Ex Prefix Words List with Examples

Have you ever noticed some English words start with “ex”? This little prefix can change a word’s meaning and make it super interesting! In this post, we’ll explore a bunch of “ex” words and see how they’re used with fun examples. It’s like going on a word treasure hunt where “ex” is our map. Whether you’re just starting to learn English or want to get even better, these words will add some cool tools to your language toolbox. Let’s dive in and uncover the secrets of “ex” words together!

Ex Prefix Words List

  1. Exact
  2. Examine
  3. Example
  4. Exceed
  5. Excavate
  6. Exchange
  7. Excite
  8. Exclaim
  9. Exclude
  10. Excuse
  11. Execute
  12. Exercise
  13. Exhaust
  14. Exhibit
  15. Exile
  16. Exist
  17. Exit
  18. Exotic
  19. Expand
  20. Expect
  21. Expel
  22. Experience
  23. Experiment
  24. Explain
  25. Explode
  26. Explore
  27. Export
  28. Expose
  29. Express
  30. Extract
  31. Extend
  32. External
  33. Extra
  34. Extravagant
  35. Extreme
  36. Exude
  37. Exult
  38. Exaggerate
  39. Exalt
  40. Examine
  41. Exasperate
  42. Excavate
  43. Excerpt
  44. Exchange
  45. Excise
  46. Exclaim
  47. Exclude
  48. Excrete
  49. Excursion
  50. Exemplify
  51. Exempt
  52. Exercise
  53. Exfoliate
  54. Exhale
  55. Exhibit
  56. Exhilarate
  57. Exhort
  58. Exhume
  59. Exile
  60. Exist
  61. Exorcise
  62. Exotic
  63. Expand
  64. Expatiate
  65. Expect
  66. Expedite
  67. Expel
  68. Expend
  69. Experience
  70. Expert
  71. Explicate
  72. Explode
  73. Exploit
  74. Explore
  75. Explode
  76. Expound
  77. Express
  78. Expropriate
  79. Expunge
  80. Exquisite
  81. Extend
  82. Exterior
  83. Exterminate
  84. Extinguish
  85. Extol
  86. Extract
  87. Extrapolate
  88. Extravaganza
  89. Extremist
  90. Extricate
  91. Exuberant
  92. Exudate
  93. Exultant
  94. Excommunicate
  95. Excoriate
  96. Exculpate
  97. Exemplar
  98. Exodus
  99. Exogenous
  100. Exorcist
  101. Exclave
  102. Extubate
  103. Exsanguine
  104. Ex-God
  105. Ex-Scientologist
  106. Ex-Beatle
  107. Exstipellate
  108. Ex-Convict
  109. Exurbanization
  110. Exacervation
  111. Exodontics
  112. Ex-Gay
  113. Excentric
  114. Extriangulated
  115. Excentral
  116. Exterritorial
  117. Exarticulate
  118. Exsorption
  119. Ex-Friend
  120. Exannulate
  121. Ex-Slave
  122. Exfetation
  123. Exodontist
  124. Exarticulation
  125. Ex-Stepdad
  126. Exauthorize
  127. Ex-Stepfather
  128. Exessive
  129. Exumbrella
  130. Excommune
  131. Excaudate
  132. Exstipulate
  133. Exarillate
  134. Exsolution
  135. Ex-Con
  136. Ex-Wife
  137. Ex-Girlfriend
  138. Ex-Husband
  139. Exaerobic
  140. Exscriptural
  141. Excenter
  142. Extenuating
  143. Exalbuminous
  144. Ex-Serviceman
  145. Exorbital
  146. Exosseous
  147. Explant
  148. Ex-President

Ex Prefix Words List

Ex Prefix Words with Examples

  1. Exaggerate: To exaggerate the size of the fish he caught, he spread his arms wide.
  2. Examine: The doctor decided to examine the patient more closely.
  3. Exceed: Her performance managed to exceed everyone’s expectations.
  4. Excavate: Archaeologists began to excavate the ancient site at dawn.
  5. Exclude: Please exclude nuts from the recipe due to allergies.
  6. Exhale: After a long run, she took a moment to exhale deeply.
  7. Exist: Many wonder if life exists on other planets.
  8. Expel: The student was expelled for breaking the school’s code of conduct.
  9. Expand: The company plans to expand its operations overseas.
  10. Expect: They expect the delivery to arrive by noon.
  11. Explore: The kids were excited to explore the cave.
  12. Express: He found it hard to express his feelings.
  13. Extract: The dentist had to extract a damaged tooth.
  14. Exile: The king was sent into exile after the revolution.
  15. Example: For example, you could use a chart to illustrate the point.
  16. Exempt: Small businesses are often exempt from certain taxes.
  17. Exercise: Regular exercise is key to a healthy lifestyle.
  18. Exhilarate: The roller coaster ride was both terrifying and exhilarating.
  19. Execute: The plan was executed flawlessly.
  20. Exhibit: The museum will exhibit paintings by the artist next month.
  21. Exotic: She had a collection of exotic plants in her greenhouse.
  22. Explode: The fireworks exploded in a dazzling array of colors.
  23. Excerpt: The excerpt from the novel piqued my interest.
  24. Exchange: They decided to exchange gifts on Christmas Eve.
  25. Excite: The news excited everyone in the village.
  26. Exclude: They decided to exclude dairy from their diet.
  27. Examine: The detective examined the evidence carefully.
  28. Exalt: The hero was exalted for his bravery.
  29. Exacerbate: Yelling only served to exacerbate the situation.
  30. Exasperate: His indecision began to exasperate her.
  31. Exemplify: This painting perfectly exemplifies the artist’s early style.
  32. Exorcise: The ritual aimed to exorcise the evil spirits from the house.
  33. Exonerate: New evidence served to exonerate the accused.
  34. Exorbitant: The prices at the boutique were exorbitant.
  35. Explicate: The professor took a moment to explicate the complex theory.
  36. Extemporize: Without his notes, he had to extemporize his speech.
  37. Extrapolate: Scientists can extrapolate data to predict future trends.
  38. Exude: He exudes confidence whenever he speaks.
  39. Exemplify: His dedication exemplifies the spirit of the team.
  40. Expunge: Efforts were made to expunge the outdated law from the books.
  41. Extend: They decided to extend the deadline by a week.
  42. Extinguish: The firefighters worked hard to extinguish the blaze.
  43. Extricate: It took hours to extricate the car from the mud.
  44. Exult: They exulted in their unexpected victory.
  45. Extrude: The machine extrudes plastic into various shapes.
  46. Exacerbate: Avoid foods that may exacerbate your allergies.
  47. Excel: She excels in mathematics and science.
  48. Exchange: An exchange of ideas took place at the meeting.

Prefixed with EX Words

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