Learn to Make Polite Requests in English!

Making polite requests is essential for effective communication in English. This post will guide you through 40 short phrases that you can use to ask for something politely, ensuring your interactions are courteous and respectful.

How to Make Polite Requests in English?

To make polite requests in English, use softening phrases like “Could you,” “Would you mind,” or “May I.” Adding “please” shows respect, and framing your request as a question rather than a command helps maintain politeness. Express gratitude in advance with phrases like “I would appreciate it if…

Explore more phrases to make polite requests:

  1. Could I please have…?
  2. Would you mind…?
  3. Is it possible to…?
  4. May I request…?
  5. Would it be possible for you to…?
  6. Could you possibly…?
  7. I wonder if you could…?
  8. May I please…?
  9. Can I ask you to…?
  10. Would you be so kind as to…?
  11. Could you please…?
  12. I would appreciate it if you could…
  13. Do you think you could…?
  14. It would help me a lot if you could…
  15. Can you please…?
  16. Is there any chance you could…?
  17. May I kindly ask for…?
  18. Could I trouble you to…?
  19. Would you consider…?
  20. I’d be grateful if you could…
  21. Might I request…?
  22. Could I ask for your assistance with…?
  23. Is it alright if I…?
  24. Could you kindly…?
  25. I would be thankful if you could…
  26. May I suggest that we…?
  27. Could you please consider…?
  28. Would you please be able to…?
  29. Is it feasible for you to…?
  30. Would you be willing to…?
  31. I need a little help with…, could you?
  32. Can I persuade you to…?
  33. Would it inconvenience you to…?
  34. I was hoping you could…
  35. May I have your help with…?
  36. Could you lend me a hand with…?
  37. It would mean a lot if you could…
  38. Can I count on you to…?
  39. Would you do me the favor of…?
  40. Could I ask you for a favor?

Make Polite Requests