Phrasal Verbs with Take

Phrasal verbs using “take” are incredibly versatile and common in English. They help convey a variety of actions, from acquiring and accepting to understanding and enduring. Mastering these expressions will enrich your language skills and allow you to speak and write with greater fluency. Let’s explore some of the essential phrasal verbs that incorporate “take.”

Here is the list of 20 Phrasal verbs with Take:

  1. Take after
  2. Take apart
  3. Take away
  4. Take back
  5. Take down
  6. Take in
  7. Take off
  8. Take on
  9. Take out
  10. Take over
  11. Take through
  12. Take up
  13. Take to
  14. Take from
  15. Take across
  16. Take along
  17. Take around
  18. Take aside
  19. Take before
  20. Take against

Phrasal Verbs With Take And Their Meanings

Take before

Meaning: To consider or deal with before other things.

Example: We need to take this issue before the committee.

Take after

Meaning: To resemble a family member.

Example: He really takes after his father in looks and temperament.

Take apart

Meaning: To disassemble something.

Example: He took the clock apart to see what was wrong with it.

Take away

Meaning: To remove something from a place; to deduce a fact or lesson.

Example: What do you take away from this experience?

Take back

Meaning: To retract something said or to return something to its place.

Example: I take back what I said earlier; it was inappropriate.

Take down

Meaning: To record in writing; to dismantle.

Example: Could you take down the minutes of the meeting?

Take in

Meaning: To absorb information; to deceive; to include a view or area.

Example: The lecture was interesting, but there was too much information to take in at once.

Take off

Meaning: To begin to succeed; to leave the ground (as in an airplane); to remove something.

Example: Her business really took off after the first year.

Take on

Meaning: To accept a responsibility or challenge; to employ.

Example: She decided to take on the new project despite her busy schedule.

Take out

Meaning: To remove something from a place; to obtain an official document or service.

Example: He took out a loan to buy a new car.

Take over

Meaning: To assume control or responsibility.

Example: The new manager took over the operations last Monday.

Take through

Meaning: To guide someone through a process or a place.

Example: Let me take you through the steps of the installation.

Take up

Meaning: To begin a new hobby or challenge; to occupy space or time.

Example: She took up painting during the lockdown.

Take to

Meaning: To develop a liking for something or someone.

Example: He quickly took to his new school.

Take from

Meaning: To reduce something’s presence or value.

Example: This mistake should not take from the overall success of the project.

Take across

Meaning: To help someone understand or move from one side to another.

Example: I will take you across the complexities of the regulation.

Take along

Meaning: To bring someone or something with oneself.

Example: Don’t forget to take along your umbrella—it looks like rain.

Take around

Meaning: To show someone around a place.

Example: I’ll take you around the city when you visit.

Take aside

Meaning: To talk to someone privately.

Example: He took her aside to discuss the matter without interruptions.

Take against

Meaning: To develop a dislike or negative feeling towards something.

Example: She has taken against the idea after hearing the risks involved.

Phrasal Verbs with Take