Vocabulary for IELTS! Here is the list of IELTS vocabulary words. These words are very helpful for preparation of IELTS exam. You can use these imortant and basic vocabulary words in your daily conversation and writings. Moreover you can DOWNLOAD PDF of vocabulary for IELTS list at the end.
Vocabulary for IELTS with Meanings
Vocabulary for IELTS list
Abbreviate | <<>> | Shorten |
Ability | <<>> | Skill |
Above | <<>> | Overhead |
Adamant | <<>> | Unyielding |
Aggressive | <<>> | Pushy |
Amateur | <<>> | Novice |
Antagonize | <<>> | Provoke |
Arrive | <<>> | Reach |
Ask | <<>> | Question |
Average | <<>> | Ordinary |
Backbone | <<>> | Spine |
Bad (not good) | <<>> | Poor |
Ballot | <<>> | Poll |
Ban | <<>> | Outlaw |
Barren | <<>> | Infertile |
Bashful | <<>> | Timid |
Beginning | <<>> | Initiate |
Believable | <<>> | Plausible |
Believe | <<>> | Trust |
Belly | <<>> | Stomach |
Below | <<>> | Under |
Bid | <<>> | Tender |
Bizarre | <<>> | Weird |
Blameless | <<>> | Innocent |
Brief | <<>> | Short |
Broad | <<>> | Wide |
Busy | <<>> | Working |
Buy | <<>> | Purchase |
Certain | <<>> | Positive |
Chubby | <<>> | Plump |
Close | <<>> | Near |
Close | <<>> | Shut |
Comprehend | <<>> | Understand |
Compress | <<>> | Squeeze |
Concrete | <<>> | Real |
Conflict | <<>> | Oppose |
Conflict | <<>> | Struggle |
Conform | <<>> | Submit |
Confuse | <<>> | Muddle |
Dally | <<>> | Loiter |
Dally | <<>> | Loiter |
Damage | <<>> | Impair |
Dangerous | <<>> | Unsafe |
Dash | <<>> | Sprint |
Dead | <<>> | Lifeless |
Decay | <<>> | Rot |
Deceptive | <<>> | Misleading |
Deduct | <<>> | Subtract |
Defend | <<>> | Protect |
Defy | <<>> | Resist |
Deliberate | <<>> | Planned |
Divide | <<>> | Separate |
Docile | <<>> | Tame |
Dormant | <<>> | Sleeping |
Dreadful | <<>> | Terrible |
Early | <<>> | Premature |
Easy | <<>> | Simple |
Eccentric | <<>> | Peculiar |
Ecstasy | <<>> | Joy |
Encourage | <<>> | Promote |
Enemy | <<>> | Opponent |
Enjoy | <<>> | Like |
Enormous | <<>> | Vast |
Enough | <<>> | Sufficient |
Entirely | <<>> | Wholly |
Especially | <<>> | Particularly |
Exactly | <<>> | Precisely |
Exceptional | <<>> | Remarkable |
Exhilarated | <<>> | Overjoyed |
Exterior | <<>> | Outside |
Fabulous | <<>> | Marvelous |
Fake | <<>> | Imitation |
Fantastic | <<>> | Incredible |
Fast | <<>> | Rapid |
Fatigue | <<>> | Tire |
Feasible | <<>> | Possible |
Feeble | <<>> | Weak |
Fill | <<>> | Load |
Fix | <<>> | Mend |
Flippant | <<>> | Impudent |
Fluid | <<>> | Liquid |
Follow | <<>> | Succeed |
Forbid | <<>> | Prohibit |
Forgive | <<>> | Pardon |
Former | <<>> | Previous |
Also Study: A to Z Vocabulary Words for IELTS
List of Vocabulary for IELTS
Fraction | <<>> | Part |
Gaudy | <<>> | Showy |
Gaunt | <<>> | Scrawny |
Generous | <<>> | Lavish |
Gentle | <<>> | Tender |
Genuine | <<>> | Real |
Gigantic | <<>> | Immense |
Gigantic | <<>> | Immense |
Gloomy | <<>> | Sullen |
Glorify | <<>> | Praise |
Gratitude | <<>> | Thankfulness |
