Learn 20 Colleague Expressions in English

These expressions are used to describe relationships, interactions, and situations among colleagues at the workplace.

Colleague Expressions

  1. Get along with
    Meaning: Have a good relationship
    Example: I get along with my team members.
  2. Pitch in
    Meaning: Help with work or tasks
    Example: The team pitched in to meet deadlines.
  3. Bump into
    Meaning: Meet unexpectedly
    Example: I bumped into Sarah in the cafeteria.
  4. Hit it off
    Meaning: Immediately like each other
    Example: They hit it off from the start.
  5. Keep in the loop
    Meaning: Keep someone informed
    Example: I’ll keep you in the loop about the project.
  6. Rub elbows with
    Meaning: Socialize with influential people
    Example: He likes rubbing elbows with management.
  7. Pass the buck
    Meaning: Shift responsibility to others
    Example: He always tries to pass the buck.
  8. Burn the midnight oil
    Meaning: Work late into the night
    Example: She burned the midnight oil to finish it.
  9. Go the extra mile
    Meaning: Put in extra effort
    Example: John always goes the extra mile for clients.
  10. See eye to eye
    Meaning: Agree completely
    Example: We don’t see eye to eye on strategies.
  11. Talk shop
    Meaning: Discuss work-related matters
    Example: Even at parties, they talk shop.
  12. Work like a dog
    Meaning: Work very hard
    Example: She works like a dog on weekends.
  13. Climb the corporate ladder
    Meaning: Advance through promotions
    Example: He’s trying to climb the corporate ladder.
  14. Bend over backward
    Meaning: Do everything possible to help
    Example: She bent over backward to assist them.
  15. Play hardball
    Meaning: Be tough and ruthless
    Example: They started to play hardball in negotiations.
  16. Throw under the bus
    Meaning: Betray or sacrifice someone
    Example: He threw me under the bus to save himself.
  17. Pull strings
    Meaning: Use influence for advantage
    Example: She pulled strings to get him promoted.
  18. Get the ball rolling
    Meaning: Start something
    Example: Let’s get the ball rolling on this project.
  19. Knuckle down
    Meaning: Start working hard
    Example: It’s time to knuckle down and focus.
  20. Keep one’s nose to the grindstone
    Meaning: Stay focused and work hard
    Example: He kept his nose to the grindstone to meet the deadline.

colleague expressions