English Speaking

Idiomatic Ways to Talk about PARENTING Copy

20 Idiomatic Ways to Talk about PARENTING in English

Parenting can be challenging and rewarding, often requiring unique expressions to describe the journey. Here are 20 idiomatic ways to talk about parenting in English, each with a brief meaning and an example sentence to enhance your understanding. 1. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree Meaning: Children resemble their parents Example: Look at […]

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Phrases to Use for Giving Opinions Copy

40 Phrases to Use for Giving Opinions in English

Expressing your opinions clearly and effectively is essential in both personal and professional communication. Whether in conversations, meetings, or writing, the right phrases can help you articulate your thoughts confidently. Here are 40 useful phrases to help you give your opinions with ease and precision. Phrases to Use for Giving Opinions In my opinion, …

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Words and Phrases to Use for Sequencing Ideas Copy

20 Words and Phrases to Use for Sequencing Ideas

Organizing your ideas clearly is essential for effective communication. Here are 20 words and phrases to help you sequence your thoughts seamlessly in writing or speech. 1. Furthermore Meaning: Additionally Example: Furthermore, we need more data for analysis. 2. At last/lastly Meaning: Finally Example: Lastly, we can conclude the project. 3. The former, … the

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Difference Between SAY, TELL, SPEAK, & TALK!

Navigating the English language involves understanding the subtle distinctions between similar verbs. “Say,” “tell,” “speak,” and “talk” often confuse learners because they all relate to communication. This post will clarify these verbs’ meanings and usage through definitions and practical examples. Definitions Say: Used to express words or thoughts verbally, often without specifying the listener. Tell:

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How to Ask for & Give Clarification in English Copy

How to Ask for & Give Clarification in English?

Navigating conversations in English can be challenging, especially when you need to ensure understanding. Whether you’re asking for clarification or providing it, mastering these phrases can enhance your communication skills, making interactions smoother and more effective for ESL students. Phrases for Asking for Clarification Could you explain that again, please? What do you mean by

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Phrases Used to Make, Accept, and Rejecting Suggestions Copy

Phrases Used to Make, Accept, and Rejecting Suggestions

Navigating through conversations often involves making, accepting, or rejecting suggestions. For ESL students, mastering these phrases can greatly enhance communication skills in English. This blog post will introduce you to key phrases that you can use in various scenarios to communicate your ideas more effectively. Phrases to Make Suggestions How about we try… What if

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Houseworks Copy

How to Talk about Housework in English (With Pictures)!

Discussing housework is essential for daily communication, especially for ESL students learning English. Here are key phrases to master. 1. Do The Cooking Meaning: Prepare food Example: She does the cooking every evening after work. 2. Set The Table Meaning: Arrange tableware Example: Can you set the table before dinner starts? 3. Take Out The

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