Gratuity | <<>> | Tip |
Great | <<>> | Outstanding |
Grief | <<>> | Sorrow |
Handy | <<>> | Useful |
Handy | <<>> | Useful |
Hate | <<>> | Loathe |
Healthy | <<>> | Strong |
Heinous | <<>> | Monstrous |
Hesitate | <<>> | Pause |
Holy | <<>> | Religious |
Homeopathy | <<>> | Treatment method |
Hone | <<>> | Polish |
Honest | <<>> | Truthful |
Hospitable | <<>> | Welcoming |
Hot | <<>> | Warm |
Hue and cry | <<>> | Uproar |
Huge | <<>> | Vast |
Humble | <<>> | Modest |
Humid | <<>> | Wet |
Hydra | <<>> | Problem |
Hypothermia | <<>> | Low body temperature |
Idealist | <<>> | Romantic |
Ilk | <<>> | Type |
Imam | <<>> | Leader |
Impediment | <<>> | Obstruction |
Impending | <<>> | Imminent |
Impetuous | <<>> | Impulsive |
Impetus | <<>> | Momentum |
Impinge | <<>> | Intrude |
Implacable | <<>> | Pitiless |
Importune | <<>> | Pester |
Imprecation | <<>> | Malediction |
Impregnable | <<>> | Unassailable |
Improvise | <<>> | Manage |
Inanity | <<>> | Stupidity |
Incarnate | <<>> | Personified |
Incentive | <<>> | Inducement |
Incisive | <<>> | Keen |
Inculcate | <<>> | Instill |
Indigent | <<>> | Poor |
Ineradicable | <<>> | Permanent |
Inertia | <<>> | Inactivity |
Inquisition | <<>> | Inquiry |
Jackknife | <<>> | Pocket knife |
Jargon | <<>> | Slang, lingo |
Jejune | <<>> | Irreverent |
Jell | <<>> | Take shape |
Jeopardy | <<>> | Threat |
Jeremiad | <<>> | Tirade |
Jettison | <<>> | Throw away |
Jihad | <<>> | War |
Jingoism | <<>> | Patriotism |
Jubilant | <<>> | Overjoyed |
Judicial | <<>> | Legal |
Judicious | <<>> | Sensible |
Juncture | <<>> | Stage |
Junket | <<>> | Jaunt |
Junta | <<>> | Military rule |
Justify | <<>> | Validate |
Juxtapose | <<>> | Put together |
Kayak | <<>> | Outrigger |
Kelp | <<>> | Seaweed |
Kill | <<>> | Murder |
Kin | <<>> | Relative |
Kindergarten | <<>> | Nursery |
King | <<>> | Ruler |
Kit | <<>> | Tools |
Knell | <<>> | Sound |
Know | <<>> | Recognize |
Kunzite | <<>> | Transparent hem |
Lacking | <<>> | Missing |
Leading | <<>> | Main |
List of IELTS Vocabulary
Legible | <<>> | Readable |
Legitimate | <<>> | Valid |
Lenient | <<>> | Lax |
Ligament | <<>> | Tendon |
Lipid | <<>> | Oils |
Lissome | <<>> | Lithe |
Listless | <<>> | Lethargic |
Litter | <<>> | Waste |
Logical | <<>> | Sensible |
Long | <<>> | Lengthy |
Loose | <<>> | Slack |
Magnum | <<>> | Large bottle |
Maneuver | <<>> | Tactic |
Manifestation | <<>> | Symptom |
Maverick | <<>> | Unconventional |
Mean | <<>> | Represent |
Medley | <<>> | Mixture |
Memento | <<>> | Keepsake |
Mentor | <<>> | Teacher |
Metabolism | <<>> | Reactions |
Militate | <<>> | Oppose |
Minatory | <<>> | Menacing |
Mirth | <<>> | Laughter |
Misanthropy | <<>> | Unfriendliness |
Monolithic | <<>> | Monumental |
Montage | <<>> | Mixture |
Mosaic | <<>> | Montage |
Mosey | <<>> | Stroll |
Myriad | <<>> | Numberless |
Nadir | <<>> | Pit |
Napkin | <<>> | Serviette |
Nary | <<>> | Neither |
Nee | <<>> | Need |
Neutral | <<>> | Impartial |
New | <<>> | Modern |
