Verb Preposition Combinations (Learn Verbs + Prepositions) List

Learning English can be fun, especially when we play with words like verbs and prepositions! These are like the building blocks of language, helping us to express what we do and where things happen. Imagine verbs as action heroes and prepositions as their trusty sidekicks, guiding us through the adventures of sentences. Whether you’re just starting or looking to brush up on your skills, let’s dive into the exciting world of verbs and prepositions together!

Verb Preposition Collocations

Verb + TO

  • Add to: Please add salt to the soup.
  • Adjust to: I need to adjust to the new schedule.
  • Admit to: He admitted to the mistake.
  • Appeal to: This music really appeals to me.
  • Belong to: That book belongs to Sarah.
  • Compare to: You can’t compare apples to oranges.
  • Get married to: They got married to each other last year.
  • Listen to: I love listening to classical music.
  • Reply to: Did you reply to his email?
  • Respond to: She responded quickly to the urgent request.
  • See to: I’ll see to the arrangements.
  • Speak to: Can you speak to the manager about this?
  • Subscribe to: I subscribed to a monthly magazine.
  • Sentence to: The judge sentenced him to five years in prison.
  • Talk to: I need to talk to you about something important.
  • Turn to: When in doubt, turn to the instructions.
  • Write to: I write to my pen pal every month.

Verb + ABOUT

  • Argue about: They always argue about money.
  • Boast about: He loves to boast about his achievements.
  • Care about: Do you care about the environment?
  • Concern about: The report raises concerns about safety.
  • Dream about: Last night, I dreamed about flying.
  • Forget about: Don’t forget about our meeting tomorrow.
  • Hear about: Did you hear about the new restaurant?
  • Joke about: We often joke about our high school days.
  • Know about: She knows a lot about art history.
  • Talk about: Let’s talk about your plans for the future.
  • Quarrel about: They had a quarrel about where to go on vacation.
  • Think about: Sometimes, I think about moving abroad.
  • Tell about: Can you tell me about your trip?
  • Worry about: There’s no need to worry about the details.
  • Write about: I’m planning to write about my experiences in a blog.
  • Warn about: She warned me about the slippery roads.

Verb + WITH

  • Agree with: I completely agree with your point of view.
  • Argue with: It’s useless to argue with him.
  • Begin with: Let’s begin with the basics.
  • Collide with: The car collided with a tree.
  • Compare with: How does this model compare with the older one?
  • Complete with: The picture is complete with a beautiful frame.
  • Concern with: This issue concerns with everyone in the community.
  • Charge with: He was charged with theft.
  • Help with: Can you help me with this task?
  • Interfere with: Don’t interfere with my work.
  • Meet with: I have to meet with the team tomorrow.
  • Present with: They presented him with a trophy.
  • Provide with: We were provided with all necessary equipment.
  • Quarrel with: I don’t want to quarrel with you.
  • Share with: I’d like to share this news with you.
  • Trust with: I trust you with this secret.

Verb + FOR

  • Account for: How do you account for this discrepancy?
  • Apply for: I applied for a new job yesterday.
  • Arrange for: We need to arrange for transportation.
  • Care for: She cares for the elderly in her job.
  • Pay for: Who will pay for the damages?
  • Pray for: People pray for peace.
  • Prepare for: You should prepare for the exam.
  • Praise for: He received praise for his hard work.
  • Provide for: It’s hard to provide for a large family.
  • Punish for: The child was punished for lying.
  • Room for: There’s no room for error in this project.
  • Search for: They’re searching for a new house.
  • Stand for: What does this acronym stand for?
  • Substitute for: Can we substitute honey for sugar in this recipe?
  • Thank for: I want to thank you for your help.
  • Use for: What is this tool used for?
  • Wait for: We waited for over an hour.

Verb + OF

  • Approve of: My parents approve of my decision.
  • Bilk out of: He was bilked out of his savings.
  • Compose of: The committee is composed of five members.
  • Conceive of: It’s hard to conceive of such a thing.
  • Consist of: The test consists of four sections.
  • Convict of: He was convicted of fraud.
  • Cure of: They found a cure of the disease.
  • Despair of: She despaired of ever finding her lost ring.
  • Dream of: I dream of becoming a pilot one day.
  • Get rid of: We need to get rid of old furniture.
  • Get tired of: I never get tired of this view.
  • Hear of: Have you ever heard of this author?
  • Hope of: There’s little hope of success.
  • Remind of: This song reminds me of my childhood.
  • Rob of: The thief robbed him of his wallet.
  • Suspect of: She was suspected of leaking the information.
  • Think of: What do you think of this idea?

Verb + ON

  • Agree on: We finally agreed on a date for the wedding.
  • Base on: The movie is based on a true story.
  • Be on: The lights are on in the office.
  • Blame on: Don’t blame the failure on me.
  • Comment on: Would you like to comment on the issue?
  • Concentrate on: It’s important to concentrate on your studies.
  • Congratulate on: I congratulated her on her promotion.
  • Count on: You can count on me.
  • Depend on: Success depends on hard work.
  • Elaborate on: Could you elaborate on that point?
  • Impose on: I don’t want to impose on your hospitality.
  • Insist on: She insists on perfection in everything.
  • Play on: The children are playing on the swings.
  • Pride on: He prides himself on his cooking skills.
  • Rely on: We rely on the internet for information.
  • Work on: I’m working on a new project.

Verb + AT

  • Aim at: Aim at the target when you shoot.
  • Arrive at: We arrived at the airport early.
  • Glance at: She glanced at her watch.
  • Guess at: It’s hard to guess at the outcome.
  • Hint at: Are you hinting at something?
  • Laugh at: It’s not nice to laugh at others.
  • Look at: Look at the beautiful sunset.
  • Marvel at: We marveled at the ancient ruins.
  • Peer at: She peered at the document closely.
  • Point at: Don’t point at people; it’s rude.
  • Smile at: He smiled at me warmly.
  • Stare at: Why are you staring at me?
  • Wink at: He winked at her playfully.

Verb + IN

  • Absorb in: She was totally absorbed in her book.
  • Arrive in: We will arrive in Paris in the morning.
  • Be engrossed in: He was engrossed in his work.
  • Believe in: I believe in being honest.
  • Confide in: You can confide in me.
  • Implicate in: He was implicated in the scandal.
  • Involve in: Are you involved in any sports?
  • Participate in: I want to participate in the competition.
  • Result in: Hard work results in success.
  • Specialize in: She specializes in pediatric medicine.
  • Succeed in: I hope to succeed in my endeavors.
  • Trust in: Trust in your abilities.

Verb Preposition Combinations

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