Adjectives followed by prepositions are a common grammatical structure in English where a specific preposition directly follows an adjective.
This combination often forms a fixed expression with a particular meaning. The preposition that follows an adjective is not random; it is determined by convention and usage in the English language.
These combinations are essential for constructing sentences that sound natural and are grammatically correct. Here are Some Common Adjectives followed by prepositions:
Afraid of | Amazed at/by | Angry with/at |
Anxious about | Ashamed of | Aware of |
Bad at | Capable of | Careful with/about |
Cautious of | Certain about/of | Confident in/of |
Content with | Crazy about | Curious about |
Delighted with/at/by | Dependent on | Different from |
Disappointed in/with/at/by | Disgusted with/at/by | Excited about |
Famous for | Fond of | Frightened of/by |
Good at | Grateful for/to | Guilty of |
Happy about/with | Interested in | Jealous of |
Keen on | Kind to | Mad about/at |
Nervous about/of | Obsessed with | Pleased with/about |
Prepared for | Proud of | Ready for |
Responsible for | Sad about | Sad about/for |
Scared of | Sorry for/about | Surprised at/by |
Suspicious of | Tired of | Upset about/with |
Upset with/about | Worried about |
List of Adjectives Followed by Prepositions
Here is an A to Z list of adjectives followed by prepositions:
Accustomed to | Acquainted with | Addicted to |
Adequate for | Admired for | Adored by |
Afraid for | Aggravated by | Aggressive towards |
Agreeable to | Alarmed at/by | Alien to |
Aligned with | Allergic to | Amenable to |
Amused by | Angry about | Animated by |
Annoyed with/at/by | Antagonistic towards | Anxious for |
Appalled by/at | Appropriate for | Apt at |
Ashamed about | Asleep on | Astonished at/by |
Attached to | Attentive to | Attracted to |
Authentic in | Averse to | Awful at |
Awkward at | Balanced with | Baffled by |
Barred from | Bashful about | Beneficial to |
Bent on | Bereft of | Besotted with |
Blissful about | Boastful about | Bold in |
Bored with/by | Bound for/to | Brave in |
Brilliant at | Brutal to | Bubbly with |
Buoyant about | Burdened with | Calm about |
Candid about | Capable of | Careless with/about |
Cautious about | Charmed by | Cheerful about |
Chilled about | Clueless about | Coherent in |
Comfortable with | Committed to | Compatible with |
Competent at/in | Competitive in | Complacent about |
Complete with | Compliant with | Concerned about/for |
Confident about | Conflicted about | Confrontational about |
Connected to | Conscious of | Consistent with |
Contented with | Contrary to | Contrite for |
Convenient for | Cool towards | Cooperative with |
Crazy for | Creative in | Critical of |
Cruel to | Curious about | Cynical about |
Deadly at | Defiant of | Delicate with |
Delighted about | Demanding of | Dependent upon |
Derisive of | Desperate for | Detached from |
Determined by | Devoted to | Different from/to |
Difficult for | Diligent in | Disappointed about |
Disastrous for | Discouraged by | Disenchanted with |
Disgusted at | Disillusioned with | Dismissive of |
Displeased with | Disposed to | Distant from |
Distinct from | Distracted by | Distressed by |
Disturbed by | Dominant in | Doubtful about |
Dreamy about | Eager for | Easy on |
Ecstatic about | Effective in | Efficient in |
Elated about | Eminent in | Emotional about |
Empathetic towards | Encouraged by | Engaged in |
Enraged by | Enthusiastic about | Envious of |
Equal to | Equipped for | Equivalent to |
Excited by | Exempt from | Exhausted by |
Exhilarated by | Expectant of | Experienced in |
Expert at/in | Exposed to | Extravagant with |
Faithful to | Familiar with | Fantastic at |
Fascinated by | Fearful of | Fed up with |
Fervent about | Fickle about | Fierce about |
Finicky about | Firm on | Fixed on |
Fluent in | Foolish about | Forgetful of |
Forgiving of | Fortunate to | Free from |