Nexus | <<>> | Link |
Nice | <<>> | Pleasing |
Niche | <<>> | Role |
Nobility | <<>> | The aristocracy |
Non sequitur | <<>> | Response |
Nonchalant | <<>> | Lackadaisical |
Noon | <<>> | Midday |
Normal | <<>> | Usual |
Nugatory | <<>> | Worthless |
Numerous | <<>> | Many |
Obdurate | <<>> | Stubborn |
Object | <<>> | Thing |
Oblique | <<>> | Indirect |
Oblivious | <<>> | Unconscious |
Obnoxious | <<>> | Repulsive |
Obsolete | <<>> | Out of date |
Obstinate | <<>> | Stubborn |
Odd | <<>> | Peculiar |
Off-season | <<>> | Low season |
Ominous | <<>> | Menacing |
Opaque | <<>> | Solid |
Opaque | <<>> | Unclear |
Open | <<>> | Originate |
Optional | <<>> | Voluntary |
Ordinary | <<>> | Usual |
Outrageous | <<>> | Shocking |
Passive | <<>> | Yielding |
Past | <<>> | Preceding |
Patience | <<>> | Perseverance |
Permanent | <<>> | Lasting |
Perpetual | <<>> | Incessant |
Persuade | <<>> | Influence |
Plausible | <<>> | Logical |
Portion | <<>> | Piece |
Possible | <<>> | Plausible |
Precarious | <<>> | Shaky |
Precious | <<>> | Prized |
Prejudiced | <<>> | Influenced |
Preserve | <<>> | Save |
Prevalent | <<>> | Widespread |
Probable | <<>> | Liable |
Prompt | <<>> | Punctual |
Prosperous | <<>> | Thriving |
Quacking | <<>> | Shake |
Quadriceps | <<>> | Muscle of thigh |
Quaestor | <<>> | Officer |
Quaffs | <<>> | Slurp |
Quagmire | <<>> | Swamp |
Quails | <<>> | Shrink |
Quake | <<>> | Tremble |
Quartz | <<>> | Mineral |
Queasy | <<>> | Sick |
Vocabulary words for IELTS
Queen | <<>> | Royalty |
Queries | <<>> | Interrogation |
Quests | <<>> | Search |
Queue | <<>> | Row |
Quicker | <<>> | Quicker |
Quiet | <<>> | Peaceful |
Quiet | <<>> | Silent |
Quietly | <<>> | Quietly |
Quintessential | <<>> | Model |
Quit | <<>> | Withdraw |
Quoted | <<>> | Repeat |
Radiant | <<>> | Joyful |
Rakish | <<>> | Stylish |
Rapport | <<>> | Link |
Raze | <<>> | Ruin |
Recapitulate | <<>> | Repeat |
Reciprocal | <<>> | Inverse |
Reclamation | <<>> | Retrieval |
Rectify | <<>> | Put right |
Rectify | <<>> | Put right |
Regime | <<>> | Rule, |
Renege | <<>> | Revoke |
Renovate | <<>> | Modernize |
Resonance | <<>> | Timbre |
Restitution | <<>> | Reimbursement |
Resuscitate | <<>> | Save |
Riff | <<>> | Jazz |
Robust | <<>> | Strong |
Sagacity | <<>> | Prudence |
Sagacity | <<>> | Prudence |
Sampler | <<>> | Needle work |
Sanctity | <<>> | Sacredness |
Sanguine | <<>> | Positive |
Sarong | <<>> | Miniskirt |
Satiate | <<>> | Slake |
Satire | <<>> | Lampoon |
Scam | <<>> | Swindle |
Sceptic | <<>> | Skeptic |
Scruple | <<>> | Regret |
Scuttle | <<>> | Spoil |
Sec | <<>> | Second |
Segment | <<>> | Slice |
Seminary | <<>> | Institution |
Taboo | <<>> | Unthinkable |
Tactile | <<>> | Perceptible |
Tchotchkes | <<>> | Trifle |
Telepathy | <<>> | Sixth sense |
Therapeutic | <<>> | Remedial |
Thrive | <<>> | Prosper |
Titan | <<>> | Reputation |
To deduce | <<>> | To infer |
To establish | <<>> | To set up |
To evaluate | <<>> | To assess |
