Phrasal verbs add dynamic flair to the English language, making expressions more vivid and conversational. Those incorporating the word “pop” are especially useful for their vivid imagery and versatility. Understanding these can enhance your speaking and writing, making it more relatable and engaging. Let’s explore some of the common phrasal verbs that utilize “pop.”
Here is the list of 20 Phrasal verbs with Pop:
- Pop off
- Pop up
- Pop in
- Pop out
- Pop over
- Pop down
- Pop along
- Pop back
- Pop on
- Pop under
- Pop into
- Pop across
- Pop round
- Pop through
- Pop by
- Pop for
- Pop out at
- Pop over to
- Pop off to
- Pop out from
Phrasal Verbs With Pop And Their Meanings
Pop off to
Meaning: To leave for a destination quickly.
Example: She popped off to the market this morning.
Pop off
Meaning: To speak abruptly or angrily.
Example: He has a tendency to pop off when he’s under stress.
Pop up
Meaning: To appear suddenly or unexpectedly.
Example: A notification just popped up on my screen.
Pop in
Meaning: To visit briefly.
Example: I might pop in to see how you’re doing later.
Pop out
Meaning: To go out for a short time.
Example: I’m just going to pop out to the store.
Pop over
Meaning: To come to someone’s place briefly.
Example: Why don’t you pop over after work?
Pop down
Meaning: To go down to a place quickly or briefly.
Example: Can you pop down to the basement and get the toolbox?
Pop along
Meaning: To go to a place or event.
Example: Are you going to pop along to the meeting?
Pop back
Meaning: To return to a place.
Example: I’ll pop back later to pick up my book.
Pop on
Meaning: To put on an item of clothing quickly.
Example: Just pop on a jacket before you go outside.
Pop under
Meaning: To place something under quickly.
Example: She popped the letter under the door as she left.
Pop into
Meaning: To enter a place for a brief visit.
Example: I need to pop into the office for a moment.
Pop across
Meaning: To go across to another place briefly.
Example: I’ll just pop across to the café for a coffee.
Pop round
Meaning: To visit someone’s house.
Example: Feel free to pop round anytime this weekend.
Pop through
Meaning: To pass something through a small opening.
Example: He popped the cable through the wall during the installation.
Pop by
Meaning: To visit briefly or informally.
Example: If you’re in the neighborhood, pop by for tea.
Pop for
Meaning: To go out briefly to get or do something.
Example: I’m going to pop for some fresh air.
Pop out at
Meaning: To be noticeable or prominent.
Example: Her bright style really pops out at these formal events.
Pop over to
Meaning: To visit a place briefly.
Example: Let’s pop over to Sarah’s place; it’s just around the corner.
Pop out from
Meaning: To emerge from a place.
Example: The cat popped out from under the sofa as soon as it heard the can opener.