Frenzied about | Friendly towards | Frightened by |
Frustrated with/by | Full of | Furious about |
Generous with | Gentle with | Genuine in |
Gifted at | Glad about | Gleeful about |
Glum about | Gracious about | Greedy for |
Guarded about | Guilty about | Handy at |
Happy for | Hard on | Harmful to |
Harsh on | Hasty in | Healthy for |
Heedful of | Helpful to | Hesitant about |
High on | Honest about | Hopeful for |
Horrible at | Hostile towards | Humble about |
Humorous about | Hungry for | Ignorant of |
Imitative of | Impartial to | Impatient with |
Imperative to | Impressed by/with | Imprisoned for |
Inclined towards | Incompetent at | Inconsistent with |
Indebted to | Independent of | Indifferent to |
Indignant about | Industrious at | Ineffective at |
Inept at | Infatuated with | Inferior to |
Inflamed by | Influential in | Informative about |
Infuriated by | Inhibited by | Innate in |
Innocent of | Inquisitive about | Insensitive to |
Insightful about | Insistent on | Inspired by |
Insulted by | Intended for | Intent on |
Interested by | Intermittent with | Intimate with |
Intoxicated by | Intrigued by | Involved in |
Irrelevant to | Irritated by | Isolated from |
Jealous about | Jittery about | Joyful about |
Jubilant about | Keen about | Lacking in |
Lamentable for | Late for | Lavish with |
Lazy about | Lean on | Lethal to |
Liable for/to | Liberated from | Limited to |
Lively in | Livid about | Logical in |
Lonely without | Long for | Loyal to |
Lucky to | Lyrical about | Mad with |
Magnificent at | Malicious towards | Maniacal about |
Mannerly towards | Marvelous at | Masterful at |
Mature in | Mean to | Meek in |
Mellow about | Merciful to | Merry about |
Meticulous about | Mindful of | Miserable about |
Mistaken about | Mixed up in | Modest about |
Mortified by | Motivated by | Moved by |
Muddled about | Naive about | Nasty to |
Neat with | Necessary for | Needed for |
Neglectful of | Nervous around | Neutral about |
Nice to | Nifty at | Nostalgic for |
Noted for | Notorious for | Numb to |
Obligated to | Obscure to | Observant of |
Obsessed about | Obsolete in | Obstinate about |
Obstructive to | Occupied with | Offended by |
Open about | Open to | Opposed to |
Optimistic about | Orderly in | Organized for |
Outraged by | Outstanding in | Overwhelmed by |
Passionate about | Patient with | Peaceful about |
Peculiar to | Perceptive about | Perfect for |
Permissive of | Pertinent to | Pessimistic about |
Petty about | Phenomenal at | Picky about |
Pleased for | Poised for | Polite to |
Popular with | Positive about | Possessive of |
Practical in | Precise about | Predominant in |
Prejudiced against | Prepared to | Present at |
Pressured by | Prestigious in | Prevalent in |
Prevented from | Principled in | Privy to |
Productive in | Proficient at/in | Profitable for |
Profound in | Prolific in | Prominent in |
Prone to | Proper for | Protective of |
Proud about | Provocative to | Prudent in |
Punctual for | Puzzled by | Qualified for |
Quarrelsome with | Quick at | Quiet about |
Quirky in | Radiant about | Rapt in |
Rare in | Rash in | Rational about |
Ready to | Realistic about | Reassured by |
Receptive to | Reckless with | Recognized for |
Reclusive from | Reflective about | Regretful for |
Related to | Relaxed about | Relevant to |
Reliant on | Relieved by | Reminiscent of |
Renowned for | Repelled by | Repentant for |
Replete with | Reprimanded for | Required for |
Resentful of | Reserved for | Resigned to |
Resilient to | Resistant to | Resolute in |
Resourceful in | Respectful of | Responsible to |
Responsive to | Restless about | Restrained from |
Restricted to | Reverent towards | Revolted by |
Rich in | Ridiculous to | Right about |
Rigid in | Risky for | Romantic about |
Rude to | Ruthless in | Safe from |
Sanguine about | Sarcastic about | Satisfied with |
Savvy about | Scandalous for | Scarce in |
Scornful of | Secluded from | Secretive about |