To grab | <<>> | To seize |
To grouse | <<>> | To grumble |
To narrate | <<>> | To relate |
To nominate | <<>> | To appoint |
To operate | <<>> | To function |
Torpid | <<>> | Lazy |
Tranquil | <<>> | Restful |
Transient | <<>> | Passing |
Transmute | <<>> | Transform |
Treacly | <<>> | Syrupy |
Triage | <<>> | Sorting |
Trilogy | <<>> | Triplet |
Trundle | <<>> | Push |
Unbiased | <<>> | Impartial |
Undergird | <<>> | Support |
Undulate | <<>> | Wavy |
Undulating | <<>> | Rolling |
Unearth | <<>> | Locate |
Uneducated | <<>> | Unlettered |
Unregenerate | <<>> | Obstinate |
Untimely | <<>> | Inopportune |
Untouchable | <<>> | Unpronounceable |
Untoward | <<>> | Untoward |
Untried | <<>> | New |
Upbringing | <<>> | Rearing |
Upchuck | <<>> | Sick |
Update | <<>> | Modify |
Upend | <<>> | Position |
Upset | <<>> | Perturb |
Urbane | <<>> | Stylish |
Urgent | <<>> | Imperative |
Vague | <<>> | Unclear |
Vale | <<>> | Valley |
IELTS vocabulary list
Vanquish | <<>> | Subdue |
Vegetate | <<>> | Stagnate |
Vendetta | <<>> | Revenge |
Venerable | <<>> | Revered |
Venomous | <<>> | Lethal |
Verve | <<>> | Vigor |
Viability | <<>> | Possibility |
Vicious | <<>> | Malicious |
Victory | <<>> | Success |
Virago | <<>> | Strong woman |
Virulent | <<>> | Potent |
Vista | <<>> | View |
Vituperative | <<>> | Scathing |
Vociferous | <<>> | Raucous |
Wadi | <<>> | Stream |
Walk | <<>> | Stroll |
Wan | <<>> | Pale |
Weary | <<>> | Lethargic |
Well mannered | <<>> | Polite |
Well timed | <<>> | Timely |
Whiplash | <<>> | Lash of whip |
Wholehearted | <<>> | Sincere |
Wild | <<>> | Reckless |
Win | <<>> | Prevail |
Win | <<>> | Succeed |
Winner | <<>> | Victor |
Wise | <<>> | Smart |
Woman | <<>> | Lady |
Wonderful | <<>> | Splendid |
Worn | <<>> | Old |
Write | <<>> | Record |
Wrong | <<>> | Mistaken |
Wry | <<>> | Misdirecting |
Xanadu | <<>> | Luxury |
Xanthate | <<>> | Salt |
Xanthe | <<>> | Termagant |
Xanthic | <<>> | Light |
Xanthic | <<>> | Yellowish |
Xanthippe | <<>> | Termagant |
Xanthoma | <<>> | Skin disease |
X-Division | <<>> | Separation |
Xenogeny | <<>> | Tocology |
Xenografts | <<>> | Transplant |
Xenophobia | <<>> | Social phobia |
Xiphoid | <<>> | Sword-shaped |
Xylems | <<>> | Woody plant |
Xyloid | <<>> | Wooden |
Xyloid | <<>> | Woody |
Xylol | <<>> | Solvent |
Xylophones | <<>> | Percussion instrument |
Xylose | <<>> | Sugar |
Yachter | <<>> | Jack |
Yack | <<>> | Prattle |
Yearbook | <<>> | Record |
Yell at | <<>> | Scold |
Yesterday | <<>> | Last day |
Yodel | <<>> | Sing |
Z score | <<>> | Standard score |
Zaftig | <<>> | Rubenesque |
Zaman | <<>> | Monkey pod |
Zander | <<>> | Pike-perch |
Zebra crossing | <<>> | Pedestrian crossing |
Zeitgeisty | <<>> | Trendy |
Zeppelin | <<>> | Rigid airship |
Zero in | <<>> | Range in |
Zero point | <<>> | Nothing |
Zilch | <<>> | Nil |
Zillion | <<>> | Ordinal |
Zinc vitriol | <<>> | White vitriol |
Zip | <<>> | Postal code |
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