous | Dark |
Timorous | Fearful |
Trepidation | Anxiety |
Ubiquitous | Everywhere |
Ubiquitousness | State of being everywhere |
Ubiquity | Omnipresence |
Umbrage | Offense |
Unctuous | Oily |
Unctuousness | Oily quality |
Vehemence | Intensity |
Vehement | Passionate |
Veracity | Truthfulness |
Verbose | Wordy |
Verdant | Green |
Verisimilitude | Appearance of truth |
Vicarious | Experienced through another |
Vicissitude | Change in circumstances |
Vilify | Defame |
Visceral | Deep emotional |
Vitriolic | Bitterly critical |
Vituperate | Verbally abuse |
Volatile | Unstable |
Volatility | Unstable nature |
Welter | Chaos |
Xenophobe | One who dislikes foreigners |
Zealot | Fanatic |
Zealotry | Excessive zeal |
Zealousness | Enthusiasm |
Infographics (Vocabulary words for IELTS with Meanings)
Download this list of
1000 Vocabulary words for IELTS in PDF (Download HERE)
Some Premium Tips For IELTS vocabulary!
How can I improve my IELTS vocabulary?
Follow these tips to Improve your IELTS Vocabulary:
- Make a good timetable for your study, and learn 10 new important IELTS words every day.
- Your first focus is making your own dictionary, putting new words into your own dictionary, and revising them.
- You must practice the new words in your friend’s circle.
- Try to write something using new words that you learn every day.
- Have a significant focus on the IELTS speaking section.
How much vocabulary is enough for IELTS?
As an IELTS Vocabulary learner, you must have a collection of 6000 to 7000 most used vocabulary words. And be focused that these words cover every aspect of nature so that you can speak fluently about any topic.
How can I study for IELTS at home?
That’s the question of every second student preparing for IELTS, I will give you some good tips that will help you and even boost your IELTS preparation at home.
- Learn new vocabulary Words Daily (At Least 10)*
- Practice these words with your speaking partner or a friend.
- Buy Some Good Vocabulary books for IELTS.
- To Make your interest, do a bit of case study of some success.
- Do a bit of research on IELTS.
- Write your new Words in a book. (Save your Vocabulary Collection)
- Revise your vocabulary every day.
- Join an online IELTS Preparation Program *