Secure in | Sedentary in | Selective about |
Selfish about | Sensitive to | Sentimental about |
Serene in | Serious about | Severe on |
Shaken by | Sharp in | Shattered by |
Shy about | Sick of | Silly about |
Sincere about | Skeptical of | Skilled in/at |
Slack in | Sleek in | Slick at |
Slighted by | Sloppy with | Slow at |
Sly about | Smart about | Smitten with |
Smooth in | Snappy about | Snug in |
Sober about | Sociable with | Soft on |
Solemn about | Solid in | Sore about |
Sorry to | Sought after by | Sound in |
Sour about | Spacious for | Sparse in |
Special to | Specific about | Spectacular at |
Spellbound by | Spiteful towards | Splendid in |
Spontaneous in | Spotless in | Sprightly in |
Stabilized by | Stale in | Startled by |
Steady in | Stern with | Sticky about |
Stimulated by | Stingy with | Stoic about |
Strange to | Strict about | Strident about |
Striking in | Strong in | Stumped by |
Stunned by | Stupendous at | Sturdy in |
Stylish in | Subject to | Submissive to |
Subsequent to | Substantial in | Subtle about |
Suitable for | Sulky about | Superb at |
Superior to | Supportive of | Sure about |
Surprised by | Susceptible to | Sweet on |
Swift at | Sympathetic to | Talented in |
Tame in | Tantalized by | Tardy in |
Tasteful in | Tearful about | Technical in |
Tempted by | Tender towards | Tense about |
Terrible at | Terrific at | Thankful for |
Thirsty for | Thoughtful about | Thrilled by |
Tight with | Timid about | Tolerant of |
Touched by | Tough on | Tragic for |
Tranquil in | Transparent about | Traumatized by |
Treasured by | Tremendous at | Tricky with |
Troubled by | True to | Trustful of |
Trusting in | Truthful about | Tuned in to |
Unaffected by | Unaware of | Uncomfortable with |
Unconcerned about | Undecided about | Understanding of |
Uneasy about | Unequal to | Unfamiliar with |
Unhappy about | Unique to | United in |
Unjust to | Unknown to | Unlikely to |
Unprepared for | Unresponsive to | Unsuitable for |
Unsympathetic to | Unwilling to | Upbeat about |
Useful for | Vague about | Vain about |
Valid in | Valuable to | Variable in |
Vast in | Veiled in | Vengeful towards |
Versatile in | Vested in | Vibrant in |
Vicious towards | Victorious in | Vigilant about |
Vigorous in | Vindictive towards | Violent towards |
Virtuous in | Vocal about | Vulnerable to |
Warm towards | Wary of | Wasteful with |
Watchful of | Weak in | Wealthy in |
Weary of | Weird about | Welcoming to |
Well-versed in | Whimsical about | Wicked at |
Wild about | Willing to | Wise in |
Wistful about | Witty in | Wonderful at |
Worrisome to | Worthwhile for | Worthy of |
Wrathful towards | Wretched about | Wrong about |
Yielding to | Zealous for | Zestful for |
Adjectives Followed by Prepositions Examples
- Accustomed to: She quickly became accustomed to the new work environment.
- Addicted to: He was addicted to online gaming.
- Adjacent to: Our house is adjacent to a beautiful park.
- Afraid of: The child was afraid of the dark.
- Aggravated by: She was aggravated by the constant noise.
- Agitated by: He was agitated by the delay in the meeting.
- Alarmed at: We were alarmed at the sudden rise in temperature.
- Amazed at: She was amazed at the magician’s skill.
- Amused by: The audience was amused by the comedian’s jokes.
- Angry with: He was angry with his friend for not calling.
- Annoyed at: She was annoyed at having to wait so long.
- Anxious about: They were anxious about the exam results.
- Appalled by: The community was appalled by the destruction.
- Appreciative of: He was appreciative of the help he received.
- Ashamed of: She felt ashamed of her earlier overreaction.
- Associated with: This symptom is associated with a rare illness.
- Astonished at: The tourists were astonished at the ancient ruins.
- Attached to: The dog became very attached to its new owner.
- Attentive to: The teacher was attentive to her students’ needs.
- Aware of: She was fully aware of the risks involved.
- Awkward at: He felt awkward at social gatherings.
- Bad at: I’m really bad at remembering names.
- Bewildered by: The foreigner was bewildered by the local customs.
- Bored with: He got bored with the same daily routine.
- Bothered by: She was not bothered by the criticisms.
- Capable of: Humans are capable of incredible feats.
- Careful with: Be careful with the fragile items.
- Certain about: She was certain about her decision to move.
- Charmed by: The guests were charmed by her hospitality.
- Close to: He is close to his sister.
- Comfortable with: She felt comfortable with the new team.
- Committed to: The company is committed to sustainable practices.
- Compatible with: This software is compatible with all operating systems.
- Concerned about: Parents are often concerned about their children’s future.
- Confident in: He is confident in his abilities.
- Conscious of: She’s very conscious of her health.
- Content with: He was content with the simple things in life.
- Crazy about: She’s crazy about classical music.
- Curious about: The child was curious about everything.
- Delighted with: They were delighted with the wedding gifts.
- Dependent on: The baby is dependent on its parents.
- Different from: This approach is different from the usual.
- Disappointed in: He was disappointed in the movie.
- Disgusted with: She was disgusted with the state of the room.
- Dressed in: The children were dressed in costumes.
- Eager for: She was eager for the adventure to begin.
- Eligible for: He is eligible for the scholarship.
- Envious of: She was envious of her friend’s success.
- Excited about: They were excited about the trip.
- Experienced in: She is experienced in graphic design.
- Famous for: Italy is famous for its cuisine.
- Fascinated by: He was fascinated by ancient history.
- Fond of: She is very fond of her pets.
- Frightened of: She is frightened of heights.
- Full of: The room was full of laughter.
- Good at: He’s good at solving complex problems.
- Grateful for: We are grateful for your support.
- Guilty of: He was found guilty of the crime.
- Happy about: They were happy about the new arrival.
- Hopeful of: I’m hopeful of finding a solution.
- Impressed with: She was impressed with his dedication.
- Infatuated with: He was infatuated with the celebrity.
- Interested in: Are you interested in learning French?
- Involved in: She was involved in the community project.
- Jealous of: He was jealous of his brother’s achievements.
- Keen on: She’s keen on learning new languages.
- Kind to: It’s important to be kind to others.
- Known for: This region is known for its wine.
- Mad about: She’s mad about the new TV series.
- Married to: He is married to a doctor.
- Nervous about: She was nervous about her job interview.
- Obscured by: The view was obscured by fog.
- Obsessed with: He’s obsessed with collecting rare coins.
- Opposed to: She is opposed to the new policy.
- Overwhelmed by: He felt overwhelmed by the workload.
- Pleased with: The manager was pleased with the team’s performance.
- Prepared for: Are you prepared for the exam?
- Proud of: She is proud of her achievements.
- Qualified for: He is qualified for the position.
- Ready for: Are you ready for the challenge?
- Reasonable about: He was reasonable about the negotiations.
- Responsible for: She is responsible for the project’s success.
- Sad about: They were sad about the farewell.
- Satisfied with: I am satisfied with the results.
- Scared of: She’s scared of spiders.
- Shocked at: They were shocked at the news.
- Sick of: I’m sick of this weather.
- Skilled at: She’s skilled at playing the violin.
- Sorry for: I am sorry for your loss.
- Successful in: He’s been successful in his career.
- Suitable for: This movie is suitable for all ages.
- Surprised at: She was surprised at the gift.
- Suspicious of: I’m suspicious of his motives.
- Thrilled with: He was thrilled with his new car.
- Tired of: She’s tired of the same routine.
- Upset about: He was upset about the misunderstanding.
- Useful for: This tool is useful for many purposes.
- Wary of: Be wary of strangers.
- Worried about: She’s worried about her exams.
- Wrong about: You were wrong about the weather forecast.
Must Learn:
- Verbs Followed by Infinitives
- List of Prepositional Phrases
- Verbs followed by Gerund
- Common Mistakes in English Grammar
Download List of Adjectives Followed by Preposition PDF (Download Here)